Okay, the Log is indeed a Mystery.
reversed the state of my Clean Backup, now it get's weirdo, I found the Default conf.ini
in that clean Install BAT is the culprit for the Bug to show up.
Evidence I found it changed my Monitor aspect ratio, changed the conf.ini with that of my Custom Install BAT,
with Conf.ini all is fine.
It must be a conf.ini Setting causing, I can't help, as I reluctantly tweaked it in recent time.
When the Mod was released the setting was similar to that in my Default/clean BAT, hence the Bug and
I didn't used it until Today, when I came back to see what's up.
I can't be sadly more specific, but somewhere in between these two Conf.inis is the truth,
here they are both uploaded to investigate.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/4jh5kxt5f7nf8i3/Bughunting_CAMS_141.7z/fileI strongly assume it's a Display or Graphics Driver issue, when you take the buggy conf.ini, the screen is like this

Proof of concept BAT 4.1 with conf.ini OK????

That's a strange issue, have not the slightest clue