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Author Topic: Ace Of Aces v1.3, by Hairog, Working On BAT. MOVIES!!!  (Read 2427 times)

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Re: Ace Of Aces v1.3, by Hairog, Working On BAT. MOVIES!!!
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2022, 09:08:28 PM »

G'day Bird

I was wondering when the next instalment would appear, only to see I had missed mission 2.
So I had a double dose during my lunch break.

Perhaps a request in the B.A.T. Campaigns and Missions section?
Vampire_Pilot seems to have an efficient method for converting old campaigns to B.A.T. standards and he generally is willing to do so.

Looking forward to mission 4.

P.S.    Hate that light coloured PCP on the New Guinea map so out of place, I've changed mine.

Go in quickly - Punch hard - Get out!


  • Tsisqua Tsigawonisgi, but you can call me Bird!
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Re: Ace Of Aces v1.3, by Hairog, Working On BAT. MOVIES!!!
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2022, 02:47:47 PM »

G'day Bird
 . . .
Perhaps a request in the B.A.T. Campaigns and Missions section?
Vampire_Pilot seems to have an efficient method for converting old campaigns to B.A.T. standards and he generally is willing to do so.

Exactly what I was thinking, GenX. So far it's just some tweaking needed. Mostly due to the skill level of the AI, and something I can do myself (so far). But I want to finish the campaign to see what other problems may exist.

And here's some outtakes:
"When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite." Winston Churchill


  • Tsisqua Tsigawonisgi, but you can call me Bird!
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Re: Ace Of Aces v1.3, by Hairog, Working On BAT. MOVIES!!!
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2022, 05:35:27 PM »

This is mission #4
No real issues with AI like in mission #3.
All is going very well, and i wouldn't expect to actually match Bong's kill count WITHOUT DYING, at least some.
"When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite." Winston Churchill


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Re: Ace Of Aces v1.3, by Hairog, Working On BAT. MOVIES!!!
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2022, 10:16:14 PM »

Wonderful video.  The Flying Ass Clowns know about my obsession with "historical context"...I am very impressed by your presentation.  Well done.

Cheers and prost 
I am a moron.


  • Tsisqua Tsigawonisgi, but you can call me Bird!
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Re: Ace Of Aces v1.3, by Hairog, Working On BAT. MOVIES!!!
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2022, 06:33:48 AM »

Wonderful video.  The Flying Ass Clowns know about my obsession with "historical context"...I am very impressed by your presentation.  Well done.

Cheers and prost

Thank You, Gubi!
  I had to find those early skins, as the skins which came with the campaign were good, but I knew there were better, more accurate, higher-res skins out there. J. Lane's son (the pilot whose name  is on "Thumper') wrote about Bong flying his dad's plane in a forum, or I wouldn't have known for certain why a name other than Bong was on the early skins I found.
  My first attempts failed, mostly due to there being no enemies left after I would get my first kill. But unlike the previous mission, (super-AI at work) , it was mostly my fault this time; I was successful the first time, but got caught in a low-level scissors with an Oscar, when my wingman collided with me and tore my tail off. It threw me way off my game after that. I may make a short video of that as another outtake collection.

  Thanks for taking a few minutes to watch, and . . .
Good Hunting!
"When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite." Winston Churchill


  • Tsisqua Tsigawonisgi, but you can call me Bird!
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Re: Ace Of Aces v1.3, by Hairog, Working On BAT. MOVIES!!!
« Reply #17 on: March 03, 2022, 03:10:54 PM »

Well, here are some outtakes. Both me getting my butt shot off, and a few great kills I managed which didn't make it into the final, successful playthrough of this mission in which Dick Bong got his 5th kill. There's a couple of funny moments: My son accidentally stepping into the camera's range . . . (He said to me "Are you turning with an Oscar?!?!?", and I said yes, just as he came around and sawed off my tail. And I thought that he wasn't paying attention to my hobby!), me trying to dogfight with my ailerons cut . . . (It didn't end well.), and two shots from a fantastically long distance! . . . (And that, although sometimes I have a hard time hitting enemies when they fill my reticle.).
  Enjoy my joy. And misery  :P

"When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite." Winston Churchill


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Re: Ace Of Aces v1.3, by Hairog, Working On BAT. MOVIES!!!
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2022, 06:04:10 AM »

Ignore the movie track date . . . we're calling the date as March, 3, 1943. Kill number 6. I am struggling with the accuracy of history with this campaign (as well as the AI). I may switch to a more historical creation from a mission builder who goes by the name "Harry Kellogg". I am simply amazed that these old tracks even work in BAT, so I'm still sharing it.

"When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite." Winston Churchill
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