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Author Topic: 352nd cross channel building submod wip  (Read 57207 times)

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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #108 on: August 01, 2021, 05:53:04 AM »

The new cliffs certainly give the right kind of definition, strong and high, the original area of the map lacks that and is much too soft in appearance, I like it. 8)

Making historic buildings is good for the soul, Deal Castle should be good, I made a few religious buildings and it takes you out of your everyday and teaches some history of people and places, I always have been fascinated by Cathedrals and Castles from youth, seeing them added to a map brings a little character to the places you are trying to replicate. ;)

Hope you didn't annoy the neighbours too much last night with your musical practice. :D  Maybe you should post up a rendition just for us here. :)

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #109 on: August 01, 2021, 06:50:13 AM »

Hi Pete!
I share your fascination with historical buildings. My first building model ever was Westminster Abbey, talk about jumping into the deep end. ;D I created this one as a mod for Bob2 and discovered a lot about the history of the place in my research, articles, doccies and such.

In 1997 I spent a few weeks in Scotland and had a little time for sightseeing and took in as many cathedrals, museums and castles as was possible. Our group drove past Kilchurn castle and I insisted that we stop and explore. It was a bit of a ruin with some of it still intact and I enjoyed it more than Edinburgh and Stirling castles which are  still in use, with lots of tourists wandering around.

Kilchurn Castle

Didn't practice last night, though I will probably go and annoy the neigbours after posting this ;D



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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #110 on: August 01, 2021, 07:23:16 AM »

Excellent work there rogeroger. 8)

Forgive my ignorance but what is Bob2?

My first building attempts, they have been incorporated into a map, here
is the W.I.P. thread:


Didn't practice last night, though I will probably go and annoy the neigbours after posting this ;D

No, it's Sunday give them a break, be nice. :D

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D



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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #111 on: August 01, 2021, 09:20:43 AM »

Wow! Pete! those are great models! ]thumbsup[ ]thumbsup[

Forgive my ignorance but what is Bob2
Battle of Britain Wings Of victory: A brilliant battle of britain flight sim, a bit dated, and the latest, must have patches don't run on win8/10.

I think version 2.01 runs due to a fan made patch, but patch 2.13 with all the latest updates doesn't.

I still have win7 so that I can run it.

It has quite a few single player missions and awesome british and german campaigns that can be played at strategic commander level or pilot level.
The squadrons all have their authentic markings.
This sim still has the best ai available.

I created quite a few texture mods for the sim.

This is il2 Martins fields terrain  that I adapted to Bob 2, I had to place the trees in the same way that I place building objects in il2.

The single player mission parameters can be adjusted, you can fly any fighter and fighter bomber in the mission and you can be a gunner in a bomber. There are free flight, dogfight, bomber intercept, and historical missions. I haven'tflown this for a while and I've just flown two missions to take screenies for you, and I have forgotten how awesome this sim is.

These screenies are from a dogfight over Portland and a historical Battle of Britain day mission.



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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #112 on: August 01, 2021, 09:46:09 AM »

A few more screenies:

There was a glitch that prevented civilian buildings from being placed near the cliffs. Only target buildings could be placed

Aaaand my cathedral model. ;D



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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #113 on: August 01, 2021, 10:01:52 AM »

Thank you very much for the information, really appreciated. 8)

Unfortunately for me I have had Windows 10 installed for a long time so not much point me taking a look really, surprised I have never
come across it before. :o  Graphically I would say it looks more in line with IL-2 46, maybe a little sharper cockpit textures, so has probably
been around during the same time period I had taken to flying IL-2 which might be why I never had a look at it before now. ;)

The Cathedral looks awesome in its natural setting along side the other stuff, we have many objects here converted from other games so it might be
possible for you to do likewise for this new project to save on the building work.

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #114 on: August 01, 2021, 11:06:43 AM »

Personally speaking, BoB2 Wings of Victory, with the fan patches, is still the best dedicated Battle of Britain combat flight sim to-date overall. 

Rogeroger - thank you for your work in BoB2 and thank you for porting some of your work to IL2 1946.



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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #115 on: August 01, 2021, 11:30:22 AM »

Hi Ben and you are so right.

There nothing quite like the old sims.
I still play cfs1 and cfs2 bob mod from time to time and have also created mods for them. I recently upgraded the aircraft and cockpit skins for cfs1 and had some fun with it. A short cfs1 video that I made a while back.

and bob2



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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #116 on: August 01, 2021, 04:56:47 PM »


I always have a soft spot for sims by Rowan - from Flight of the Intruder,  Reach for the Skies and Overlord to Flying Corps, MiG Alley and Battle of Britain 2 (BoB2) - for their interesting topics and campaign engines.  For BoB2 the fan patches really transformed the sim - lots of bug fixes plus improvements to the map, building models (such as your work) and squadron correct multi-skins, all showing such exquisite period details. 

I do hope that BoB2 can be patched to Win10 some day (bonus if the gunsight can be fixed for 6DOF sim-fliers), and that there will be a successor to MiG Alley (with its fantastic strategic campaign).




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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #117 on: August 01, 2021, 08:22:23 PM »

I do hope that BoB2 can be patched to Win10 some day .

There's little chance of that happening. Who knows, it may run on Win11. :)

I have both Mig alley and Flying corp gold. Flying corp is fun and the graphics looked quite good when played on a windows tablet, probably because of the smaller screen. I had to use dosbox to get it to run. Unfortunately my tablet no longer works and the sim doesn't look that great on a larger desktop monitor, so I haven't played it in a while.



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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #118 on: August 01, 2021, 09:04:50 PM »

Hi Guys

Imagine if Rowan had made a true sequel to Battle of Britain.
Go in quickly - Punch hard - Get out!


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Re: 352nd cross channel building submod wip
« Reply #119 on: August 02, 2021, 01:31:21 AM »

If Rowan had not been taken over by Empire Ineractive their flight sim sequels on upgraded graphics would have been legendary.

 Shockwave Productions Inc. now A2a simulations took the source code and ported into dx9, and the Bdg team of fans developed it into a great sim with their unofficial patches.

I found this rather sad excerpt from an article:
Empire Interactive Acquires Rowan
No more flight sim games from Rowan for the PC? Doesn't look like it.
IGN Staff
By IGN Staff
Updated: 18 Jun 2012 2:39 am
Posted: 13 Dec 2000 2:30 am
Empire Interactive has announced that they have gone ahead and acquired Rowan Software. Rowan is best known for their work in the flight simulation world with games such as Falcon, MiG Alley, and the recently released Rowan's Battle of Britain. The company was purchased for around $43,000 with a $30,000 incentive for development targets.

In what may be an unfortunate circumstance for those flight sim junkies out there, it looks as though Rowan will be used primarily for the bolstering of Empire's in house development team. The development team will be concentrating on mass-market games for all of those silly little next-generation consoles. We can't imagine that means any more flight sims.

No employees were harmed in the making of this deal.

-- IGN
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