Well done! Now, to some suggestions

If you could search for the remaining 4 missing named Squadrons of Grupul Escadrilie 1 , 2 and 4 I'll add them by name too
The squadrons of Grupul 1 Escadrile were named Escadrila 'Farman' and Escadrila 'Voisin'. You can probably guess what were the main airplanes used by those squadrons

The other squadrons weren't named.
As a side note here, the term is "Escadrile" (Squadrons), not "Escadrilie". You've accidently slipped an additional "i" in there. Another note here, Grupul Aeronautic 'Basarabean' is the same as Grupul 4 Aeronautic. Just that it seems that it was mostly referred to as the "Grupul Aeronautic Basarabean".
Now suggestions for the ranks:
0 Caporal
1 Sergent
2 Plutonier
3 Plutonier Major
4 Sublocotenent
5 Locotenent
6 Capitan
I've removed the ranks of Sergeant Major and Plutonier Major Sef as they didn't exist (you can check this article for the WW1 Romanian Army ranks
https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proiect:Rom%C3%A2nia_%C3%AEn_Primul_R%C4%83zboi_Mondial/Nomenclator_de_denumiri#Armata_Rom%C3%A2niei). I've added the rank of Caporal (Corporal) to fill the list and kept all ranks with their Romanian name version.
Suggestions for the awards:
0 Medal for "Barbatie si Credinta"
1 Military Virtue Medal
2 Cross of Faithful Service 2nd Class
3 Cross of Faithful Service 1nd Class
4 Order of the Crown of Romania Knight Class
5 Order of the Star of Romania Knight Class
6 Order of the Crown of Romania Officer Class
7 Order of Michael the Brave 3rd Class
I've however kept the Cross of Faithful Service with two of its classes to fill the gap between the Military Virtue and the Crown of Romania and I've also kept the Officer Class of the Crown of Romania (which is above the Knight Class of the Star of Romania). Michael the Brave 3rd Class was the highest award a soldier could receive. Kept all the names here in English, except for the Medal for "Barbatie si Credinta" (
https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medalia_pentru_b%C4%83rb%C4%83%C8%9Bie_%C8%99i_credin%C8%9B%C4%83) but you could translate it to Medal for Manhood and Faith if you want.
And finally...
ATM I plan to add in the future the Dgen files for Italy and Romania but I have to search for better images for pilots because (as you can see in my work) I prefere to keep the portrait the most uniform possible and actually I have not enough portrait of similar fashion to realize all the 32 images needed
If you can send me an example of what images you need, I'll see how I can help.