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Author Topic: Vultee VENGEANCE  (Read 571 times)

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« on: September 01, 2020, 05:51:29 PM »

I'd like to request Vultee Vengeance skins for Gio's mod https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,41680.msg468669.html#msg468669
There are some skins available and the best, I think, are by Ont_R.  However IMO, the Tan/light brown color is too dark.  I hope that someone could make some skins that better match colors in photos. 

My primary request is for RAF in Burma.  There are some photos of a/c with codes but many a/c did not have codes.

In Burma, SEAC blue/white roundels were first used in mid-1943.  Skins with these roundels will be most used.

I'd also like to have skins with (normal RAF) roundels used before mid-1943.

In my searching of the internet I have found some Vengeance photos and uploaded them in a folder:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/ohyzcn8myk1cj54/Vultee+VENGEANCE+photos.zip/file
(Included are some RAAF photos and some of "Dina Might.")

http://www.adf-messageboard.com.au/invboard/uploads/post-6-1538356036.jpg (note no underwing roundels).

RAAF skins are a secondary request.
Links to Dina Might photos:  https://hamfisted-modeller.blogspot.com/2016/07/camden-museum-of-aviation-visit-2013.html

Link to Kalgoorlie Vengeances:  http://www.goodall.com.au/australian-aviation/kalgoorlie-vengeances/kalgoorlievengeances.html

other RAAF: 

Here's a PDF that can be downloaded with some good Vengeance information and color photos:
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