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Author Topic: Macchi 33 over Balearies - Campaign development & learning tread x Asura DGen 2.1  (Read 2519 times)

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I have decided the 'when' and 'where' surroundings in which I'll start working (and learning) around a semi historical DGen campaign:

Spanish Civil War....Italian have a stronghold in the Balearies where their main base is placed at Palma de Mallorca....BUT....they also have a 'wet' foot in the Pollensa area....

Here they have a small Hydrofighter section composed of 3 Macchi M.41 biplanes , their task was to patrol the coast against Repubblicain activity.

In the events their job was done without any engagements as the Republicain held Menorca naval base was out of fighting power and the few based Hydroplanes were not used against Mallorca....nor any activity was take against the island from Spain mainland....

In my project the Porco Rosso Savoia S.21 'll substitute the Macchi....and the Red's 'll be more active....some action 'll be at least....

My goal is to learn with you how to build a DGen campaign (I feel DGen more mission customizable) and keep it newby friendly....an 'ab initio' campaign for me 'the developer' and for the users....

Stay tuned for the upcoming updates!


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Re: Macchi 33 over Balearies - DGen development & learning tread
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2021, 12:16:40 PM »



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Re: Macchi 33 over Balearies - DGen development & learning tread
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2021, 07:08:21 PM »

Hi mates!

I'm starting to build the AllClasses.dat & AllPlaneDB.dat....

Here a couple of entries (first line AllClasses , second line AllPlaneDB) for verify:



I have a couple of questions:

1) In AllPlaneDB string:


At the plane can be given up to 3 different nation….but I can also choose to stuck it with only one changing the (red number) field from 0 to 1....

My question is:  did you know if is correct that IF I CHOOSE ONLY ONE NATION I use value 0 and indicate at first the choosed nation than I indicate none and none for the second and third one?

2) Again in AllPlanesDB:

At the end of this string I should add other 6 values….


Those missing values are:

- First 3 missing are from FM:

fmCruise Speed

How can I get their correct value as wrote in FM?

- last 3 missing are for Drop Tank Fuel (in liters)….

I have to simply indicate them from the results in the weapon_ru file?

The SM.62 doesn't have drop tanks so I simply add at the last 3 entries 0;0;0;


If I have:

PLANEAIRINI.1xdt                               1x 75gal Droptank (that if converted in liters from US gal became 283,90 liters)

I have to add 280;0;0 because he have only one kind of DT loadout….


If I have:

PLANEAIRINI.1xdt                               1x 75gal Droptank (that if converted in liters from US gal became 283,90 liters)
PLANEAIRINI.2xdt                               2x 75gal Droptank (that if converted in liters from US gal became 567,80 liters)

I have to add 280;560;0 because he have two kind of DT loadout….


If I have:

PLANEAIRINI.1xdt50                           1x 50gal Droptank (that if converted in liters from US gal became 189,27 liters)
PLANEAIRINI.1xdt                               1x 75gal Droptank (that if converted in liters from US gal became 283,90 liters)
PLANEAIRINI.2xdt                               2x 75gal Droptank (that if converted in liters from US gal became 567,80 liters)

I have to add 180;280;560 because he have three kind of DT loadout….

Am I correct in my thinking?

Thanks in advance for your replies mates!


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Re: Macchi 33 over Balearies - DGen development & learning tread
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2021, 06:25:56 AM »

I am confused.

What the hell is a AllClasses.dat or AllPlaneDB.dat ?

What kind of "DGEN" are you talking about here?


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Re: Macchi 33 over Balearies - DGen development & learning tread
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2021, 08:27:42 AM »


I'm talking about  DGen....but the modded one by Asura because I'm building a new campaign from scratch....

I post it here because I'm planning to develop it for TGA....but if you think that is offtopic please feel free to move it here https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,127.0.html (iside the Skins, Maps, Missions & Campaigns section , Campaigns sub section)....

Anyway the AllClasses.dat and AllPlaneDB.dat are two of the databases used from the DGen engine to create campaign....and need to be updated or rewrote with the entries of the plane (and other things) you're planning to include....

In particular this two dat files inform the Dgen engine which kind of plane is and who and how....


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Re: Macchi 33 over Balearies - DGen development & learning tread
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2021, 08:45:11 AM »

Okay, thanks..... please be so kind to state right at the top what mod you talk about.

No, if it's compatible with BAT, it's alright, just name the mod and make it clear it's not stock DGen, as I would have expected that from the title.
It not only increases the chance of someone actually posting helpful things, but does not confuse anyone who does not use that mod.


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Okay, thanks..... please be so kind to state right at the top what mod you talk about.

No, if it's compatible with BAT, it's alright, just name the mod and make it clear it's not stock DGen, as I would have expected that from the title.
It not only increases the chance of someone actually posting helpful things, but does not confuse anyone who does not use that mod.

Name changed to avoid misunderstandings....apologize to have been unclear when posting the topic....



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moved as per request


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Re: Macchi 33 over Balearies - DGen development & learning tread
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2021, 04:22:34 AM »

1) In AllPlaneDB string:

My question is:  did you know if is correct that IF I CHOOSE ONLY ONE NATION I use value 0 and indicate at first the choosed nation than I indicate none and none for the second and third one?

Yeah, that's right. 0 is only one nation, specified in the first field. 1 - many nations, the rest of the fields are filled. This is a universal definition of a nation, but for any aircraft you can reassign a nation in the Planes section of DB files for each episode.

2) Again in AllPlanesDB:

At the end of this string I should add other 6 values….


That's right. now each aircraft can perform 8 roles (since the number of mission types has been increased). If empty then simply specify "none"

- First 3 missing are from FM:

fmRange - can be taken from documentation for a real prototype
fmCruise Speed - can be taken from documentation for a real prototype
fmFuelMass - I answered which parameter is responsible for this in the topic about the generator, I think colleagues who do BAT will be able to help and prompt this parameter for some aircraft. If the plane is in my https://www.mediafire.com/file/4w6e7632tvtes9s/%2521DGen_planes.zip/file database, you can safely take data for your files

- last 3 missing are for Drop Tank Fuel (in liters)….

I have to simply indicate them from the results in the weapon_ru file?

Yes, this is the main source of information. The main thing is that there are no mistakes.

The SM.62 doesn't have drop tanks so I simply add at the last 3 entries 0;0;0;

That's right

In a file with data on aircraft from DGenPACK I would suggest analyzing for example P-61. He has many options with drop tanks. You can track how data from AllPlanes is associated with rows from AllWeapons. Everything is simple there :)


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Thanks Asura for your reply!

Thanks to your matrix and to Storebror for for this site supported game version matrix I got all the value to continue the campaign development....and to tailor the value for each (BAT 4.2 and DGen Pack 3.1) in my campaign development!

About the fmRange fmCruise Speed you wrote that they can be also taken from documentation....this mean that I can set value in Allclasses different from the FM if I think that I can have access at more historically correct data....obviously IF decide to change those value I'll report my documentation in the readme!

Thanks for your great help and thanks in advance for supporting me in my work!

All the very best at all!


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Just to specify that I'm alive and the project too!

Actually 90% of the AllClasses , AllPlaneDB and Allweapon are ready....I decided to add some planes for a campaign that 'll be developed in parallel to test carriers and landings operations....a brief campaign in the 1932 Shanghai incident with A1N and his carrier fellows against some Chinese Curtiss....

First files should be ready for inspection this month....
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