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Author Topic: Lots to learn with JTW  (Read 1106 times)

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Lots to learn with JTW
« on: April 20, 2021, 06:42:00 PM »

I was 'practicing' (and I use the term very loosely LOL) with the A-10 getting used to jets (I'm primarily a WW2 prop guy).  I created a simple ground attack mission in FMB and put bombs and Mavericks on the aircraft.  The target was armour.

I've printed out parts of the BAT manual with the FLIR and AtoA, AtoG info but I'm still not sure how to use the 'bombing' sights.  Pressing C once gives me a familiar circular bombsight which I think I have figured out.  Pressing C again gives me a 'gunner' position with a yellow laser? sight but it seems zoomed in and I'm not sure how to use.  Is this for missiles? i.e. the Maverick?

Any tips are appreciated.  Thanks.

On a related note, for Ss and Gs I created a refuel mission (KC-135 and a Prowler).......OOF!  That is going to take (as the manual says) LOTS of practice.  I was sweating after only a few minutes.  Collided with the 135 eventually but still enjoyed the challenge.


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Re: Lots to learn with JTW
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2021, 12:53:32 AM »

Who said flying a high performance jet is easy? ;)

Fist of all you need an easy access mapping of all the misc keys. They contain varying functions (find out what in each plane).

The "bombsight" is the standard skip-bomb sight from teh Ar-234. Not historical but Vega added this to all his jets and it adds some fun.
The other is indeed the laser pointer. It is controlled by mouse movement.
It has a range limit. Close enough to the ground (as in: not 10.000m high...) you can see the light spot. That is your target fix. Move it over your target and "lock" it with one of the misc keys (I think in the region of 5, 6, 7-ish... you'll find it). Now it stays put. Now you activate/select a laser guided bomb or missile and release it when you think you are close enough (the bomb can guide, but only so much.... like, it can't turn around mid-air or go totally perpendicular of course).
The more space it has, the more direct your lineup is, the better.  It will guide into the fixed laser point within accuracy limits.

Just as in real life: practice, get a feel for it and for the steps necessary. You will soon find "misc" autopilot features like altitude and heading very useful here.

If you want to know what Maverick or whatever is guided by what means, consult wikipedia.


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Re: Lots to learn with JTW
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2021, 01:12:18 AM »

You will probably find this thread useful (I know I did):



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Re: Lots to learn with JTW
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2021, 08:38:32 AM »

From my personal perspective it's about how you can adapt to jets compared to piston fighters. Granted the way to start is the late war jets both allied and axis, many times I've had to adapt to landing speeds and takeoff speeds. Trust me I've crashed a few times but once you get the hang of it it's easy, you learn about how powerful the jets we have are. From approaches, rotation speed and touchdown as well as the use of missiles.

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Re: Lots to learn with JTW
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2021, 08:57:13 AM »

Thanks all.  That is most helpful.  Takeoff, flight and landing with the A-10 isn't really a problem (although the end of the runway in the Mid East map I chose was a bit messed up texture-wise and I sort of hopped into the air).  I think the relative low speed aspect of the A-10 compared to others helps in the transition so to speak and IMHO is probably a good platform to learn these new aspects of the game.



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Re: Lots to learn with JTW
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2021, 06:51:30 PM »

Yeah, baby!!
No other action except in-flight refuel and it was a 'woohoo' moment when I hooked up LOL!!!  It took me at least 20 mins bouncing around behind the 135 before I was able to settle down and get subtle with the stick and rudder.  Watched the fuel gauge increase for a while before breaking off.  Very cool.  Definitely have to change Shift-D to something on the stick/console though.  ;)
One question though, I noticed in the right-corner info such as 'INS L-10' etc but wasn't sure what it was telling me.  Is it giving me distance/centerline offset to the fuel drogue?



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Re: Lots to learn with JTW
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2021, 07:31:25 AM »

One question though, I noticed in the right-corner info such as 'INS L-10' etc but wasn't sure what it was telling me.  Is it giving me distance/centerline offset to the fuel drogue?

IIRC, it is the map grid location. Some of the jets give you nav information.
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