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Author Topic: B.A.T. v4.1 "BLUE EDGE" - The DOF/TGA/JTW extension  (Read 95081 times)

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B.A.T. v4.1 "BLUE EDGE" - The DOF/TGA/JTW extension
« on: October 05, 2020, 11:17:10 AM »

B.A.T. v4.1 "BLUE EDGE" - The DOF/TGA/JTW extension

BAT 4.1 is an extension that installs on top of BAT 4.0, it includes all previous DOF, TGA & JTW content, from v1.0 up to v3.8.5.
  • DOF - Dawn of Flight: 1909 - 1919, covers all that's WW1
  • TGA - The Golden Age: Interwar period, including the Spanish Civil War and China War
  • JTW - The Jet Age: Modern jet action. Korea, Vietnam, Middle East and beyond

You can use all the 400+ maps and all the 7000+ objects in all era modules alike!



You must have a working BAT 4.0

Download BAT 4.1 "BLUE EDGE" (25GB)

Download the 7 zips and the installer.

BAT-v4.1_01.zip | BAT-v4.1_02.zip | BAT-v4.1_03.zip | BAT-v4.1_04.zip
BAT-v4.1_05.zip | BAT-v4.1_06.zip | BAT-v4.1_07.zip

BAT 4.1 Installer: BAT-v4.1_Installer.exe
Installer Mirror: BAT v4.1 BLUE EDGE Installer.exe

Alternatively, use the torrent:

BAT 4.1 Torrent: BAT-v4.1.torrent

Install BAT 4.1

Place the zips and the installer in the same location and run the installer. Point it to your BAT 4.0 folder.

Warning! The installer will delete the folders below and replace them with new content:
#DOF3, #TGA3, #JTW3,
BAT01, BAT01B, BAT02, BAT02B, BAT04, BAT04B

If the installation is successful you can launch BAT from the IL-2 Selector.

Congratulations, you now have a working BAT 4.1.

Keep your BAT 4.1 updated

- Check if there are more expansions or patches
- Check the Missions and Campaigns section for more content
- Did you get the Single Mission Community Packs and the BAT Skin Collection?

Special thanks:
B.A.T. Master Monty27 for inventing this pack in the first place
Storebror for being the technical mastermind that he is.
Whistler for putting together BAT v4.0/4.1
Everyone who ever contributed to BAT - that is you modders out there, each and every one of you.


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Re: B.A.T. v4.1 "BLUE EDGE" - The DOF/TGA/JTW extension
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2020, 11:17:39 AM »

Here's a list of aircraft which are able to tow glider or targets in BAT WAW

From stock game:
C-47 and all DC-3 variants

BAT specific as of 3.8
Lysander TT  (intended for aerial target)
TBD-1          (intended for aerial target)
A-25 Shrike  (intended for aerial target)
Ki-46 Recce  (intended for aerial target)
Caproni 210  (intended for aerial target)

BAT specific as of 3.8.2
Avro Lancaster III    (intended for Hamilcar)
Short Stirling III      (intended for Hamilcar)
Whitley V                (inteded for Horsa)
Ju-52 3m4g            (inteded for DFS-230)

BAT specific as of 3.8.3 (intended for the new Banners) 
Fleet Fawn
Letov 328
Travel Air 4000 family
Tiger Moth

Letov 328
Tiger Moth
(A)T-6 Texan

Meteor F.8
T-6 Texan
Cessna 172

These aircraft can pull any target/glider. The "intended" is just a suggestion.
Remember to set low loads/fuel and set reasonable speeds, particularly with weaker aircraft. You can't pull a Hamilcar at 400 km/h, it will break loose. IRL it was towed at ~250 km/h. Also keep in mind, the tug must be able to maintain altitude and speed or AI will cut the towing item lose to save itself.



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Re: B.A.T. v4.1 "BLUE EDGE" - The DOF/TGA/JTW extension
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2020, 09:17:22 AM »

Well my expirement is finished; created a complete new game from the my home made DVD with 4.12.2 + BAT 4.0 and 4.1. All worked well, installation was very easy. Only hick-up was the twelve (12) hour download of BAT-v4.1_06 while other, just as big files took about 45 minutes! But that's beyond the control of the SAs team. Another big thank you for these guys.  ]salut[

O, I forgot to mention saving 130Gb on previous install files.


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Re: B.A.T. v4.1 "BLUE EDGE" - The DOF/TGA/JTW extension
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2020, 08:20:08 AM »

Thanks to all involved, the new 4.0/4.1 is most welcome and has a neat
handling in terms of simplification. Well done on this
Keep up the good work

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Re: B.A.T. v4.1 "BLUE EDGE" - The DOF/TGA/JTW extension
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2020, 07:44:59 PM »

Why does the 4.1   here contain 7 part but the 4.1 in the 3.8 to 4.1  only has 4 parts?


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Re: B.A.T. v4.1 "BLUE EDGE" - The DOF/TGA/JTW extension
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2020, 08:28:56 PM »

Why does the 4.1   here contain 7 part but the 4.1 in the 3.8 to 4.1  only has 4 parts?

The 4.1 update to 4.0 contains all DOF, TGA, and JTW content all over again, because 4.0 doesn't have any DOF, TGA, or JTW content. The 3.8.x to 4.1 update only contains the content that's changed, because the rest is already there in 3.8.
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Re: B.A.T. v4.1 "BLUE EDGE" - The DOF/TGA/JTW extension
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2020, 02:29:19 AM »

So what happened to all the previous parts of BAT? are they all gone, Because I need to download the previous parts on my new pc.


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Re: B.A.T. v4.1 "BLUE EDGE" - The DOF/TGA/JTW extension
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2020, 02:37:26 AM »

Because I need to download the previous parts on my new pc.

No you don't :)

If you had so much as bothered to read the posts for BAT v4.0 and BAT v.4.1 you'd know all there is to know.
These two packs replace everything that was there before.


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Re: B.A.T. v4.1 "BLUE EDGE" - The DOF/TGA/JTW extension
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2020, 10:13:40 AM »

4.0/4.1 is like the Tardis of Il-2 1946 BAT. It looks too small on the outside to contain all that went before.

But when you enter, it's all just there - plus some additional stuff!

Kudos to everyone involved in rationalising everything into this install. It's a great foundation to build on for years to come.



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Re: B.A.T. v4.1 "BLUE EDGE" - The DOF/TGA/JTW extension
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2020, 12:55:34 PM »

Good afternoon, gentlemen. I'm having some problems with the Blue Edge installer...

I've tried to run as admin, I turned off the antivirus, but the same message showed up.... Also, "Acesso Negado" means access denied..
Does anyone know what's happening??


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Re: B.A.T. v4.1 "BLUE EDGE" - The DOF/TGA/JTW extension
« Reply #10 on: October 31, 2020, 08:56:48 PM »

Thanks, Paulo!

I just found out that my antivirus removed parts from the zip. 07. It didn't matter turning off the antivirus after he already removed the files...
So I downloaded part 07 alone, replaced the old one and turned off the antivirus right from the start. And yeah, it worked.

But thank you for the post, I really appreciated the help. o/


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Re: B.A.T. v4.1 "BLUE EDGE" - The DOF/TGA/JTW extension
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2021, 07:42:18 AM »

I have installed BAT4.1 .Some planes(mig2-3,A-6...) of JTW skin plainting cannot be displayed.
F16,F14,F18 can't be used.
Is there any way to fix it?
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