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Author Topic: Bombardier's job (BAT WAW)  (Read 721 times)

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Bombardier's job (BAT WAW)
« on: November 23, 2021, 04:30:57 PM »

In stock game, there is a level autopilot available on all bombers. While not realistic per se, it greatly simplifies the things when working on the bombardier station and lets one to focus on bombsight adjustments. However, when it's not there, bombing requires actually doing two jobs simultaneously: flying and bombing.

A properly trimmed plane can be left alone for a brief period, however it's not the case in rough air, and also slight deviations may be difficult to notice when working with a bombsight until they develop too far.

AI pilot follows waypoints, but the actual bomb run can be different.

Could you tell how exactly you do level bombing in WW2 planes step by step? Are there any mods for that - pilot emulation or at least pop-up attitude indicator to control the flight while looking through the bombsight?


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Re: Bombardier's job (BAT WAW)
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2021, 04:21:53 AM »

Those errors were corrected at 4.13, with the right bombsights according to the nationality of the airplane, a new flight system controlled by the bombardier, drift correction according to the wind and many other things. More difficult, but much more immersive and much more historically correct. The 4.12 and previous level bombardment system is a crap.


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Re: Bombardier's job (BAT WAW)
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2021, 09:49:52 AM »

Hi,  A simple way is to associate a key to "Auto Level" in the command's menu.  Hitting this key, you will fly straight and horizontally , then you switch to the bombardier's position, open the bombs bay and press the bomb's away key ... Move back to the pilot position, Hit the "Auto Level" Key again and you get the control of the plane back.


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Re: Bombardier's job (BAT WAW)
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2021, 10:13:25 AM »

There are some good tutorials on Youtube also. Just do a search on IL-2 level bombing.


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Re: Bombardier's job (BAT WAW)
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2021, 11:58:29 AM »

I'll post this again as it might help.  You can use trim controls while in the bombsight mode to adjust for drift too.

NOTE:  These instructions were posted prior to BAT and the salvo option.  I also posted somewhere about the target height ASL as that, believe it or not, makes a difference in the game.  e.g. if you set your bombsight elevation to 10,000ft (the bomsight is using ASL by default, not sure if BAT has changed that) but your target is sitting at 1,000ft ASL, your bombdrop will be off by that difference even if everything else is done right..  If you know the target height ASL then you allow for that difference in your bombsight settings.  Hope that makes sense.
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