UPDATE: Oct 01, 2021, 0400 UTC I neglected to include the modded Aircraft.class, where the additional case for the invocation of the throttle smoke is now incorporated. (The stock check for carb cut-out smoke is left in place, which hopefully means a future incorporation of both carb cut-out and throttle smoke effects is possible, which would be coded in Motor.class.) If you downloaded the initial, incomplete archive, please do so again; sorry for the hoops I'm making you go through! But then, I do have to maintain my reputation as a scatterbrained, "absent-minded professor", as my Mom always said.

The updated readme file contents is reproduced below.
Get it here:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/jj646e0sjpw9179/%2521_00_Full_Throttle_Smoke_for_BAT_4.0.7z/fileNote that my conjecture on compatibility outside B.A.T. 4.0 to 4.1.1 (non-BAT 4.12 or B.A.T. 4.1.2 and beyond) is just that; conjecture! I've not yet updated my game beyond B.A.T. 4.0. If there are incompatibilities with later B.A.T versions, I hope someone will take the java file I supply and 'port' over the relevant code (a really easy process.)
From the included readme file:
Full Throttle Smoke Mod for B.A.T. 4.0-4.1.1 (possibly later, and possibly non-BAT 4.12)
Reintroduces the smoke effect when throttle exceeds 95% and RPM is > 2,000, for a good number of engines--not all.
This mod involves two important base classes; Aircraft and Motor. There's a *chance* you could have a mod already that involves one or both. If in any doubt, it's always wise to use the handy tool called classcheck.exe. This will reveal any potential conflicts.
These classes are taken from B.A.T. 4.0. It should be fine to B.A.T. 4.1.1, and *possibly* OK for all B.A.T 4.1.x, and *maybe* B.A.T. 4.2??? Furthermore, I *suspect* it'll be OK for non-BAT 4.12.
Some folk have lamented the loss of this effect in B.A.T. It got replaced with a less seldom seen smoke when some carburetor fed engines cut out. Such as for the early Spit and Hurri.
Here I've added the relevant replacement code in Motor.class, method getMixMultiplier(), to generate the throttle smoke. The carb cut-out smoke is thus disabled. It might be possible to have both, and at some point I may work on this.
In Aircraft.class, I add to the method doSetSootState the required additional test for "case 6". Also altered in this class is the landing light hue and projection distance. The light is made yellowish (as opposed to cyan), and the distance over which it is projected is 3km instead of 1km.
I include the .eff and the attending .mat and .tga files. These are updated from those supplied in my recent effect mod pack, so use these here!
The Motor.class hashed file:
The Aircraft.class hashed files:
I include also the Motor.java and Aircraft.java files.
As always, this is free to use by any and all, for any purpose whatsoever, without restriction.
Sep 30, 2021