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Author Topic: Junkers Ju 288 A-2 v1.04  (Read 16949 times)

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Re: Junkers Ju 288 A-2 v1.04
« Reply #48 on: June 05, 2021, 07:09:49 AM »

the downloads include a folder for those not using B.A.T., was it necessary to download that again each time the aircraft itself was updated or were changes only to the aircraft folder?
Each part has a separate download and you only need to download/install what has been updated.
For instance, the Addons for non-BAT users are still on v1.00 so they need no update, as well as the HD default skins.

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Re: Junkers Ju 288 A-2 v1.04
« Reply #49 on: June 06, 2021, 02:37:06 AM »

Hello Mike, thank you very much for the clarification. ;)

I thought it might be the case, just double checking as with a few different updates sometimes things get missed, well by me anyway, so all is okay for me in my ModAct 5.30, thank you very much, really appreciated. 8)

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Junkers Ju 288 A-2 v1.04
« Reply #50 on: June 08, 2021, 10:58:30 PM »

Sorry Vasya, but you've messed up the numbers.
The speed data you are referring to is from the Ju-488 and the GM-1 injection which you've implemented now never existed on any Ju-288A engine, and it was also never planned to be (this in fact was reserved for the "Höhenbomber" version if the C model).
The only thing I agree with is "unknown weight and range of weapons in the tests".
Sorry to say, but your "new" FM is just wrong.

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Re: Junkers Ju 288 A-2 v1.04
« Reply #51 on: June 09, 2021, 06:36:38 AM »

Sorry Vasya, but you've messed up the numbers.
The speed data you are referring to is from the Ju-488 and the GM-1 injection which you've implemented now never existed on any Ju-288A engine, and it was also never planned to be (this in fact was reserved for the "Höhenbomber" version if the C model).
The only thing I agree with is "unknown weight and range of weapons in the tests".
Sorry to say, but your "new" FM is just wrong.

I understand the link has been removed.


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Re: Junkers Ju 288 A-2 v1.04
« Reply #52 on: August 14, 2022, 12:41:09 PM »

The meaning of viewSet can only be understood when you convert the value to hex values.

Bit 0 = 0 is SnapView, Bit 0 = 1 is PanView.
Bit 1 = 0 is Pilot in normal view mode, Bit 1 = 1 is Pilot in Aim (Shift+F1) mode.
Bits 2 & 3 set whether mirrors are being rendered. Both set to 0 means no mirrors, one or more set to 1 means that mirrors are rendered is some way (don't ask me which is what).
Bit 4 = 0 means Autopilot is toggled automatically, i.e. when you enter a gunner station, the Autopilot gets deactivated, and when you leave it, it gets activated automatically. Bit 4 = 1 disables "AutoAutopilot". This by the way is the core issue here...
Bits 5 & 6 set the "drawSpeed" mode of the HUD. Both set to 0 means you will have no Speedbar in the lower left, other values cycle through the different Speedbar modes.
Bit 7 is unused.

Your setting "37" is hex 25 or 0x00100101, meaning:
Bit 0 = 1 ==> PanView.
Bit 1 = 0 ==> Normal View Mode.
Bits 2&3 = 1/0 ==> Mirrors are being rendered.
Bit 4 = 0 ==> "AutoAutopilot" active.
Bits 5&6 = 1/0 ==> Speedbar in ISO mode.

An updated version of the Ju 288 will follow later, this issue will be fixed then.


It is really true that you never stop to learn!!

It is extremely clear the connection between the hex value and the setting. What is not clear to me is the correspondance between the conf.ini value and the hex value .

You mentioned that 37 (conf.ini value) corresponds to hex 25, now my next question would be what are the hex values corresponding to 36 or 59?

It would have been much easier if the conf.ini value was the same of the hex.

Do you know where I can find more info otherwise it will become a very painful trial and error process?

Many thanks


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Re: Junkers Ju 288 A-2 v1.04
« Reply #53 on: August 14, 2022, 01:02:06 PM »

Depending on your Windows version, the calculator has a "programmer" option that allows hexadecimal, binary and octal conversion.

36  ==>  24 hexa  ==>  100100 bin
37  ==>  25 hexa  ==>  100101 bin
59  ==>  3B hexa  ==>  111011 bin
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Re: Junkers Ju 288 A-2 v1.04
« Reply #54 on: August 14, 2022, 02:21:04 PM »

Thanks i didn't know that the calculator had the function but I found a conversion table on the internet so I jotted on paper the interesting settings and now  am trying but still there are some differences between the theory and the reality and then you need to fight with the game that every time want to decide for you what is the best option. In my case it goes inevitably to 56 = hex 38 00111000. Not too bad but is not what I want. So change the ini, lock the ini, launch, find out if setting works, go back unlock, change........

I checked the win calculator and it works fine in fact I had a conversion app on the phone and preferred to use excel for complex calculations so I never bother to check the wincalculator but really they have improved a lot


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Re: Junkers Ju 288 A-2 v1.04
« Reply #55 on: August 21, 2022, 05:40:58 AM »

You mentioned that 37 (conf.ini value) corresponds to hex 25, now my next question would be what are the hex values corresponding to 36 or 59?
...and then you need to fight with the game that every time want to decide for you what is the best option. In my case it goes inevitably to 56 = hex 38 00111000. Not too bad but is not what I want. So change the ini, lock the ini, launch, find out if setting works, go back unlock, change........
Hi Frankiek. If I understand correctly, you are talking about putting conf.ini on read only status.
I did that for a long while to fight the game corrupting my visual settings from time to time.
I discovered recently something that YOU should be made aware of:
..changing in game setting wont record. I was made aware of that when I was
using Vietnam era music and raised the volume of music and reduced the object sound,
then tried to reduce music sound again, days later; the game would not implement the changes of level sounds.
Not only sounds levels were unchanged after game reboot, they remain unchangeable while the game was running.
So there will be times for you to unlock conf.ini as a must. Just saying, be advised.
Goodluck with current efforts.

( ..this maybe only testing on your part, with implementing the desired value elsewhere.. so in that case, disregard. )


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Re: Junkers Ju 288 A-2 v1.04
« Reply #56 on: August 21, 2022, 07:13:22 AM »

To avoid these problems, I made a simple ".bat" file that copies a "healthy" version of the "conf.ini" into the root and then runs the game.

For info :
copy C:\_GAMES\IL-2_1946_UPUV2_TESTS\bin\conf_Orig.ini C:\_GAMES\IL-2_1946_UPUV2_TESTS\conf.ini >nul
"C:\_GAMES\IL-2_1946_UPUV2_TESTS\IL-2 Selector.exe"
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Re: Junkers Ju 288 A-2 v1.04
« Reply #57 on: August 21, 2022, 07:58:53 AM »

 ... for other purposes, I often use that free converter ...  ;)



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Re: Junkers Ju 288 A-2 v1.04
« Reply #58 on: August 22, 2022, 08:43:50 AM »

copy C:\_GAMES\IL-2_1946_UPUV2_TESTS\bin\conf_Orig.ini C:\_GAMES\IL-2_1946_UPUV2_TESTS\conf.ini >nul
"C:\_GAMES\IL-2_1946_UPUV2_TESTS\IL-2 Selector.exe"
..in a   .bat     file.  Nice trick !  ;)

..of course the address          C:\_GAMES\IL-2_1946_UPUV2_TESTS            must differ and be of your intended usable/running game.



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Re: Junkers Ju 288 A-2 v1.04
« Reply #59 on: August 22, 2022, 10:28:01 AM »

copy C:\_GAMES\IL-2_1946_UPUV2_TESTS\bin\conf_Orig.ini C:\_GAMES\IL-2_1946_UPUV2_TESTS\conf.ini >nul
"C:\_GAMES\IL-2_1946_UPUV2_TESTS\IL-2 Selector.exe"
..in a   .bat     file.  Nice trick !
..of course the address          C:\_GAMES\IL-2_1946_UPUV2_TESTS            must differ and be of your intended usable/running game.
Yes of course !
For those unfamiliar with this type of file, note the use of "" in the second line, because of the spaces in the command line.

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