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Author Topic: Campanian coast Help Me...  (Read 2617 times)

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Re: Campanian coast Help Me...
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2022, 07:25:29 AM »

Thanks agracier I did not know about this function in BAT, however I seem to be able to find what I needed now I just have to get to work on it. I just have another question why do I need another separate version of IL2? Can't I check it already on the one I have?

The use a map-maker version of Il-2, you have to modify and edit a core file, (the bldconf.ini file if I am not mistaken).

I suppose you could go back and forth and reedit the file between a map-maker version and the game version each time, but I bet that sooner or later you'll do something wrong and end up with both versions unworkable. Better to simply have a separate version for each. Even if you have insufficient space on a machine, you can always run either version from an external hard drive.

Besides, with a map-maker, you don't need any extra mods or new aircraft or effects. It can be a lean version.
Holy shit so will I have to buy an external drive for this job?


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Re: Campanian coast Help Me...
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2022, 07:30:04 AM »

I have verified that unfortunately I cannot do it since the hard disk is already almost full and a new installation of Il2 would go beyond the limit of the disk ...

External hard drives are cheap. Even 1 T is more than enough for a map maker version. Plus you could use it to store a backup copy of your main game as well. Believe me, backup copies are never a bad idea.

Running from an external drive does mean a longer boot-up time, though an SSD external is faster than a regular internal Sata.


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Re: Campanian coast Help Me...
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2022, 07:39:21 AM »

Ok thanks agracier, for the tip then I get to work to recover an external drive


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Re: Campanian coast Help Me...
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2022, 08:28:59 PM »

I will see what I can do Kopfdorfer, if I can otherwise I will leave it alone, also because what agracier told me about a new installation of Il2, to test the map has blown me away. I have verified that unfortunately I cannot do it since the hard disk is already almost full and a new installation of Il2 would go beyond the limit of the disk ...

Hi Stefano - hope this might be an easier option for you :


It was built as a plug-in via JSGME in HSFX, but should have all the parts you need; I don't currently have BAT installed so can't advise you there but I think the 'Mapmods' folder is your friend.

There's a line in the included \Maps\all.ini to enable the edited version (Italy_DF_edit), simply copy/paste that line as needed; the entry in \i18n\maps_ru.properties is optional.

I know Kopfdorfer has a pretty neat map he was looking to use for the new text labels or you can simply replace the 'texts.txt' provided with your own version; happy to help or discuss.. 8~)

PS - I left Stromboli alone (let me know if that's an issue for you) but the f*cking Corsicans need trouble you no more <evil grin>



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Re: Campanian coast Help Me...
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2022, 09:15:37 AM »

Thank you very much emmett_grogan now I download and check what I can do, on the one that I had started to mount only the names of the places I noticed that when loading the FMB the names disappear ... Now I try with yours and see if the problem depends on me . Thanks again  ;)


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Re: Campanian coast Help Me...
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2022, 03:46:35 AM »

Anyone have any suggestions regarding a problem I'm having? Leaving aside what "agracier" told me and that is that another version of il2 must be installed on an external disk or where there is space. But my question is another ... replacing some names of places on the map kindly granted me by "emmett_grogan" I noticed through the FMB of the game that some names are registered but others have literally disappeared, plus I noticed that if I go to replace other places in the "texts.txt" file at the new upload I find that the previous names have also disappeared. Is there an explanation or am I really clumsy? 🙄


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Re: Campanian coast Help Me...
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2022, 08:10:43 AM »

Hi Stefano.

First thing is to take the complete original texts.txt file from emmett's DL and rename it to
ORIG_texts.txt. Now you have a starting point.
Copy this file and work from the copy - never work from the original.

You are going to be free to reduce the texts.txt to no placenames if you like , or add another 99  if you like.


Each entry must follow the correct syntax and formatting
1) 6 numerical entries
    The first two are grid locations for the placenames on the map.
    These must be rounded off to whole numbers - no decimals
    The next four are about the font size , colour , how they behave as you zoom in and out of the map.
    One of them is the position of the placename relative to the coordinate used.
    I'm afraid I lost the notes I kept on this , so you will require some experimentation to find out the exact
    font characteristics and behaviour you wish for each placename.
2) stay away from any form of punctuation in your placenames - some may work , but you'll have to experiment
    with this as well.
    I recommend making testing for punctuation AFTER you have resolved your other needs.
3) keep one space and one space only between entries.

The best way to learn about this is to extract 3 or four maps with different font sizes , colours and behaviour of the placenames ,
and examine the 3rd , 4th , 5th and 6th digits for each entry in the texts.txt - this will give you a template of choices to work from.

Good Luck



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Re: Campanian coast Help Me...
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2022, 07:46:24 PM »

Each entry must follow the correct syntax and formatting
1) 6 numerical entries
    The first two are grid locations for the placenames on the map.

.. so you can move your names around easily - place a front marker in a mission where you'd like the placename to appear, then copy the x/y co-ords from the .mis file to your entry for the placename in 'texts.txt' 8~)

The next four are about the font size , colour , how they behave as you zoom in and out of the map.

e.g., ignoring the x/y data, the entry for Napoli shows "7 1 1 0" in the next four fields. In order, these numbers affect zoom, justification, size and finally colour.

The 'zoom' setting controls when the label appears or disappears from the briefing/kneeboard map; known good values are 1, 3 and 7, but I'm too lazy to explore that one any further *grin*;
For left, centre or right justified, set the second field to 0, 1 or 2 respectively;
For small, medium or large size, set the third field to 0, 1 or 2 respectively;
Colour must be in the range 0 - 19; 0 is black, 19 is white.

Available RGB values :
Code: [Select]
  0   0   0
128   0   0
  0 128   0
128 128   0
  0   0 128
128   0 128
  0 128 128
192 192 192
192 220 192
166 202 240
255 251 240
160 160 164
128 128 128
255   0   0
0 255 0
255 255   0
  0   0 255
255   0 255
  0 255 255
255 255 255
You can plug these in here to see what the colours actually are.



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Re: Campanian coast Help Me...
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2022, 02:23:34 AM »

Guys, thank you for the tips to both of you, I'm going to put into practice what you suggested and I'll update you on the situation. For now, a huge
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