RESERVED for WAW-specific UQMG Releases and Hot Fixes
(UPDATE 02 March 2021: Update 004 Released, Download below and Scroll past Main Install to for instructions.)UQMG SUPER UPGRADE 0019 BAT WAW 4.0.0 Red Core / 4.1.0 Blue Edge (RCBE)============================================================================
NOTE: This is an update to UQMG Classic. The instructions are for a clean Install. If not you will need it before you proceed with the BAT WAW upgrade.
WARNING: Read first before jumping the gun.DOWNLOADS (Do not install until you download everything):
IMPORTANT NOTE: IT IS ALWAYS BEST TO RUN UQMG IN ADMIN MODE. It decreases the chances of something going wrong. You will not be able to launch IL-2 1946 / BAT from UQMG (a new feature in Update 003) unless you start UQMG in Admin mode, however if you do not start it in Admin mode, you will be still able to switch focus to IL-2 if it's running.Install Core UQMG:
- Unzip Core Installation in a temp directory
- Note: I highly recommend you install UQMG in a Flash Drive or Solid State Drive due to its heavy file processing
- Run Setup.exe (Choose non-protected Windows folder like "G:\UberQuickPF")
- Wait for installation to end.
- When you start it the first time, it will have to run a WinZip executable called fb100.exe, run it, because that will install the scripts and initialization files. It may be behind the UQMG dialog, so make sure you run it.
- You will be asked to restart a few times to configure things
- Finally, point UQMG to the location of your BAT installation (and select the il2fb.exe file so UQMG knows where it is)
- Now re-start, and run UQMG before installing any updates
- Click on "Create Mission Now" button, it will generate a simple empty mission with one plane, the reason for that is for UQMG to place its files in the BAT file infrastructure (Specifically the Missions Directory).
- Depending on complexity of mission, this can take several seconds to a minute (if you have a mission with saturated objects and 80+ planes)
- If you want you can start BAT WAW and go to the "Single" folder (not the Single(modules) folders)
- There make sure you pick Country "None" and you can look for a "(Play UberQuick Mission)" Mission
- Read the instructions in there for generating other missions
- Note you will have 3 versions of the mission: One Single, one Coop, and one Dogfight... neat huh? (And by the way the Coop and Dogfight mission versions are also placed in the correct locations... they are ready to play.)
- Close UQMG
All inclusive Upgrade #19 with Update 003 (Includes BAT WAW)
- Copy the zip file to the location you installed UQMG
- unzip it in the UQMG directory and overwrite everything (use the Unzip here option, make sure it does not install to another new folder)
- Start UQMG and click "Create Mission Now"
- Close UQMG
- Start JSGME and install "#modBATWAWComplete003" from it
- Close JSGME
- Start UQMG and click "Create Mission Now"
Keep Reading for Easy Latest Update Instructions Below!!!
Your JSGME should look something like this:

And your UQMG installation directory should look something like this:

Playing BAT WAW Upgrade the first time
In UQMG Help->Display Version Information you should see:

- Start UQMG, you now have the new engine (version 6.2.5) with new aircraft, countries, etc
- You are now in the BAT WAW version of UQMG, it is completely separate from the previous version (you can switch between versions)
- Did you notice the "File" menu? Select the "Open UQMG Mission Data File" option
- You will see several folders with 407 pre built missions in UQMG format that are ready to load and play (these are completely re-formatted to be compatible with the new BAT WAW syntax)
- Go to the "_beta_upgrd0018" folder and select "blu_(beta1.2)Re2002vsUKBase.uqmg"
- Note there was a folder there with some of the missions I created during testing
- Click Create Mission Now button... go and play... go back and try modifying that mission or create a new one, or go over the Tutorial (The UQMG Tutorial yellow button) if you are not familiar with UQMG
A word about Flight Groups in UQMG
- UQMG is much more powerful than QMB, partly due to its cloning engine
- You see what looks like 4 flights per team, but you have 4 flight groups
- Say you want 20 Fw-190s intercepting 42 B-17s... you can do that in a few seconds using only 2 flight groups
- Choose your model of Fw-190 and get 20 of them... could be 20 single planes (1 + 19 clones) or 10 pairs (2 + 9 pair clones) or 5 four-plane flights (1 + 4 flight clones)... simply use the cloning features in the Flight Editor
- Do the same with the B-17s... could be 14x 3-plane flights...
- NEW to this version: In the Flight Editor, you have an integrated Aircraft Viewer, so click on that button and the form expands to show you a picture of the plane.
Below are some pictures of a sample mission which show the new expanded Flight Editor view with the Aircraft Viewer:

NOTE: I am choosing to use Update vs. Hot Fix terminology because these are not fixing functionality per se, but are adding features, so they are like upgrades/updates.
UPGRADE 0019 Update 004 - 02 March 2021
=======================================UPGRADE 0019 Update 004 - 02 Mar 2020
What it includes:
* This must be installed over the Large Update 003. Updates beginning with this, 004 will be all-inclusive as long as they are installed over Update 003.
* Hot Fixes 001 and 002 updates
* UQMG Executable build 6.3.0 (previous update was at 6.2.5)
* Added support for all BAT WAW New planes and ground objects in 4.1.1
* Added missing flight editor viewer graphics from previous updates
* Better support for seaplanes and carrier operations (This took a lot of re-writing in the UQMG engine.)
* Amphibian aircraft such as the Seiran now are duplicated. The entry with "(Seaplane)" in text label gets handled as a seaplane. The one without it gets handled as a standard plane. This is important for runway and carrier operations. The Seiran, for example can use the I-400 submarine as a carrier.
* Mission Content
--- Located in the "save\_BATWAWRedCore" folder, access through UQMG File menu
--- 15 Red Missions using new features and/or 4.1.1 planes
--- 13 Blue Missions using new features and/or 4.1.1 planes
NOTE ABOUT LOAD/MISSION GENERATION TIME: SAS BAT includes an enormous amount of content. If UQMG seems to be not-responding, please be patient.
NOTE ABOUT Auto-Matching for Ground objects: I have to fix some files in the future especially when dealing with seplane ground objects, at times some seplane ground objects will be replaced with standard default planes, so to fix that you can designate a custom seaplane in the Ground Object Editor.
NOTE ABOUT EXISTING MISSIONS: If you created any new missions with custom ground objects, you will encounter errors and/or crash UQMG. Sorry.
* Support for Newer Versions
* Maps?
* Aircraft single mods?
* Who knows!!! Anything could happen now!!!
* You must install this over Update 003; if you have not updated UQMG with BAT super upgrade to Update 003, you need to do that first (scroll below for that under the update log below).
* Save your current UQMG mission file, if applicable (using File menu)
* Exit UQMG if it is running
* Unzip file in UQMG installation directory
* Use unzip here (make sure another folder is not created)
* Overwrite all files (although there should not be any overwrites)
* Start JSGME from UQMG installation directory
* Install the #modUpdate004, and overwrite everything
* Close JSGME
* Start UQMG and enjoy
* If at any point you get an error that you need to pick the BAT directory, do that. When you re-start, if it gives you the same mistake, click on Cancel and that should fix it.
================= MODIFICATION LOG BELOW ==========================
UPGRADE 0019 Update 003 - 24 Dec 2020
What it includes:
* Starting with Update 003 I will go back to only one upgrade at a time, no more multiple downloads
* Hot Fix 001 and 002 updates (Read about them in the change log below.)
* UQMG Executable build 6.2.5
* Added support for all BAT WAW Ground Objects in Ground Object Editor (Simple Map Template Substitutions)
--- Moving Armor/Tanks (including infantry)
--- Moving Vehicles (including infantry, cavalry, taxiing planes)
--- Moving Trains
--- Moving Ships
--- Static Artillery
--- Static Ships
--- Static Objects (includes everything which does not shoot, as well as C&C)
--- Buildings (used to remove racig pylons, but in this case all buildings/objects are available)
* Splash Screen Customization
--- 60 additional pictures edited by PO_MAK_249RIP
--- Select startup picture from existing 100 pictures (through 'Tools>Change Intro/Splash Screen' Menu option)
* Automatic Version Check for updates (requires Internet access)
* Ability to Launch IL-2 1946 / SAS BAT from UQMG, or swich application focus to IL-2 from UQMG
* Mission Content (as shown in,64283.msg719179.html#msg719179)
--- Located in the "save\_BATWAWRedCore" folder, access through UQMG File menu
--- Red & Blue versions of mission displayed in hyperlink above:
------ Red: Fly in ramjet F-51s to intercept German bombers
------ Blue: Fly bombing mission in Me-264 'Amerika Bomber'
------ Blue: Fly as an alien in a UFO helping the Nazis
* Previous existing UQMG missions updated to support new ground object names
* Ground object fixes for non-BAT template version of UQMG discovered during development
* Save your current UQMG mission file, if applicable (using File menu)
* Exit UQMG if it is running
* Unzip file in UQMG installation directory
* Use unzip here (make sure another folder is not created)
* Overwrite all files
* Start UQMG and generate one mission
* Exit UQMG
* Start JSGME from UQMG installation directory
* Install "#modBATWAWComplete003"
* Start UQMG and enjoy
* If at any point you get an error that you need to pick the BAT directory, do that. When you re-start, if it gives you the same mistake, click on Cancel and that should fix it.
UPGRADE 0019 Hot Fix 002 - 11 Nov 2020
What it includes:
* Hot Fix 001 updates (Except as noted)
* UQMG Executable build 6.2.1 (Many changes and improvements justifies jumping to 6.2)
* Updated GUI wording to reflect IL-1 1946 and BAT
* Direct links to SAS 1946 Home page and BAT Missions page (where updates to UQMG are posted) in the Help menu
* Mission Generation time cut by 2/3 of time for SP/Coop/DF (When checking the Hybrid DF Arena option)
* UQMM (Mission Manager) now fully supports BAT
* 100% Support for DF Hybrid Arenas within UQMG GUI
--- FMB no longer needed to modify UQMG mission
--- Support DF Arenas which allows support for dynamic/moving AI ground and
scripted AI planes (As in Single Player and Coop Mode)
--- This allows, through the use of wave features available to flight clones
for the creation of long lasting persistent arenas which can be played with
your friends online or by yourself (Creating a DF session).
--- You can hop into new planes for each team endlessly while there is a war with
fully operational aircraft flying and engaging each other as well as ground objects
* New Splash Screen:
--- Displays original picture or one of 40 random pictures edited by PO_MAK_249RIP
--- Includes pictures of different eras in anticipation of DOF/TGA/JTW support
--- Read here:,64283.msg716422.html#msg716422* New In Game Background Picture for UQMG (In "Single\NN" None country) and it works in BAT
--- Pictures will change when DOF/TGA/JTW support begins
* 2x New permanent plane sets:
--- USSR vs Finland 1941 is now a permanent set (removes Hot Fix 001 Custom Set)
--- New UK vs. Germany 1940 plane set (for Battle of Britain scenarios)
* Mission Content
--- Located in the "save\_BATWAWtesting" folder, access through UQMG File menu
--- Red & Blue 2hr Persistent Arenas for USSR vs. Germany (1942)
--- Red & Blue 2hr Persistent Arenas for USSR vs. Finland (1941)
--- Red & Blue 2hr Persistent Arenas for UK vs. Germany (1940)
UPGRADE 0019 Hot Fix 001 - 26 Oct 2020
What it includes:
* UQMG Executable build 6.1.3
* Adds ability to change supported IL-2 version in the Program (Tools Menu)
-- See pictures here:,64283.msg715476.html#msg715476* Fixes Rule Set maker so you can create your own Rule-Sets (for BAT versions)
* One added custom Rule-Set to get you Going (USSR vs. Finland in 1941)
-- Access it through the "Random Rules & Sets" button
Extras UQMG Mission Content (Accessed through UQMG File menu):
* Single UQMG mission created during development (Falkes vs. Wellingtons)
-- blu_Falke001.uqmg
-- Pictures here:,64283.msg707848.html#msg707848-- Located in the "save\_BATWAWtesting" folder, access through UQMG File menu
* 2 hour dogfight Arena with regenerating AI planes
-- red_2hrArenaDEvsRU42.uqmg
-- Located in the "save\_BATWAWtesting" folder, access through UQMG File menu
-- Additional info on using BAT Hybrid DF Arena with scripted AI Planes:,65160.0.html-- Related information on UQMM (embedded Mission Manager):,65172.0.html* 38 Ready-to-play missions created by GEORGES44 from SAS 1946
-- Located in the "save\_BATWAWtesting\_GEORGES44MissionSet" folder, access through UQMG File menu
-- Specially converted from UQMG classic to BAT WAW standard
-- Some of the missions have briefing in French
UberDemon/danzigzag (UD/dzz)[/list]