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Author Topic: Modern AGM weapons and systems help or tutorials  (Read 9040 times)

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Re: Modern AGM weapons and systems help or tutorials
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2021, 04:21:08 PM »

Sorry for the delay guys i'm having a rather busy week due to a university exam. That's why the new guides are still missing...I'm sorry.
In 2 days i will finally have more time and post the guides here, don't worry.  ;)


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Re: Modern AGM weapons and systems help or tutorials
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2021, 08:22:48 AM »

Sorry for the delay guys i'm having a rather busy week due to a university exam. That's why the new guides are still missing...I'm sorry.
In 2 days i will finally have more time and post the guides here, don't worry.  ;)

No rush.


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Re: Modern AGM weapons and systems help or tutorials
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2021, 04:01:54 PM »

Ok guys i made it! Sorry again for the delay but university is very on me in this period.
Here's my Soviet AGMs guide for you. I like soviet AGMs because they are simpler, more reliable to use, and often also more powerful, although a bit more inaccurate and more risky for the pilots. I think that they are very unique in their lock-on procedures and explosive charges.
I hope you'll find it useful!  8)

Kh-66 "Kerry": Radar-guided Air-to-Ground missile. This missile is the first AGM available in the soviet inventory and it's quite unique. It uses the same principles of the RS-2/K-5 AAM but modified with a much larger warhead and converted for ground attack purposes. The guiding system shares the same unreliable and terrible beam-guiding system that the K-5 uses, requiring you to point your MiG towards the enemy area and stay on course until it (theoretically) hits "a" target. You can't select accurately a target with this missile, but only an "area of interest" where the missile can search a target itself.

Kh-23 "Kerry"/"Grom": Radio-guided Air-to-Ground missile. They are the russian copy of the AGM-12 Bullpup and they share essentially the same characteristics. These missiles are manually controlled and guided towards the target; to control them you need to assign the required "Steer Guided weapon Up/Down/Left/Right" hotkeys in the Controls section. They have a very powerful warhead but they require a bit of practice to get used to them. Launch from afar while facing the target and gently hit the controls to accurately steer them to the target.

Kh-23M "Kerry"/"Grom": Same as above. The guidance system has been improved with the same one present in the Kh-25.

Kh-25MR "Karen": Radio-guided Air-to-Ground missile. This is an improved version of the Kh-23 although sharing the same obsolete guidance system.
There aren't many differences between them, but its blue lights on the tail and low-profile smoke trail help aiming it more accurately, making the missile easier to point towards a target. The warhead is also improved and can destroy without problems all types of targets.

Kh-25ML "Karen": Laser-guided Air-to-Ground missile. This missile differs completely from the previous ones by having the distinct feature of requiring a Laser Lock, much like the AGM-65E, to Lock and destroy the set target. However, unlike NATO planes, you don't have a 360° FLIR camera aboard, but instead a fixed laser pointer mounted on the nose of soviet planes. You will need 2 additional keys to operate it, "Misc_5" and "Misc_6"; the first hotkey turns On/Off the Laser tag, whereas the second Engages/Disengages the Lock. To fire it you must Turn On the Laser Tag; a bright white light will appear in your gunsight: point it over the intended target and Lock It with the specified hotkey. Check if the lock is correct and fire; the missile will go straight towards the target at high speed and blow it to bits.
I think this missile is a great weapon, granting you a 100% reliable "fire-and-forget" capability and assuring that the unlucky target locked up is destroyed. Its warhead is totally capable of delivering a lethal blow and the fast speed+lock features of it permits you to lock, fire and get away quickly without worrying about maintaining the guidance.
There are some disadvantages though; mainly the fact that you must point the front of your plane straight towards the target and also the poor accuracy at range. Aiming it is simpler in concept but can be difficult if the AAAs are shooting at you, mainly because you must maintain you plane on target a good 5-10 seconds to get a proper, dead-on lock on something. This missile is as accurate as your lock: its explosive power can help you with relatively small aiming errors, especially if against difficult targets such as moving columns or smaller targets.
You must have a steady hand in pointing it and good reflexes in locking it.

Kh-29L "Kedge": Laser-guided Air-to-Ground missile. The final version of the ground attacking Kh family is way more powerful and has bigger range than the Kh-23 and 25. It has the same laser-pointer guidance system of the Kh-25ML making it a very deadly weapon. All other characteristics are very similar to its smaller brother, except the more powerful warhead. The Kh-29 is best used against big targets like supply depots, hangars, HQs and also ships, where its nasty explosive power and blast radius can destroy a target with very high probabilities.

Kh-15 "Kickback": Does not work. I was unable to identify its functioning, even researching the historical specifications.

Kh-15S "Kickback": Radar guided anti-ship missile. The Kh-15S is a nice anti-ship missile very similar to the Harpoon or the Kormoran but with different technical aspects. In fact, it's much faster than an Harpoon but requires continuos tracking to reach the target. Its superior speed is an advantage but it's counterbalanced by its need of a steady tracking from the plane until the missile hits. Another disadvantage (compared to the Harpoon) is that you can launch only 1 at the time; its locking mechanism establishes a solid Lock On on the nearest ship, regardless of position and type. This means you cannot accurately lock a selected target with them, and this might be a problem if you need to sink a particular target of interest.

Kh-20 "Kangaroo": Radar guided nuclear cruise/anti-ship missile. The only weapon of its type in-game, the Kh-20 is a nuke-carrying cruise missile available only in the Tu-95 and it's by far the most powerful anti-ship missile and missile in BAT. Being the only of its kind, it carries a singular and devastating 800 kt nuke warhead! It's guidance system is calibrated to Lock On ships, and should be used only on carrier groups. The way it works is the same as all other Kh anti-ship missiles: requiring a steady tracking, BUT taking also into account the much more spread blast radius of a nuke, instead of a conventional explosive. To use it correctly climb to 5000m and release far away from the target, put the engines of your Tu-95 to 20% and let the missile gain more and more distance. It will automatically climb to the correct altitude and then dive towards the ships, blasting away everything not far enough from the detonation point. It's a "one and done" type of weapon so be careful when deploying it.

Kh-22 "Kitchen": Radar guided anti-ship missile. The bigger brother of the Kh family of anti-ship missiles. This missile differs from the Kh-15S and Kh-35 by having a bigger warhead but slower speed. Its guidance system is the same of the Kh-15S, meaning that you need to hold your plane steady until the missile hits, and that you can only launch 1 at the time. The Kh-22 is very deadly with its enhanced warhead and it's perfect for striking big targets such as carriers.

Kh-35 "Kayak": Radar guided anti-ship missile. This missile is available only for the Tu-142 and it's very similar to the US AGM-84 Harpoon, sharing most of its characteristics with it. However it also still shares the same old tracking system of all other soviet missiles, meaning that although being a very deadly missile, it still relies on the tracking plane staying still. Although you can engage only 1 target at the time, be sure that the low-profile smoke, good warhead and good tracking device will assure a kill almost in any case.

Kh-55 "Kent": Does not work. I was unable to identify its functioning, even researching the historical specifications.

KS-1 "Kometa"/"Kennel": Radar guided anti-ship missile. A rather strange-looking missile and the first of the anti-ship Kh series. This missile is available only in the Tu-16 and its the first to have the soviet trademark of "continuos tracking" from the launching plane. You can carry 2 of them in the Tu-16 and they work much like the Kh-20 but with a conventional warhead. Since the Tu-16 si generally faster and nimbler than a Tu-95, the use of these missiles is easier and having 2 of them assures to 2 easy kills. Just be sure to maintain a solid lock and to release them far away.


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Re: Modern AGM weapons and systems help or tutorials
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2021, 04:30:32 PM »

Thank you so much for this, enry.


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Re: Modern AGM weapons and systems help or tutorials
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2021, 04:07:26 AM »

Hope it is useful for everyone.  :) Soon i will also do the guide for Air-to-Air missiles


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Re: Modern AGM weapons and systems help or tutorials
« Reply #17 on: January 20, 2021, 03:52:29 PM »



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Re: Modern AGM weapons and systems help or tutorials
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2021, 08:39:40 AM »

We can find some general guidance on JTW missiles in BAT06-Modern Warfare manual (\BATDOCS folder in BAT installation).
But enry711 guide is more detailed and specific. Really well done.   ]thumleft[
Hope it can be included in BAT documentation in the future. In the meantime, I copy/paste it into my BAT "help" collection.


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Re: Modern AGM weapons and systems help or tutorials
« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2021, 04:07:43 AM »

can AI use the laser guided missiles, like the one the su-17 uses?


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Re: Modern AGM weapons and systems help or tutorials
« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2021, 04:38:44 PM »

AGM-65B/D are not laser guided, B is TV guided and D infrared

And both seems do not work in game, or at least someone had to explain how use that.


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Re: Modern AGM weapons and systems help or tutorials
« Reply #21 on: May 25, 2023, 10:30:41 AM »

Great stuff!
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