Thanks very much David. This is one of the most beautiful of your works, (being a bomber/transport/seaplane player, a multi engine or navy machine player especially, I'm not good with fighters and being an old subsimmer I'm more propense to play on the strategic picture that on the tactic one, only I like ww1 fighters since they're manoucrability, but if I can I play ever big machines campaigns, indeed I'm converting the caproni campaign for dbw 1916 to bat dof, and creating other ww1 Italian bombers and recce campaign in Albania and elsewhere, (I created even 2 campaigns for waw with regia aeronautica about the long range raids against the British middle east, Egypt and Palestine, from Rhodes in 1940 41,recreating some historic raid of the Muti s gang from Gadurrà, on Sm82, sm79, cantz1007 and sm81 for night bombing this last since was obsolete by now, missions are in 2 maps ofc, the Dodecanese and the Middle East one, with realistic long range flights on trimotors, and there's even a couple of rescue missions with Mamma Aiuto, the Cantz501 and 506 seaplane of the sanitary service, while the last missions are from Foggia against Greece and Jugoslavia, and the last campaign is on the Djibouti map in Italian East Africa in 1940, caproni 133 bombers over Somaliland, imam ro37 for recce against Ethiopian insurgents, sm81 and sm79 for ship busting in Aden gulf and perim strait or nearby south, they use many randomizers and c&c tools, but I must play them to test before release, from my early not mature works I learned so much to do better campaigns only they're for players who like long flights of 3 hours circa, sometime a little bit more) so I like very much it, especially for the long range instrumental flight in some case. I will take inspiration from this and from the vampire zeppelin pack for my campaigns with the ilya muromets, zeppelin, and another with the Romanian farmans in the carpathians. Another campaign I like very much is the one on m4today with the b29 over Japan, without tc is up to 15 hours of flight. But ofc with tc I do 5 or 6 hours usually, max 7. Ofc I play these long range raids when I have time, it's really something I must preparing some evening with coffee, food, and drinks😂😂😅I don't like too short missions, of 15 minutes even, like some air defense campaigns, and I like realistic scale maps. But there is some fighter air defense campaign I like very much, the night fighting campaigns! Since I like to fly at night. And often the night fighters are multi engine and heavily armed. Sometime also fighter bomber but only with some plane. So thank you very much this and the zeppelin pack of vampire are, aside with the caproni campaign I'm creating are just what I m looking for to play DOF!