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Author Topic: Coordinates for Taxi Points and Spawn points in a map  (Read 1575 times)

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  • UberDemon/danzigzag
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Coordinates for Taxi Points and Spawn points in a map
« on: November 26, 2020, 12:12:25 AM »

I alluded to this topic here:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,64262.0.html

I figured I would put the question to the experts here.  Is there are way to produce a file, or is there a file which provides the taxi and spawn points of the airfields in a given map?  This is what I am talking about:

I would like to add a feature to my UQMG program for adding taxiing to the runway... but I could only do that if I had access to the coordinates of the taxi points in a runway (so I could do it programmatically)

If this information is not readily available (in a file), is it possible for a Mod, possibly enabled through the Command Prompt in IL-2 (Shift-Tab) to do a dump to a text file of:

* all the maps and...
* list of all airfields with their taxiway coordinates and spawn point coordinates (would need some indication)


Map:  Online 1 Summer
* Airfield 1
* Runway TO/LND Coords:  x1 y1, x2 y2
* Taxi Coords:
-- x y
-- x1 y1
-- x2 y2
-- x3 y3
-- x4 y4 (Spawn)
-- x5 y5
-- x6 y6 (Spawn)

Not sure if this is possible but I figured it would not hurt to ask.

Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)


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Re: Coordinates for Taxi Points and Spawn points in a map
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2020, 04:29:41 AM »

You can use another tool by Nowekat called "ActorsTool" https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,61796.0.html

Or you can use the  Zuti ActorsMAnagement tool.

Using the ActorsTool you get a inRunwayPoints.txt file that looks like this example:

Code: [Select]
(000) 220239.781 103530.313 44585.000
(001) 219327.766 102227.836 44765.000
(002) 207754.359 197448.609 44490.000
(003) 209131.359 196653.594 44670.000
(004) 337526.656 203746.438 44475.000
(005) 339062.500 203334.906 44655.000
(006) 82323.008 103610.422 47385.000
(007) 83447.328 102486.102 47565.000
(008) 165638.516 311587.063 646380.000
(009) 167228.547 311587.063 646560.000
(010) 420551.906 170330.313 38745.000
(011) 421573.938 169112.281 38565.000
(012) 413882.344 168661.250 207515.609
(013) 415227.656 168780.750 207390.000
(014) 414705.625 169043.297 207335.000
(015) 413851.313 169573.344 207210.000
(016) 432614.000 128889.234 67550.000
(017) 419379.063 124016.688 68220.000
(018) 420969.094 124016.680 68040.000
(019) 413741.625 126217.461 68000.000
(020) 412523.594 125195.422 68180.000
(021) 55186.477 116364.906 177534.984
(022) 54671.883 117097.672 177354.984
(023) 329845.531 262567.625 646380.000
(024) 331435.563 262567.625 646560.000
(025) 449747.063 130321.500 103640.000
(026) 449059.063 130471.555 103564.984
(027) 449512.094 129565.969 103744.984
(028) 448972.625 129641.852 103819.984
(029) 88154.398 258792.781 147605.000
(030) 337633.625 230226.516 184920.000
(031) 338435.656 228817.484 185100.000
(032) 338466.719 229232.172 182170.000
(033) 138927.266 55451.117 181530.000
(034) 138927.266 57041.148 181350.000
(035) 135132.250 58202.594 646380.000
(036) 136722.281 58202.594 646560.000
(037) 138686.828 63411.855 181300.000
(038) 139904.859 62389.805 181480.000
(039) 86436.305 401854.438 646380.000
(040) 88026.336 401854.438 646560.000
vonOben's Flight Sim Mods  http://vonoben.free.fr/ Twenty Years online January 3, 2022!


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Re: Coordinates for Taxi Points and Spawn points in a map
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2020, 03:01:30 PM »

You can use another tool by Nowekat called "ActorsTool" https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,61796.0.html

Or you can use the  Zuti ActorsMAnagement tool.

Using the ActorsTool you get a inRunwayPoints.txt file that looks like this example:

Code: [Select]
(000) 220239.781 103530.313 44585.000
(001) 219327.766 102227.836 44765.000
(002) 207754.359 197448.609 44490.000
(003) 209131.359 196653.594 44670.000
(004) 337526.656 203746.438 44475.000
(005) 339062.500 203334.906 44655.000
(006) 82323.008 103610.422 47385.000
(007) 83447.328 102486.102 47565.000
(008) 165638.516 311587.063 646380.000
(009) 167228.547 311587.063 646560.000
(010) 420551.906 170330.313 38745.000
(011) 421573.938 169112.281 38565.000
(012) 413882.344 168661.250 207515.609
(013) 415227.656 168780.750 207390.000
(014) 414705.625 169043.297 207335.000
(015) 413851.313 169573.344 207210.000
(016) 432614.000 128889.234 67550.000
(017) 419379.063 124016.688 68220.000
(018) 420969.094 124016.680 68040.000
(019) 413741.625 126217.461 68000.000
(020) 412523.594 125195.422 68180.000
(021) 55186.477 116364.906 177534.984
(022) 54671.883 117097.672 177354.984
(023) 329845.531 262567.625 646380.000
(024) 331435.563 262567.625 646560.000
(025) 449747.063 130321.500 103640.000
(026) 449059.063 130471.555 103564.984
(027) 449512.094 129565.969 103744.984
(028) 448972.625 129641.852 103819.984
(029) 88154.398 258792.781 147605.000
(030) 337633.625 230226.516 184920.000
(031) 338435.656 228817.484 185100.000
(032) 338466.719 229232.172 182170.000
(033) 138927.266 55451.117 181530.000
(034) 138927.266 57041.148 181350.000
(035) 135132.250 58202.594 646380.000
(036) 136722.281 58202.594 646560.000
(037) 138686.828 63411.855 181300.000
(038) 139904.859 62389.805 181480.000
(039) 86436.305 401854.438 646380.000
(040) 88026.336 401854.438 646560.000

You are a scholar and a gentleman thank you a Trillion!

Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)


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Re: Coordinates for Taxi Points and Spawn points in a map
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2020, 10:30:51 AM »

Are there any good tutorials on how to use this tool as well as Zuti's?

I am assuming I would have to decompress all the Map SFSs to get to the files and then use them, but I am not sure.
Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)


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    • vonOben's Flight Sim Mods
Re: Coordinates for Taxi Points and Spawn points in a map
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2020, 04:44:07 AM »

Manual for Zuti ActorsMAnagement tool:

Personally I find the "ActorsTool" easier to use, there is a readme file included, that describes how to use it.
I can assist if there is something you don't understand.

Yes you need to have extracted actors.static for the maps you want to acces.

Good luck!
vonOben's Flight Sim Mods  http://vonoben.free.fr/ Twenty Years online January 3, 2022!


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Re: Coordinates for Taxi Points and Spawn points in a map
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2020, 05:24:09 AM »

What a great project UD !
Is there any thought to programming the taxiing AFTER landing  , and enumerating each spawnpoint so as to know
and be able to program each spawn point  for the purposes of spawning and parking after flight ?

Looking forward to the results of this project.
It's a nice choice for exploration.



  • UberDemon/danzigzag
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Re: Coordinates for Taxi Points and Spawn points in a map
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2020, 04:04:30 PM »

I don't think we have control over taxiing after landing... would be interesting to explore but would have to be done manually in the mission file.  In the FMB the landing waypoint is the last waypoint... I think.

I remember trying to do things like that in the original IL-2 Beta back in 2001 but could not make it work.  Of course today there many more features such as taxiing prior to take off, patrol over a waypoint, formation and type of landing (glidepath: straight, to the left, etc...)
Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)


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Re: Coordinates for Taxi Points and Spawn points in a map
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2020, 03:41:33 AM »

To let the AI taxi to where they more or less should after landing, my solution is:

- Make a test .mis file with only the last two waypoints (NORMFLY and LANDING)
- Run the test.mis in FMB, place a camera somewhere on the airfield (not recommended but helpful), let the autopilot do the job and watch (F2) what happens.
- On some airfields the AI will disappear after landing not matter what you have checked in the "spwan or not to spawn" box in settings. Haven't found out yet, why on the same map this happens on  one airfield but not on the other. An airfield template thing, I guess. But I'm no map maker.
- Enable the "Show Spawnpoints" in the FMB so you can see, where they will go without your "assistance".
- Then block the taxiways or spawnpoints you don't want the AI to use by a Flak (AAA) post or something like that (My beloved variant is setting some AI planes there with taxi-to-takeoff waypoints and a starttime far after your return. They will sit there and block the spawnpoints and give nice eyecandy with correct markings).
- The AI will then turn to the next available spawnpoint. Sometimes you'll have to change the landing point to the opposite side of the airfield.

So it's a bit trial and error.

On the airfields, where this don't work, you can let planes let running around with some taxi to takeoff waypoints sheduled to the estimated time of your return. Not quite the same, but it's just the feeling of coming home to a busy airfield.
And sometimes.....well, there is life behind the screen, for sure :D

Have a nice day,



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Re: Coordinates for Taxi Points and Spawn points in a map
« Reply #8 on: December 04, 2020, 07:03:05 AM »

That is a good trick!  But I think it would be hard to program that.  It would work well for custom made missions fully built in the FMB.  I'll mess with that in the FMB for fun though.
Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)
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