Hi Despereaux,
the first problem is that several aircraft are designed in the game to run only at full throttle as they are rotaries (eg the eindecker), so I assume you have tried one of them. If so, you cannot change the throttle setting, just use magnetos to reduce speed as we have no blip switch (which was relatively rarely used IRL anyway as it fouled the plugs). Unfortunately this is because of a common misconception about rotary aero engines - most did have methods to alter engine speed - see the interesting read below:
https://www.historynet.com/the-truth-about-rotaries.htmWhat I do with rotaries which altered speed by changing the firing order (Gnome 160hp - see the article), is disable throttle slider, but set keys on my joystick to different engine power, which is closer to how the real things worked. Usually I set them as follows:
Key1: 100%
Key2: 60% (cruise) - most aircraft lose height with this setting - I tend to use it on landing approach
Key3: 30% (taxi) - 20% works on some aircraft, you just have to experiment.
Key4: 10% (idle)
Aircraft in the game which used this technique (there may be a few more);
Morane-Saulnier G
Morane-Saulnier AI
Nieuport 28
Sopwith Scout
Sopwith Pup (Home Defence aircraft only)
Avro 504 (Some)
Camel (Some)