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Author Topic: UPDATE 3: IL-2 1946 Plutonium Universal Max Effects V1 Mod  (Read 237976 times)

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UPDATE 3: IL-2 1946 Plutonium Universal Max Effects V1 Mod
« on: June 23, 2010, 12:31:17 PM »

Alert !................................................Alarm !........................................... Achtung !...........................................Attention !.........................................:D
IL-2 1946 Plutonium Universal Max Effects V1 Mod OFF-LINE/ON-LINE

Developed on: UP 2.01 game install version !
Also tested on older modded versions V4.08m & V4.09b1m and you have to
make sure Bomb Bay Door plus mod is installed in your game main MODS folder
with those older game install versions as UP 2.01 have bomb bay door mod plus
installed as default otherwise your game will crash .

New release , which is based on and replacing previous obsolete Uranium effects version .
It have been created from many WWII archival documentaries and gun camera footage like Hunters in the skies , The War File Air Battles of WWII , Wings of Defeat - Kamikaze , archival RAF and Luftwaffe WWII footage .
Some effects are simulating very much the same real WWII visual effects shape and size , some other effects are close as possible to the real thing as much as game engine allow .
Main focus was on the whole battlefield immersion as can be seen from inside aircraft cockpit rather than on each effect detailed view .
Every effect included in Plutonium mod is done the way it is for a reason which 90% of the time is to staying within the game engine limits as much as possible to prevent massive textures disappearing .
It was thoroughly tested and it passed " The Black Death " track and all other recorded default tracks without causing textures disappearing .
It was tuned to withstand fairly bigger battle scenarios with infinite time period fires and smokes during air combat mission .

IL-2 1946 Plutonium Maximum Effects Mod


Credit for help with mod development and providing some of the textures:
IL-2 community

Extra big credit goes to :
Oleg & 1C for creating kick ass wonderful WWII flying simulator.  8)
Aed for all hard work with editing class files and making some of these new effects possible.     
Wolfighter for magnificent aircrafts smoke damage java class files editing and fixing and supplying additional new edited java class files in order for Aed's java class files effects to fully comply with the game engine.
SAS~Sani for a very generous class files editing contribution for new effects .   
SAS Administrators\Team members and HaDeS for an excellent assistance.

Effects included inside Plutonium Universal Max Effects V1 Mod
Code: [Select]
1. New separated Jet engine at full power smoke from propeller aircraft damage smokes ( different from original game coding )
2. Aircraft damage smokes and fire with more interactive and historically more correct visual representation ( different from original game coding )
3. Aircraft ripped off damaged parts new fiery effect
4. Aircraft new start up engine flame effect
5. Aircraft reduced take off dust smoke effect 
6. Aircraft new mid_air collision explosion and burning aircraft mid-air explosion effect
7. Aircraft new crash ground explosion , bomb 250 & 500 explosion effect ( different from original game coding )
8. Damaged aircraft new debris textures and reduced amount of flying debris effect
9. New faster fire burst for German 88mm and USSR 85mm flak including debris effect
10. Bullets new hit flash and smoke effect on attacked aircraft during dogfights and other air combat
11. Bullets new hit flash effect on all ground moving and static objects including static planes and all ships
12. Locomotive new pipe smoke steam and color effect with more life like smoke behavior
13. Locomotive and wagons new explosion effects with live fires and smokes some with infinite time period ( different from original game coding )
14. Tank , vehicles and other objects new explosion effect with new live infinite fires and smokes ( different from original game coding )
15. Tank cannon and some other cannon ground objects new smoke blast from firing cannons effect
16. Moving tank ground visual rotation of dust smoke was removed and reconfigured for more natural looking smoke
17. Ground fighting units in action shows more life like explosive visual action with infinite time period smokes and fires .
18. Buildings , bushes and some other ground environment new live infinite time period damage smoke and fire ( different from original game coding )
19. Ships new live fires and smokes with extended visual time period
20. Reconfigured rocket smoketrail color , smoke lenght and time period to reflect more historical data
21. 1000lb bomb new explosion effect ( different from original game coding )
22. All aircraft damage smokes in 3D including new high altitude contrails
23. 250lb bomb water splash
24. Small caliber bullets water splash
25. 0.50 caliber and bigger caliber guns bullets water splash
26. 10kg bomb ground and water effect
27. RS 82 ground explosion and water splash ( different from original game coding )
28. Bigger battleships and smaller ships ( fishing boat ) have new front water puff and prop wake
29. New Napalm explosion ( different from original game coding )
30. Battleships new gun fire and smoke blast effect
31. Static planes new explosion fire and smoke damage effect ( different from original game coding )
32. Explosion ground light circus effect disabled and replaced with new faster ground flash effect
( especially needed for night operations )
33. Aircraft ground crash explosion , 250/500lb bomb explosions with new faster ground flash effect
34. Aircraft cannon bullets ground explosion , RS82 and other rockets ground explosion with dirt fountain and new faster ground flash effect .
35. Small 10kg/50kg bomb dirt fountain
36. New water splash
37. Aircraft take off water splash effect
38. Aircraft stall wingtip vortices effect
39. Ground bullets impact smoke effect
40. Probably forgot to mention something else

Plutonium Universal Max Effects Mod IS EXPLICITLY NOT COMPATIBLE with these mods which some of these due to the Java class files conflict:

00_ZUTI_DSMOD ( any version )
B29_Silver_Plate mod
Mosquito B mod and SP B29 MKXVI Effects fix for HSFX and UP
P-51 Hydraulics Version 2


1. Unzip mod
2. Open IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 game folder
3. Open " MODS " folder

4. Place Plutonium mod inside MODS folder in to the left upper corner to make sure game is reading mod first to prevent any possible conflict when in doubt with some of the other mods .

Use only Effects=0 or Effects=1 setting in your conf.ini file
Effects=2 setting was never recommended by Oleg & 1C and it is causing known smokes textures flickering bug , changing smokes color and causing rather a huge FPS decrease .
That's all , just close IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 folder and you're ready to go .

Plutonium mod is fully compatible with these examples of visual enhancing mods but it is not a complete list:
Code: [Select]
1. 00_HG&P_Ricochet_Gunsmoke_Bullets_2D_Smoketrail
2. Tracermod + VVS/Russian tracer fix mod by Eexhaton
3. Torpedo Trails mod by Fly!
4. 3D German 20mm Cannon Spiralsmoke mod by Eexhaton
5. Combined Contrail Fixes v2 mod by CirX
7. Big Bombs Explosion Effects [Final Version] mod by Santobr
8. ShipTrail mod by Fly!
9. Philip.ed's New Intermittent Smoketrail Tracer MOD V1
10. GUNFIRE Day & Night gunfire mod with alpha channels added by Fly!
11. 00_DaddersmuzzleflashlowfatV2 mod by Dadder
12. UP's 00_Advanced_Engine Management
13. UP's 00_AlternativeFMs
14. UP's 00_Atm_mod_Original
15. UP's 00_Atm_modv3.1Wind_Turb&Prop
16. UP's 00_Perfect_Map_Textures
17. UP's 00_RealisticBomb&TorpedoFusing
18. UP's 00_ZloyPetrushkO_AAAmod_fast
19. UP's 01_CumulativeShipsDamage
20. UP's 01_TougherBridges
21. UP's 01_TougherTrains
22. UP's 02_CarrierTakeoffMod_5.3.3
23. Any other mod that do not have included any of the same 39 effects files or Java class files of the effects that are listed above

There won't be JSGME version for jsgmemods folder because if Plutonium effects mod will be selected via JSGME application , it will be ovewritten with a zillion other incompatible old effects mods inside game main MODS folder and creating chaos in install and actual in-game visual effects.
Plutonium explosions , ground damage smokes , battleship guns blast smokes & flash effects were tuned and optimized for less GPU and CPU demand with significantly less demand for emit , particles and textures size to make sure they're all together staying within the game engine limits and they should not be replaced with separated effects with other differently configured mods created by other members .
Mod needs to remain as it is , do not move folders , files , there is extra folder and some of the effects have been switched between each other as it was also done with previous Uranium mod.
Mod is using only small 17kb and even few smaller size textures .

Thursday , July 08 , 2010 NEW CHANGE:
1. removed clouds folder to avoid compatibility issues with available clouds mods
2. .303 and 0.50 caliber bullets hit to the ground smoke effect caused drop in FPS which is now tuned and no more happening with also assigned new color
3. .303 and 0.50 caliber bullets hits to the water splash effect caused drop in FPS which is now no longer happening with the same rainbow color effect

Saturday , October 23 , 2010 NEW CHANGE:
1. House & Bushes fire reduced to 13 minutes only ( very slow smoke is continuing to be infinite )
2. Bullets and Cannon water splash was changed from blended texture effect back to normal texture effect
leaving only bombs explosions with blended texture effect ( inreased FPS for cannon bullets water splash )
3. Edited some of the jet aircraft engine smoke at full power like Yak-3R Prop/Rocket Hybrid ,
BI-1 Rocket Fighter , BI-6 Rocket/Ramjet Hybrid etc..........................................
4. Cleaned all of the annoying game console INTERNAL ERROR: Str2FloatClamp() errros
that did belong to Plutonium mod by addjusting some of the .eff and .mat files values exactly to the game engine requested range specification
5. Removed any .mat and textures leftovers files that have had anything to do with bullets smoketrails
6. Engine wrong fuel mixture smoke edited
7. Cars and trucks fire texture was replaced with house fire texture for better color
8. Edited ground fuel tanks fire for better color

Special thanks to:
Anders_And for testing and advice for the best on-line timing for houses and bushes fire .
Eexhaton for testing

CHRISTMAS UPDATE ! : December 10 2010 Change V1 Version

Look , Merlin !!

Christmas update version brought to you by SAS~Sani & SAS~HolyGrail  8) 

This is last version before 4.10 TD patch is out , then this mod will undergo class files editing
for compatibility with other important mods and ZUTI's MDS for better on-line play

7z zipped file size is only 242 kb , after unzipping mod size is only 2.27 MB .

Download Plutonium Universal Max Effects V1

Also highly recommended is a fantastic fix for the original game high altitude shifted contrails bug
provided by CirX here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,3925.0.html  8)

CinemaFX for those who like cinematic animated effects or use of volumetric textures , here is an
excellent addition by socorrista22198 : http://ultrapack.tuttovola.org/index.php/topic,2691.0.html  8)

We would like to thank you for all your support and enjoy new blasting effects !!!!
Please , do not thank me only , it's a team effort  :)
Sani & HolyGrail & Potenz & Wolfighter effects co.  8)
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Re: IL-2 1946 Plutonium Maximum Effects Mod
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2010, 12:31:32 PM »


If you suspect that all of a sudden aircraft damage smokes have changed for some reason appearance
or length or transparency color , you have likely conflict with some other mod with class files .
It might happen even if Plutonium mod is inside MODS folder as the first one to be read by game .
Please , if your game crash , do not just say it crashed , say at least which IL-2 1946 game install version are you running .
As a rule of thumb is to disabling all other mods , starting with Plutonium mod enabled only and then adding other mods back one after another and testing each time if the game works .
It might sound to be a pain in the ass process but with current game versions and zillion mods it's the only way to find out which mod is causing crash or conflict .
Keep in mind that Plutonium have 70 class files included , there are other mods like oxygen breathing mask mod or Histomod_Pack and some other which will likely conflict , we have not tested everything since it would take another year to download all stuff and testing each by each .
Basic easy game installs without hundreds of other various mods is working like a charm .
Whatever other mod you want to have included running with Plutonium , you will have to try
each if it works or if the game crash with it .
Me personally , I have only 4 or 5 additonal effects mod like bulllets smoketrails , and dadders muzzle flash mod for reducing guns light circus , few others easy mods without class files and pretty much nothing else .
It runs also on Potenz's game install , it runs also on Wolfighter's game install .
At this point with various game install versions and mods developments , it's almost impossible to create
" working for all approach " right out of the bat when so many class files are edited .
Everyone will have to find and disable the " other mod " which is conflicting if you want to use Plutonium Universal Max Effects mod .

S! S & HG & P & W  8)
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Re: UPDATE2: IL-2 1946 Plutonium Universal Max Effects Mod
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2010, 08:50:14 AM »

Here is more detailed history .
There was over the years numerous versions released so take a look to see
how things were from the beginning of our effects mods:

1. IL-2 1946 Ultimate Full 3D Smokes and Fire Effects Mod ( 2008/2009 compatible with everything )

2. IL-2 1946 Additional Aircraft And Ground Effects Mod ( 2009 compatible with everything )

3. IL-2 1946 HG&P Platinum Edition Mod Release ( 2009 compatible with everything )

4. IL-2 1946 Uranium Edition Mod Extra Effects Mod ( 2009/2010 compatible 95% with other mods )

5. IL-2 1946 Plutonium Universal Max Effects Mod ( 2010 compatible 50% with other mods )
Compatibility editing is scheduled once 4.10 TD patch is released

S! S & HG & P & W effects co.

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Re: UPDATE 3: IL-2 1946 Plutonium Universal Max Effects V1 Mod
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2010, 02:43:57 PM »

NEW UPDATE: December 09 2010
0_0_Plutonium_Universal_Max_Effects_V1 version
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Re: UPDATE 3: IL-2 1946 Plutonium Universal Max Effects V1 Mod
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2010, 08:47:46 AM »

Thank ya all , each and every one of you so much !  8) ,
Sani is the mastermind behind this Christmas update and class files editor in chief  :)

  ???  :D  ;D

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Re: UPDATE 3: IL-2 1946 Plutonium Universal Max Effects V1 Mod
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2010, 03:26:03 PM »

  ;D ;D ;D
   Very beautiful effects, and the blue flame exhausts, a nice surprise, it's great ...
   Il2 our favorite is even more beautiful day after day ...

   Mosquito escort above the town of Rouen in Normandy ...



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Re: UPDATE 3: IL-2 1946 Plutonium Universal Max Effects V1 Mod
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2010, 09:42:59 AM »

Ok, I found a few "bugs" of this mod. While starting yak 1 get the fire from engine in the wrong place. Same thing happens with the latest spit (one from a mod, i cannot remember the name, spit XXXV i guess considering the amount of them). Also while flying one of the exhausts (on the right side the one closest to the pilot) never gets blue flame in any hurry, p51 or spit. I will be testing more engine starts.


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Re: UPDATE 3: IL-2 1946 Plutonium Universal Max Effects V1 Mod
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2010, 03:28:13 PM »

ok, so this new update adds the engine flame to which planes? all of them?


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Re: UPDATE 3: IL-2 1946 Plutonium Universal Max Effects V1 Mod
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2010, 08:03:43 PM »

wow!! new version !! thank you very much holygrail  :)
stupid question: I know it's not compatible with b-29 mod, but is this compatible with UP 2.01 without disabling b-29 silverplate ?


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Re: UPDATE 3: IL-2 1946 Plutonium Universal Max Effects V1 Mod
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2010, 11:55:08 PM »

Redrum, it adds it to planes using Merlin engines; Hurri, some late-model Spits and P-51's.

@ghost500: it'll work without disabling the silverplate, you might lose the bomb effect of the silverplate, though... ;)
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Re: UPDATE 3: IL-2 1946 Plutonium Universal Max Effects V1 Mod
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2010, 10:05:56 AM »

Just noticed that this also adds flames to the P-51A that was recently released. That was an Allison powered AC if I'm not mistaken.
Regardless looks great.


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Re: UPDATE 3: IL-2 1946 Plutonium Universal Max Effects V1 Mod
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2010, 10:34:30 AM »

And it also changes the flames on the start up to most planes. The most beautiful thing are the blue flames on merlin engines, I hope that will be added to german and japanesse planes in the future.
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