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Author Topic: Reticle brightness adjustment, OFF at mission start; 2 versions  (Read 3393 times)

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Reticle brightness adjustment, OFF at mission start; 2 versions
« on: November 01, 2020, 04:57:39 PM »

Yet another reticle adjustment mod! Marcost and FL2070 precede me. In this iteration we have the reticle always off at mission start, with no conf.ini entries being required. The brightness steps are a more sensible geometric scaling. And there are two versions to choose from; 4 or 8 brightness steps.

Get it here:


From the included readme:

This mod is based on marcost's reticle brightness mod of 2015. His scheme was to reduce the brightness settings from 8 to 4 (in addition to OFF). At that time he employed the use of an entry in the [Mods] section of conf.ini to set whether the reticle was to be on or off at mission start, and another entry to determine what the reticle maximum brightness was to be (it could go up to as much as something like 1.35X brighter than normal, although I have a hard time seeing if that is indeed the case.)

I wanted to have the reticle always off at mission start. Poor marcost missed how easy this is to do!  ;)

I've thus implemented the state of ALWAYS having the reticle off at mission start, which is the more normal real life condition. There is NO requirement for an entry in conf.ini.

Furthermore, I've scaled the brightness settings geometrically, NOT linearly. Why? Because a linear scaling results in the apparent brightness changes becoming subtler with increasing brightness. A geometric scaling addresses this by making the step size toward the brighter end still relatively large. Consider this linear scale:

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

A jump between 10 and 20 is a 100% increase. But the same step size of 10 between 90 and 100 is merely an 11% increase.

I offer this mod in two variations. One with an 8-step range, and the other with a 4-step range. I use the latter, which is ample enough for day and night ops. The geometric scaling makes the lowest setting quite dim enough in the dark. But for those who like finer control, the 8-step version should well satisfy.  ;)

Here is the brightness scaling, for the 8-step version (the "<" characters indicate those used in the 4-step version):

0    OFF    <
1    0.019
2    0.076    <
3    0.171
4    0.304    <
5    0.475
6    0.684    <
7    0.931
8    1.216    <

As noted, the 4-step version simply skips settings 1, 3, 5 and 7.

The HUD displays "Gunsight OFF", "GS reticle  1/4", "GS reticle 2/4", "GS reticle 5/8","GS reticle 7/8", etc., etc.

The root folder contains the 4-step mod version class files (2 files).

There are two 'archive' sub-folders, clearly named; one for this 4-step version and the other for the 8-step version. If you wish to use the 8-step version, copy and paste the 2 classfiles from its 'archive' folder to the root folder. Don't drag 'n drop, for this will remove the 'archived' files from their folder, running the risk of losing them.

For the convenience of other modders, the 'archive' folders also contain the CockpitPilot Java files for their respective mods. The root folder has the 4.12 stock java file, but with the name appended with "_STOCK" for clarity. If one were to compile this file, the appended name extension would of course have to be removed.

Also included is the spreadsheet (OpenOffice .ods format) I used to plan out things.

Nov 1, 2020

As always, this work is offered freely for use by any and all, for whatever purpose, without restriction.
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Re: Reticle brightness adjustment, OFF at mission start; 2 versions
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2020, 05:06:04 PM »

If it turns out that some other mod you use touches the CockpitPilot.class, you might request that mod author to incorporate my little changes. I've supplied the Java for convenience.

Whenever a mod is installed which contains class files, it's safe practice to run a pass with the classcheck.exe utility...
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Re: Reticle brightness adjustment, OFF at mission start; 2 versions
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2020, 05:36:05 PM »

Thank you for this nice mod.

Works in HSFX 7.0.3

If I understand it correctly only one button is needed to change brightness?


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Re: Reticle brightness adjustment, OFF at mission start; 2 versions
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2020, 06:30:41 PM »

Yep, just one button, as in the stock game. You always cycle in the same direction. I'd love to add a reverse control, and I might try this for my own game at least.

Adding another binding for reversing the direction of action would involve altering a base class where all key assignments are defined. I'm nervous about doing this for wide distribution at this time because of the great potential for conflicts. But we'll see what the future might bring...
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Re: Reticle brightness adjustment, OFF at mission start; 2 versions
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2020, 05:56:06 PM »

Okay, please excuse my ignorance, but ...

I've downloaded this. I'm running BAT 4.1. Now, where do I put the files? The readme doesn't say.

Is this mod activated via JSGME?



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Re: Reticle brightness adjustment, OFF at mission start; 2 versions
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2020, 07:33:39 PM »

I've not yet tried BAT (nor CUP before it.)

I'll let someone who's versed in adding mods in this environment pipe up...
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Re: Reticle brightness adjustment, OFF at mission start; 2 versions
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2020, 05:40:52 AM »

I personally like the 4 step version best.
I think this has the potential to go into BAT as new standard? The reticle off on startup is absolutely immersive.


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Re: Reticle brightness adjustment, OFF at mission start; 2 versions
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2020, 11:38:15 AM »

just added this mod and tried it in my shiny new modded 4.1 module of BAT - and mod works just great!
I will stick with the 4 step version as for me this is the most logic and most useful setup;

for users who want to try it out - I put the mod way up to the top of the loading order, even before the Engine Mod and I also remmed out the other two folders in the mod containing classfiles (just to make sure ;) )
oh and dont forget to assign a key for the reticule brightness in the control section;

but I agree with Vampire, this could find its way into BAT as default-a really great and immersive mod!

thanks for that WXTech, another first class addition to the game!


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Re: Reticle brightness adjustment, OFF at mission start; 2 versions
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2020, 01:20:20 PM »

Forcing reticle off at mission start to all BAT players isn't a good idea, in my opinion. Why the original developers left it on? Planes are in a ready status at mission start, power engines on and off you go. Powering engines on come with the WOW factor: it sounds good, it looks good and it feels good. On the contrary, many players will find turning the reticle on every time is nothing but an annoying thing to do. A few won't probably ever get to know the reticle can be turned on :o ;D

Just my two cents on the subject. I welcome both WxTech and FL2070 new takes on the reticle status/brightness. Thank you, gentlemen.
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Re: Reticle brightness adjustment, OFF at mission start; 2 versions
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2020, 02:39:37 PM »

Interesting. Having the gunsight off when you start a mission by default is really nice and more convenient than my route with the conf.ini.

I would have to say I agree with whistler, though. Having the gunsight off when the mission starts would confuse many users.
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Re: Reticle brightness adjustment, OFF at mission start; 2 versions
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2020, 12:04:43 PM »

Marcost's mod is great, but this one is even better ;)


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Re: Reticle brightness adjustment, OFF at mission start; 2 versions
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2020, 10:21:55 PM »

I understand exactly how the same kinds of questions along the lines of, "How do I see through the tube sight?!" Will crop up if the reticle is always off at mission start. I guess I'll have to look into adding a conf.ini entry in the [Mods] section to permit to choose whether to have the reticle on or off at startup? Like, perhaps


as default. In such case, the reticle could start at brightness 3/4 or 4/4 (the latter might be preferable.)

If any keener wants to jump on that, you'll get no complaint from me! I've gots lots on my hit list to do.  ;)
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)
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