Who said flying a high performance jet is easy?

Fist of all you need an easy access mapping of all the misc keys. They contain varying functions (find out what in each plane).
The "bombsight" is the standard skip-bomb sight from teh Ar-234. Not historical but Vega added this to all his jets and it adds some fun.
The other is indeed the laser pointer. It is controlled by mouse movement.
It has a range limit. Close enough to the ground (as in: not 10.000m high...) you can see the light spot. That is your target fix. Move it over your target and "lock" it with one of the misc keys (I think in the region of 5, 6, 7-ish... you'll find it). Now it stays put. Now you activate/select a laser guided bomb or missile and release it when you think you are close enough (the bomb can guide, but only so much.... like, it can't turn around mid-air or go totally perpendicular of course).
The more space it has, the more direct your lineup is, the better. It will guide into the fixed laser point within accuracy limits.
Just as in real life: practice, get a feel for it and for the steps necessary. You will soon find "misc" autopilot features like altitude and heading very useful here.
If you want to know what Maverick or whatever is guided by what means, consult wikipedia.