Hello everyone
I think I need to explain a couple of things
I have uploaded the # PILOTS xx files as they appear in my #WAW3
They contain the aircraft files that were made, before my uploading by all the excellent moders
These previous files don't need to be changed SO DO NOT DELETE OR ERASE THESE FILES IN YOUR OWN GAME FILE
the other aircraft files are the ones I wanted to modify to get better-looking pilots
to build them, I isolated these planes, using DUMP, I kept and modified the hier.him files, and apply only the elements concerning the appearance of the pilots
I have to admit that my method is more street cooking than great cooking! Even if I am french...
but I could see that it matched rather well and that's why I invite you to improve my results, as Gunny did with the P-38s.
I hope you'll understand my approach better and that my work will be of some use.
Thank you