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Author Topic: How to edit Nightshifters Spit XIV template please?  (Read 1579 times)

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Re: How to edit Nightshifters Spit XIV template please?
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2020, 05:12:06 AM »

Hi Eric,

Found a cool Book that has some definite outlook on the most precious parts on the upper
Wings. Atleast the area of the Wing Bulges. But that's all, the rest of the Wing is still guesswork at my side. Profiles you can literally all go stuck in a bin, even in this Publication, every Profile
I had my hands on is fairey tale Guess work and some 180° a different Spit.

I found a few of these 21, 22, 24 being interned by RAF in UK, you don't have to happen more pictures or access to them, a bottle of Scotch to deal with the Guards, while you take the pictures of the Wings, underside panels and upperside. I asked aunt Google, but all I get is cool profile Shots, with no panel lines visible. Walkarounds I found no one that could be of use.
Any detailed snippet, a Wing in the barn of your neighbour or good Walkarounds could help me, I'm trying to give my best and wanna make it attractive.

Have a nice Day
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Re: How to edit Nightshifters Spit XIV template please?
« Reply #13 on: October 20, 2020, 05:28:07 AM »

Hey Tobi,

The overall look of the Mk.21 as we know WAS for me the final version of the true look of the Spitfire. The only change really was a change of wing shape and extension of the control surfaces such as the rudder and elevators, the 22 and 24, for me was most changes as I've said due to the increased torque from the bigger engine and prop.

It's a shame that not much information and clear images of the 21 exist. The ones that do is VERY limited which is sad, mind you with the RAF changing to jet's in this period most focus was on them rather than the dying piston types. I mean granted the Spitfire XVIIIe surged through until the mid 50's in Malaya but by that time the jet age was well underway and developers wanted to kiss goodbye to the piston demons as quick as possible, I mean by 1950 the RAF was altogether outfitted with jets and the Spitfire was pushed on the backburner.

Granted the Spitfire development went further with the Spiteful and Seafang but as I said by that time piston power was done by then and the Spitfire F.24 was retired in 1955/56 quite quickly but the F.21 had a small service record and had no occupation or fights against German fighters towards the end of the war as the XIV/XIVe was doing that job perfectly. With what I've confirmed from research was that the Spitfire F.21 did sink a midget sub but that was it, she never engaged a fighter such as the Ta-152, Fw-190D-9 and of course the Bf-109K-4 which I feel she may have done well against.

Back to the template you're working on, I can reflect on the struggle seeing as I have the limited spec of the Hunter template which vampire donated to me with good grace and as you may have seen I've been working to enhance it's detail as well as make the aircraft look good in terms of authenticity. There's no question mate we're in the same boat, having to make things from scratch is not easy let alone having something which has 6 layers to work with whereas now she has about 15/20 layers of markings and real pieces from pictures and profiles of the type and that's all we both have to go on.

I do hope that these projects both on your side and mine will be successful and I am confident we will prevail.

Godbless mate and keep going!

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