To let the AI taxi to where they more or less should after landing, my solution is:
- Make a test .mis file with only the last two waypoints (NORMFLY and LANDING)
- Run the test.mis in FMB, place a camera somewhere on the airfield (not recommended but helpful), let the autopilot do the job and watch (F2) what happens.
- On some airfields the AI will disappear after landing not matter what you have checked in the "spwan or not to spawn" box in settings. Haven't found out yet, why on the same map this happens on one airfield but not on the other. An airfield template thing, I guess. But I'm no map maker.
- Enable the "Show Spawnpoints" in the FMB so you can see, where they will go without your "assistance".
- Then block the taxiways or spawnpoints you don't want the AI to use by a Flak (AAA) post or something like that (My beloved variant is setting some AI planes there with taxi-to-takeoff waypoints and a starttime far after your return. They will sit there and block the spawnpoints and give nice eyecandy with correct markings).
- The AI will then turn to the next available spawnpoint. Sometimes you'll have to change the landing point to the opposite side of the airfield.
So it's a bit trial and error.
On the airfields, where this don't work, you can let planes let running around with some taxi to takeoff waypoints sheduled to the estimated time of your return. Not quite the same, but it's just the feeling of coming home to a busy airfield.
And sometimes.....well, there is life behind the screen, for sure

Have a nice day,