Hello Flying H, I also have difficulty with the images, I copied them from posted images so when I try and enlarge
it looses even more of the detail.
Anyway, please bear with me, I just did a few bits of cloning to try and illustrate what I think I am seeing
when I look at the different photographs.
My box is a seperate item, what I considered was some kind of hydraulic apparatus, it bolts to the chassis
and connects via a arm to the rearmost arm that also connects to the chassis in front of the stopper, the
Blue piece is what I still need to complete to join this all together.
Now where I added a Burgundy coloured tube is the bit that comes from the steering column itself in the lower
photograph and in my image connects those two sand coloured interconnected arms that I added and will
ultimately join somewhere into the rear of the front wheel hub and hence steer those wheels. The angle of
the photograph makes it look as though that arm bolts to the spring but it is actaully separate and attaches
to another arm, that what I considered to be disconnected in that image above of the earlier rough bodywork :
Not being a truck mechanic makes any explanation awkward for me but what I describe is two separate
assemblies, my box whatever it might be is part of the chassis and springs, what you were I think describing
are those two sand coloured arms I added for illustration, does that help?
The photographs are at various angles and the clarity being what it is makes it difficult to determine how it all
works but looking at what I showed of the underneath in a earlier post the clamps for the springs it can be seen
and the box appears to be all a part of that.
This is a image from a Bedford light vehicle, not exactly the same and seen from the passenger side, however, I
think it is clearer in illustrating what I had been trying to replicate when I posted up the WIP you replied to:
That is repeated the same on drivers side but as you can see without the clutter of the actual steering hopefully
shows where I am at so far, so, what exactly does that box do any idea please, is it hydraulic? Does it contain
springs or something to take the forces of the springs?
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.