Subject: Helicopters in B.A.T
Today 12/10/21 , I spent at least 3.5 hours testing the kappa version of the Mi_24v in BAT. It works fairly well in BAT 4.2 FLASHPOINT. I Enabled the Kappa MOD #!000000_Mi24V_Kappa in the Generic Mod Enabler letting it I guess, overwrite the installed Mi24VE-!976 mod. It worked without a hiccup! I was able to take off and land softly as if I had been doing so for years. The installed BAT Mi24V E- version is a Nightmare, back flips, racing backward on the runway etc. Problems occurred only when using other than the first two weapon loadouts. With the heavier loadouts it would not lift off under full throttle, sometimes flipping over. I found that the Kappa mod as the author stated , responded well to very light inputs of the throttle and joy stick. Any fast or jerky inputs would be crash time. I practiced landing ,then taking off again without any problems. Equipment used: THRUSTMASTER HOTAS WARTHOG JOYSTICK with A10-C throttle I also used /enabled my older # IL-2 1 946.fcf ( flight control file ) also activated in JGSME . I have an old A-10 WARTHOG flight control file from DCS with other aircraft flight control

files. I will test the kappa Mi-24 with these files tomorrow. My thanks you all from SAS and Mr. Kappa for his work. I know you guys are still working on this problem.