1) In AllPlaneDB string:
My question is: did you know if is correct that IF I CHOOSE ONLY ONE NATION I use value 0 and indicate at first the choosed nation than I indicate none and none for the second and third one?
Yeah, that's right. 0 is only one nation, specified in the first field. 1 - many nations, the rest of the fields are filled. This is a universal definition of a nation, but for any aircraft you can reassign a nation in the Planes section of DB files for each episode.
2) Again in AllPlanesDB:
At the end of this string I should add other 6 values….
That's right. now each aircraft can perform 8 roles (since the number of mission types has been increased). If empty then simply specify "none"
- First 3 missing are from FM:
fmRange - can be taken from documentation for a real prototype
fmCruise Speed - can be taken from documentation for a real prototype
fmFuelMass - I answered which parameter is responsible for this in the topic about the generator, I think colleagues who do BAT will be able to help and prompt this parameter for some aircraft. If the plane is in my
https://www.mediafire.com/file/4w6e7632tvtes9s/%2521DGen_planes.zip/file database, you can safely take data for your files
- last 3 missing are for Drop Tank Fuel (in liters)….
I have to simply indicate them from the results in the weapon_ru file?
Yes, this is the main source of information. The main thing is that there are no mistakes.
The SM.62 doesn't have drop tanks so I simply add at the last 3 entries 0;0;0;
That's right
In a file with data on aircraft from DGenPACK I would suggest analyzing for example P-61. He has many options with drop tanks. You can track how data from AllPlanes is associated with rows from AllWeapons. Everything is simple there