NOTE: Aug 12, 2021. My v1.1 completely supersedes this version, and is available in this thread:,67162.0.htmlWorks in BAT Red core, and should in 4.12.
Get it here: the included readme file:
WxTech's effects mod tweaks and additions; an ongoing work in progress. Consider this a WIP. An early teaser. While most everything in the 3do/Effects and Effects folders have been worked over fairly well, some elements have only had a cursory treatment thus far.
At the vesy least you can 'steal' various files and textures to your heart's content, to put into your own 3do/Effects and Effects folders in whatever such mod you might currently use.
This mod is (or should be) compatible with 4.12 and BAT.
For BAT users, place in #WAW3, and make sure it appears above !SAS_Engine_Mod (where Explosions.class files also reside).
I've made a large number of changes and additions, as well as a few trimmings, to Explosions.class.
These are the 9 class files for Explosions.class (used to be 15, but I discarded the MyDataForSmoke method):
EE4B63FC7A3AE93E is included, so that all my notations are preserved. I've put in methods appearing in Gurner's FX 4.3, but not currently active, likely to be incorporated in future.
The various tweaks are too numerous to mention in their entirety. Worth pointing out are the main new effects and more important changes which have been added:
- Separated out the bullet hits on aircraft for MG and HMG rounds (formerly bundled together). (Note that hit effects are based on the Power value in the weapon class, and for a given weapon the Power can differ between rounds on the belt.)
- Plane crashes on land don't come off like a 250kg bomb explosion any more, but instead make a less violent firefall.
- Plane crashes into water will randomly result in smoky fireballs, and sometimes flames on the water with smoke columns for a short while. But no more high water columns shared with Bomb250 explosions.
- Bomb250 and larger explosions against watercraft will result in a pattern of water splashes to simulate shrapnel.
- Ordnance bursts in water will result in longer-lasting disturbed patches (as will plane crashes, and bullet/cannon hits.)
- Added additional methods so as to be able to specify bomb explosion effects against objects by bomb size (from 10kg class to 1000kg class).
- Includes Mike Storbror's flak illumination mod (because it involves Explosions.class), but notably toned down so that clouds and ground don't light up like a thunderstorm.
- Includes the napalm explosion effects by CY6 (??), but altered by me. (Still needs work, especially because the numerous 'tendrils' of individual fire streams tend to terminate in explosions from the Bomb10kg method.)
- Explosions don't light up the surroundings so powerfully nor for so long, generally.
Due to the relatively limited number of 'general purpose' smokes that can be placed on maps, you might find notable differences from older smokes in some missions. This an area in which tighter streamlining can be done.
In this iteration I've applied to essentially all ground based smokes a Wind factor of 15 in the various .mat files. This is a bit on the fast side. I eventually would like to tone this down to 10, or perhaps 7.5. Part of the reason for this rather brisk speed is that so many objects have their damage effect hook oriented horizontally. Oh how I wish these hooks were all oriented upward! Then could I design behavior closer to reality! Because of the way GasResist and VertAccel, in order to reduce the silly appearance of a smoke column starting out more horizontally and then obviously arcing more vertically, I've had to boost the speed in order to obtain a reasonably long column without this upward bending.
As always with my mods, the work is free to use by anyone for any purpose, without restriction.
Apr 25, 2021