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Author Topic: A video I'm working on  (Read 1021 times)

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Clint Watters

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A video I'm working on
« on: February 06, 2021, 01:33:45 PM »

I want to do a large pacific video, about 10 to 15 minutes, I want to show some unseen stuff, I love the F4U corsair but I want to throw some good shots of P-38, some lesser known planes that were involved in the pacific theatre of war that you don't see often in videos.
I'm not a history nerd so I might have the wrong skins selected for the planes but I try to use the best looking one.
So far I have a very Midway inspired battle with about 15 SBD-3's, about 15 SB2U's, about 12 TBD's Devastators, and 12 F4F fighters.
There are 4 IJN carriers and about 4 more destroyers as well as some zero fighters.

I have a good computer, but the game gets down to about 20fps when it's really bad depending on the camera angle. The more shit I'm looking at the worse the fps gets.
Just got reshade working on my game for the first time, I have adjusted colors in post production to get a little bit more beauty out of the shots.
Musically I'm not sure... I either go for some Benny Goodman, some Andrew's sister, (music from the 40's basically) or I go for the dramatic movie music from the Thin Red Line which I already used some in one of my old videos.
Let me know what you guys think, ideas, thoughts, anything.


Andy H

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Re: A video I'm working on
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2021, 02:00:01 PM »

Great 'stills'.  8)

Personal taste, I'd go with suitable 40's music. Looking forward to the finished item.


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Re: A video I'm working on
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2021, 05:11:30 PM »

The music IMHO should reflect the drama of the subject.  The '40s swing music will no doubt fit in some scenes but I think you should think 'big' for the battle scenes.
Here's a couple of videos I did 12 years ago....weaker computer and weaker graphics card so the quality hasn't aged well but you get the idea...
The Crucible, Part One
The Crucible, Part Two (combination of games for this one)


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Re: A video I'm working on
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2021, 06:01:42 PM »

I agree with tomoose, find music that fits the mood of what is occurring on screen.  If you are doing early 1942, you better use music from the first half of 1942 or earlier... good luck.  You don't want to be accused of anachronism... by a bunch of nerds and weirdos like me  :P  I don't think you can go wrong with dramatic scores though, just getting demonetized for copyright infringement... it's a free... internet...

One thing that drives me insane in videos is when the insignias are not right for the time period or mixed (there are a few exceptions in 1943).  From what I can see in your screenshots they all match.  By the battle of Midway the insignia had to changed (in mid May) to the blue circle with white star (no longer with the red dot in the center of the star).

Here's a video I did about Vietnam (sorry if the sound is bad, it was recorded on a reel to reel somewhere in Thailand in the late 60s and then transferred to cassette to cassette... to cassette to digital I tried to clean it up the best I could in adobe).
I made sure the South East Asia camouflage was appropriate for the year chosen, around the end of 1965/early 66 the USAF switched from shiny aluminum/ADC grey/SAC white to SEA camouflage.  Took me a while to figure out what "butterfly" was.  The precursor to Ravens that flew T-28s, butterfly flew U-10 Helio Couriers and other light aircraft, unmarked.
I messed up the end (the F-100s don't have pylons, when they did the rest of the video).  At that point I was tired and didn't take the 5 minutes to have the wingman and I bomb something and then join back up as we flew across the coast line, and then do the same thing when landing, because he wouldn't fly close enough to me to get that "dramatic shot."
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Clint Watters

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Re: A video I'm working on
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2021, 08:02:43 AM »

The music IMHO should reflect the drama of the subject.  The '40s swing music will no doubt fit in some scenes but I think you should think 'big' for the battle scenes.

I agree with you!
In an ideal video I'd like to be able to use both a bit of 40's swing (coming through the airbase radio or plane is what I'm thinking) and let the theatrical music take over for the main part of the video.
Band of Brother's music is great, I like this tv show very much !

One thing that drives me insane in videos is when the insignias are not right for the time period or mixed (there are a few exceptions in 1943).  From what I can see in your screenshots they all match.  By the battle of Midway the insignia had to changed (in mid May) to the blue circle with white star (no longer with the red dot in the center of the star).

I'm currently trying to find which skins they had for the B-24's in PTO. I don't know if they were baremetal or green painted.
I'm also trying to find some info about the rabaul bombing, maybe the B-24's were there, I'd like to get some P-38's in that video as well.
Can you paste me some good skin packs that you think might fit for P-38 in PTO?
I'd sure appreciate your help! Please excuse my lack of knowledge  :P


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Re: A video I'm working on
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2021, 03:37:24 AM »

B-24Ds in the Pacific were typically olive drab even through '44.  The B-24Js wore olive drab and then later 44-45 were usually aluminum.
Early models of the P-38 wore olive drab and by the end of '43 they were coming into the theater in aluminum while others were still in olive drab.  Depending on the year, mix it up.  Creates some differential in the scenery and alludes to the chaos of combat and the maintenance availability.
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Clint Watters

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Re: A video I'm working on
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2021, 01:16:28 AM »

I finished the video and it's available here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,66180.0.html

I didn't add the B-24 and P-38's as discussed. I probably will do something on another video.

This video is 7 minutes long and it's the first time I upload a video that's this long in 8K quality on youtube. It only took 2 days to upload  8)

Anyway... Thanks for the help !  ;D
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