I'm pretty sure the either were synchronized with one on both wings firing at the same time
No. Sorry, but simply no.
The cal .50 wing guns were not synced with anything. KISS principle. That's why they stuck to the wing mount, out of prop arc, just to keep things as simple as possible. No sync. Nada.
or the rate of fire was high enough that the difference between each gun was milliseconds, and all 6 would fire off within the same second or two.
All eight, other than that: Sure, the rate of fire was high.
Which doesn't keep physics from being applicable and as such, at any rate of fire, when guns are
unsynced, there's a certain harmony which will cause the whole system to start swinging up.
Also, this would be a common problem to all wing mounted MGs, but wing mounted was the standard for most aircraft of WW2.
No such thing like "standard" in WW2 armament, but still: Yes, this was a common problem of wing mounted guns.
It was to be countered by excessive lateral stability of the aircraft in question.
Which the bubbletop Jugs simply didn't have until the tail fin was introduced.
If this caused a "spray" there would defiantly be mentions of it from pilots in the record, not just of P-47s, but from everyone.
No sorry, but this was a matter solely recorded on the P-47 to such extent that pilots reported it - and that's why I've implemented it.
In comparison to the P-51 for instance, the fuselage airflow on the P-47 was already rather distorted by the large front of the radial engine. That's probably why the whole effect was so much more pronounced compared to the Pony.
When the Bubbletop canopy was introduced on the P-47, it cause the plane to lose it's lateral stability to an extent where it would "sway" it's tail all the time. Just a little. Nasty, but no reason for further concerns... if there wasn't the issue that once firing the guns, the sway would become excessive. The plane simply wasn't stable enough on the lateral axis to counter the harmonics caused by 8 wing guns firing at the same time.
This got reported by pilots, and Republic solved it by introducing the tail fin.
That's it. Simple as that. And that's why the bubbletop P-47s
without tail fin spray their ammo like they do in the Jugs reloaded pack.
Take it or leave it.
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