Dumb question from a DCG noobie so please forgive my ignorance.
"The Only Stupid Question is the One You Don’t Ask"

Is that because there isn't enough runway length for any friendly squadron and my own squadron if we take off from the same runway if the mission is created that way? I end up having an air start while the other squadron starts on the ground?
In some cases there are not enough room for all the aircraft in the runway and some squadrons are forced to air start. The number of active squadrons in the airfield of course affect that.
See first post:
Recommended DCG Settings:
Transfers are set off by a timetable command and I recommend that it is kept off to avoid overcrowding of certain airfields and to avoid aircraft with insufficient climb rate being placed to airfields surrounded by high mountains.
Recommended action radius > 300 km.
Also, setting "Maximum Flights per Squadron" affects - the bigger the number, the less squadrons fit in the runway at the same time.
In the options menu check if "Delayed Start Times" is ticked. When ticked, some AI squadrons will start their missions a few minutes later than player squadron.
I cannot give you any straight guidelines, I'm afraid. I can only say that my settings are:
Maximum Flights per Squadron = 1
Squadron Density = Dense
Air Starts = On
Delayed Start Times = On
With these settings I have played this campaign about halfway through flying a Luftwaffe He-112 (killer machine in this campaign, BTW

) and I have had four or five air starts - all ground attack missions.
I guess my question can be applied to any DCG campaign.
Yes, it can.
EDIT: "Massed Bombers" also affects as it sets bomber squadron density to 4, no matter what "Maximum Flights per Squadron" is.