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Author Topic: ALPHA TEST - WW1 units added to game  (Read 12244 times)

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ALPHA TEST - WW1 units added to game
« on: September 11, 2020, 08:21:09 AM »

Hi mates!

As I'm slowly back to a normal working life....even if the COVID may have delayed it still a bit....


....I'm starting a project that involve the WW1 age....a westfront campaign from early 1915 to the war end!

Actually I'm collecting info about the involved air service (RFC , AdA , Belgian , USA and Germany) and atm I got all the necessary data about their units....

So the first step I plan is to add each air service and it's relative units to the game....

In the next weeks....as I proceed with this work I'll update you....and possibly I'll ask also for help and welcomed suggestions!

In the mean time....cheers to all and....FINGER CROSSED!!!


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2020, 08:43:52 AM »

Nice to see you again...  ;)
If your results do not live up to your expectations, tell yourself that the great oak was once an acorn too. - Lao Zi -


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2020, 11:26:55 AM »

Nice to see you again...  ;)

Hi my dear old friend!

I hope that all is good as before!

Is nice to be again here!


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2020, 11:28:55 AM »

Just wondering....is better an update of the forgotten countries stile mod we have actually....or since the specific era involved a dedicated stand alone set of nations and squadrons?


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2020, 08:16:34 AM »

Just wondering....is better an update of the forgotten countries stile mod we have actually....or since the specific era involved a dedicated stand alone set of nations and squadrons?

Choice defined:

This mod 'll be DOF dedicated only....

Acyually I have  almost complete information for my West Front 15/18 campaign (in early stages of development) about air services of:

Great Britain
The few USA and Italian Squadron involved in the Flanders/Somme area....

Not planned atm Austro-Hungarian and Italian units....but if someone have the desire and the historical sources and informations about their units....those can be added....you can contact me as I'll ask for beta tester in the next future and start a specific collaboration.

The same for other minor nations....not planned but not excluded....as before after the beta test is ready....




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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2020, 12:09:57 PM »


List of nation reduced to:




Great Britain (RFC & RNAS)

All named with their old air service name.....ex:
Corpo Aereo Militare for Italy
AĆ©ronautique Militaire for France
Royal Australian Flying Corps for Australia
Luftstreitkrafte for Germany

And so on....

Do you think that I have to add other countries for this aviation age?

You have some days to think about while I'm doing the their historical squadrons....

Cheers to all!


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2020, 01:46:56 AM »

Do you think that I have to add other countries for this aviation age?

The one that everyone always forgets: Japan.

Also of possible relevance: Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Blue Russia


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2020, 05:34:43 AM »

Hi mate!

From my research:

- Japan air service was active with only with a couple of planes (iirc Taube) during the siege of Tsingtao.... cohesive air units had their down after 1920....I'll search better!

- For the others I'll search for information about their activity on WW1 operations and composition.... I'll update soon!


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2020, 10:35:59 AM »

- Japan air service was active with only with a couple of planes (iirc Taube) during the siege of Tsingtao.... cohesive air units had their down after 1920....I'll search better!

This is backwards. Japan was deploying Farmans against Tsingtao, the Germans had two Taube there. Tsingtao is very relevant in terms of first historical air battles.
Look the other air forces up on Wikipedia (the air forces specifically) you can find a lot on these pages. Take the 1919-1920 timeframe as well for Tukey/Greece and for the Carinthian conflict.

You asked for possible expansion, I gave you my ideas :)


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2020, 12:15:08 PM »

Yes....Farmans....the Taube was on German side....

Japan will be added for sure on red side....

IJN Air Service units up to 1926 are ready....now I search for IJA Air Corps....

Also Serbia 'll be added as usable in the balkans WW1 operations....

And after Bulgaria Greece and....if you explain me who was blue russia....too....


Serbia added with 3 unit
Bulgaria added with 2 unit

I have cleared all the 'modern' units and I plan to reprganize the text .ini and .properties files to allow a more simple units/nations management and switch....maybe useful also for fix and develop the other 3 BAT ages....


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2020, 12:41:48 AM »

I am sorry but no chance such a revision will become BAT standard

I can telly you why: Backwards mission and campaign compatibility.
Any upgrade that will delete what's currently listed in BAT will not get adopted for that reason alone.

Stand alone everyone can do what they want, however, BAT serves as a platform and needs to maintain compatibility as much as possible.
We strained this to the braeaking point already (for my taste)  with the loadout repairs but there was a clear technical necessity.

It's becoming an issue sometimes with 3do modifications as well that render years of skinning work null and void for the gain of a more accurate radiator diameter.

Don't get me wrong. as a stand alone effort this is good and nice, but if you take out existing material with the chance of breaking mission playability, you must be aware of what that means.

If you however decide to retain all the current material and simply add differently named ones, the picture may change.


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Re: WIP : WW1 units added to game
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2020, 09:36:13 AM »

I know about compatibility issue and I'm looking at them in the development.....

My first task is to keep my work at least fully compatible with the QMB functions and to avoid issue of my work with each specific mission inside.....

I specify that actually this work is a starting point for my planned WW1 Westfront Campaign and.....as each BAT module is almost indipendent from each other I can add a mod that....even if used as stand alone can add a more historically correct units selections....

Atm I understand how the game manage the QMB in relation with the units selections.....and my first test reveal that initial issues are solved.....

I keep the other modders works in high and assolute respect and I'll keep this work as little invasive possible.....
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