You can also try taxi forward to the bow of the ship, set chocks and watch the scenery.
This question teleports you to proper Carrier T/O Mod options and learning about it.
From the old Read Me:
Carrier Take-Off Settings
- The way the catapult works is that you release your chocks and taxi up to the start of the catapult track. When you're close, within about 10 meters or so, stop and put your chocks back in. If you're close enough when you put your chocks in, you'll get automatically moved into position on the catapult. Then power up, full flaps, etc. When you're ready, release chocks and the catapult will fire you off the end of the deck. Don't do any control movements til you're clear of the deck. Then raise gear, flaps, etc.
- AI aircraft, instead of taxiing into position for a rolling launch or catapult launch, now just "pop" into proper position for takeoff. This greatly simplified the coding, improved the performance, and fixed some lingering problems with AI running into the ship's island or off the edge of the deck, particularly in rough weather. Maybe a little less realistic...but that's the way it is.
- On carriers with two catapults, the AI only use the one on the left. Human players can use either one.
- There are several parameters that the mission builder can add to the [Mods] section of the mission (.mis) file that affect the use of the catapult. By default the catapult will work on all ships for both human players and AI. You only need to add any of these parameters if want to change the default behavior. NOTE: If you make any changes to the mission file in the Full Mission Builder after adding these parameters, they will disappear and will have to be re-entered:
CatapultAllow - Setting this to 0 disables the catapults on all ships for human players and AI. Default is 1.
CatapultAllowAI - Setting this to 0 causes the AI to use rolling takeoff on all ships. Human players can still use catapult. Default is 1. (This parameter can also be put in the [Mods] section of your conf.ini to set the default behavior of the AI.)
CatapultBoost - In dogfight and single-player missions the mission builder can set the parameter 'CatapultBoost 1' . This will increase the power of the catapult by approximately 30 knots. This gives you roughly the same results as you would have in a carrier moving at 30 knots in a co-op mission. Default is 0.
StandardDeckCVL - Setting this to 1 causes the catapult to be setup for the "standard deck" on the CVL's. Default is 0 (short deck). (This parameter can also be put in the [Mods] section of your conf.ini to set the default behavior of the AI and your aircraft.)
CatapultAI_CVE - Setting this to 0 causes the AI to use rolling takeoff on all CVE's instead of catapult. Default is 1. (This parameter can also be put in the [Mods] section of your conf.ini to set the default behavior of the AI.)
CatapultAI_CVL - Setting this to 0 causes the AI to use rolling takeoff on all CVL's instead of catapult. Default is 1. (This parameter can also be put in the [Mods] section of your conf.ini to set the default behavior of the AI.)
CatapultAI_EssexClass - Setting this to 0 causes the AI to use rolling takeoff on Essex and Intrepid instead of catapult. Default is 1. (This parameter can also be put in the [Mods] section of your conf.ini to set the default behavior of the AI.)
CatapultAI_Illustrious - Setting this to 0 causes the AI to use rolling takeoff on Illustrious instead of catapult. Default is 1. (This parameter can also be put in the [Mods] section of your conf.ini to set the default behavior of the AI.)
CatapultAI_GrafZep - Setting this to 0 causes the AI to use rolling takeoff on the Graf Zeppelin instead of catapult. Default is 1. (This parameter can also be put in the [Mods] section of your conf.ini to set the default behavior of the AI.)
NoNavLightsAI - Setting this to 1 will cause the navlights on AI aircraft to stay off at night. Default is 0. (This parameter can also be put in the [Mods] section of your conf.ini to set the default behavior of the AI.).
FastLaunchAI - Setting this to 1 will cause the AI to move into launch position with their wings already unfolded. Default is 0. In co-op missions, players other than the host will still see the AI unfold their wings AFTER they've moved into position, and they may takeoff before their wings are completely unfolded. The wings will finish unfolding as they launch, and it will not affect the flight characteristics. The FastLaunchAI parameter is useful if you just want to get the AI off the deck as quickly as possible. For most aircraft it will not save much time, but for aircraft that unfold their wings very slowly (ex. F4U, B5N, B6N) it can save several seconds per aircraft launched. (This parameter can also be put in the [Mods] section of your conf.ini to set the default behavior of the AI.).
Sample [Mods] section in mission (.mis) file:
CatapultAI_EssexClass 0
NoNavLightsAI 1
FastLaunchAI 1
Some AI-related parameters, as described above, can be put into the host's conf.ini instead of the mission file. The format in the conf.ini is slightly different. The parameter name and value are separated by an equal (=) sign instead of one or more spaces.
Sample [Mods] section in conf.ini file:
My conf.ini MOds section for that:
Player should taxi forward near Catapult and press chocks, if within limits will
set you ready to catapult T/O
Can you teleport to Catapult?
Yes, if you hit A and wait a few secs you'll be teleported to cat.
But be quick to hit A again and set up again, as plane is in a automated setting.
You must learn this automated spawn can cause a nose down issue, this is a sort of brake code.
It can be depleted if hitting chocks and tipping brakes slightly once.
It's not in all cases and I'm not completely confident about the cause, but this
tipping of brakes helps me to not nose over sometimes when using auto toggle.