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Author Topic: The Spark and The 2nd Sun Single Missions  (Read 3265 times)

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The Spark and The 2nd Sun Single Missions
« on: October 06, 2020, 05:35:16 AM »

Hello everyone. I'm proud to present these 2 single missions that originally were requested by CaptainKoloth in the following thread: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,64397.0.html
As i scrolled trough the SAS forum (thing that i do every day) i noticed that CaptainKoloth was asking if missions with his specifications and nukes ever existed. I turned up and started to build for him these 2 very special missions. Making those 2 missions was a real challenge, since the missions had special requirements that needed to be met and required additional work due to the nukes. Unfortunately the same long-delays that hampered my other project were still present and i wasted a lot of time. But, as soon as they eased a bit, i got back to work and finished both of them. Originally these were made only for him, but he persuaded me to make them public and free to use by everyone.
So give a special Thank You to CaptainKoloth for this release.



Special thanks to all the B.A.T. Team and all the modders who, in all these years, gave us so much new content for this beautiful
game. My most sincere thank you to all of you, you guys did an amazing job over the years.

Of course a big thank you also to CaptainKoloth, not only for the support he gave me during the making of these missions but also for his patience towards me and my life delays.
I hope you and everyone else enjoys these missions as much as i did building them.

Another big thank you to the map-makers who made this project possible: VPmedia - Berlin Autumn, agracier & Kapteeni - Karelia Summer
For the skins, a major thank you also goes to: Highlander_262, wasted,=[US]=Grant, DGS 2011, PeterD, Matwei, F22-Raptor-2006, AVSIM, STU

PLEASE, if you see your skin or perhaps one you know who belongs to, and it's not in the credits list, contact me via PM on SAS forum
and i'll fix immidiately the credits list. I did a long search to find all the names of the authors but some skins are without the author
name, some are unretrivable and some have been in my game for so long i forgot who made them.
So please, if you see one of your personal skin or one you know who made it, CONTACT ME TO POINT WHICH SKIN BELOGS TO WHO.

And in the end, THANK YOU to all SAS and community.

Mission pack additional info:

Mission lenght: Although the 2 missions have the same objective, they differ in concept. Mainly about the infiltration method used to get to the target. "The Spark" last an average of 30 minutes whereas "The 2nd Sun" lasts longer (into the 40-50 mins) but it may vary. In both there will be the following routine: infiltration/strike/RTB. I managed to simulate the time required to infiltrate Soviet territory with some "travel time" between take-off/spawn and AO. The travel time was strictly monitored and configured with FMB to avoid hour-long travel or boring travels. In any case, in this time you can admire your plane or plan your strategy.

Walkthrough readmes: i made a readme for each mission with all the info you might need when playing. As the name says, if you have some questions about a section of a mission you might want to read them first since i spent a lot of time doing them.

Suggested auxiliary mods: there are a few auxiliary mods i have installed in my game that are not obligatory, but strongly suggested to enjoy the best experience possible when flying. Each mod is listed in the "Installation" readme inside the missions.

Installing everything: there are 2 readmes present in each mission. The "Installation" readme contains all information regarding the correct installation of the Mission, Skins and the suggested auxiliary mods, while the other contains all the credits.

These single missions have originally been released in response to CaptainKoloth requests, IF i will do more missions of this type, i will upload this thread to accomodate the latest ones.

IMPORTANT: please give me some feedback on these missions. As i said in the 1st part of this page, this is a dedicated work for a private request and now that it's public surely has many areas where it can improve. Your feedback is crucial in deciding what to do next. You can either write your opinion in the comments or via PM reporting any bug you may find and your opinion of my work.
I can, in the future, also make more Single missions for your requests. I am very happy if you send me your requests/wishes for future missions, and if i don't have personal things to do, i will build a mission with your specifications and include them in this page!


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Re: The Spark and The 2nd Sun Single Missions
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2022, 07:44:25 AM »

Hi, link seems to be broken, something is wrong with mediafire....  :(


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Re: The Spark and The 2nd Sun Single Missions
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2022, 08:07:08 AM »

Same here. Getting the "Something appears to be missing" message. Shucks.  ;)
A ya tsi-tsalagi.


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Re: The Spark and The 2nd Sun Single Missions
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2022, 08:25:00 AM »

Hey thanks for the heads up guys. I'll fix it ASAP

Sorry for the issue  ;)


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Re: The Spark and The 2nd Sun Single Missions
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2022, 08:54:03 AM »

Hi everybody...

Would it be possible to repair the links? They are not working. Thanks.  :)


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Re: The Spark and The 2nd Sun Single Missions
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2022, 05:28:59 AM »

Hi guys!
Sorry for not being online for a long time, but i'm full of stuff to do. Hopefully i'll be free soon.  :)
I'll update the links today! Thanks for the patience hal5000, EHood and Chess100


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Re: The Spark and The 2nd Sun Single Missions
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2022, 07:11:23 AM »

Guys i finally updated the download link! Sorry for all the delay and thank you for you patience  :)
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