This is probably not for autopilot jocks, this is for flyers.
14 missions for a B-52 over Vietnam, April to December 1972. You will fly a B-52D with 307th Strategic Wing from U-Tapao, Thailand on Geschrirrschpülmaschine19's reworked big Vietnam map.
Do you want long flights at night in poor weather?
Do you like to operate an ass load of engines as you negotiate your way in for a blind landing?
Then this is your campaign

I've been tinkering with this for almost a year now, but I can't get it any better so here it is

A few words on particulars of the missions.
U-Tapao has a blind landing beacon and an LSO, who will only come on at very short distance!
Make clever use of the altitude and heading autopilot options as you home in on the radar marker. That last bit to line up properly feels way too short most of the time.
I recommend to play it with way points and player icon to
ON! The B-52 has sophisticated nav equipment and you have a capable navigator with you. You are supposed to know where you are and where you are going at all times! This is not seat-of-your-pants flying guesswork, this requires some calm hand and precise flying to actually hit
anything! (and to find back again)

There are SMAs and there are countermeasures, controlled by a spawn chance percentage. So you may actually have SAMs incoming in some missions, maybe you never become a target.... maybe you can hear others who had less luck over the radio.
There will be a jeep sitting in front of your plane for about a minute until it drives away. Don't run over it. It forces you to wait a bit, since you can start engines up much faster than the AI buddies behind you and if you take off too fast, they can't follow you....
I found building these kinds of missions definitely
different and interesting. Enjoy!

D/L reading: SAS~JackS