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Author Topic: Skins for the Revolução Constitucionalista  (Read 704 times)

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Skins for the Revolução Constitucionalista
« on: August 23, 2021, 09:55:29 AM »

This topic will likely have more appeal with the brazilian skinners - if there is any -  but anyway, it will still be interesting for all aviation lovers.

A little brief: The Revolução Constitucionalista (en: The Constitutionalist Revolution) of 1932, also known as the 1932 Revolution or the Paulista War, was the armed movement that took place in the brazilian states of São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul and Rio Grande do Sul, between July and October 1932, which aimed to overthrow the the provisional government of Getúlio Vargas and convene a National Constituent Assembly. It was one of the biggest conflicts in South America during the first half of the XX century. Also, it was one of the biggest engagements of aerial forces in Latin America until then, together with the Chaco War and the Leticia Conflict.

Anyway, I am doing some missions for it and it would be interesting to have at least a few skins for it.

First of all, links (sorry if both of them are in portuguese, but it is so hard to find a good material about it in english - but if u are interested, i will gladly search for it in english, just ask me!!!)

< https://www2.fab.mil.br/incaer/images/eventgallery/instituto/Opusculos/Textos/opusculo_rev32.pdf >
< https://www.revistamilitar.pt/artigo/1273 >

The planes involved were:

- For the Legalistas (government forces) - Brazilian army and Navy: Potez 25 TOE, Waco CSO, Nieuport-Delage nid.72, the Tiger Mouth, Vought 02V-2A Corsair, Martin PM, Savoia Marchetti S-55 and the Avro 504.
- For the Constitucionalistas (rebel forces) - De Havilland DH 60x Moth, Hanriot 410, Nieuport Ni-81, Morane-Saulnier MS29, Curtiss JN-2, Curtiss Falcon, Caudron 93-bis, Potez 25 TOE, Waco CSO and Nieuport-Delage nid.72 - most of them were captured or defected planes.
If i miss any plane, don´t hesitate to correct me!

To clarify, government forces aircraft used the traditional Brazilian insginia, with the blue, yellow and green of the brazilian flag - with the planes mostly (but not all) painted in RED. The rebels used to paint the planes with different schemes, but usually the insignia of the Constitucionalistas was black or white stripes in the fuselage and wings.

The last thing that we all like: some pictures (u can find most of the profiles and other skins in the links above):

I know it is a huge request: but I´m not in a rush, so take your time and relax  ;)


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Re: Skins for the Revolução Constitucionalista
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2021, 03:55:12 AM »

here're pics of the bombs made by the Paulistas:

The other bombs used were French 10kg and 50kg (as on the Waco in the museum - though the fuze looks strangely as an US fuze) - following the revolution, Brazil severed its military links with France and began to buy US and German bombs (the French military mission in Brazil had been selling munitions and weapons to both sides during the conflict, and the Brazilian central government did not appreciate.....).

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