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Author Topic: Italian pilots  (Read 30697 times)

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Re: Italian pilots
« Reply #120 on: October 08, 2022, 01:46:28 AM »

... well after so many bugs and a great mystery that was fixed by Epervier, comming very soon ...  8)

The original Cant-506 like you've never seen her, even in your wildest dreams  :P :

The Cant-506 with new Ranwers pilots  8) :

The Cant-506 big bug, where's the damn bomber ...?  o_O

The Cant-506 bomber after Epervier's fix ...  :P

I was about to post the DL link, when Epervier told me he wasn't yet satisfied with the dead pilots/gunners/bomber, so just a little bit of patience ...  ;)

This Cant-506 was released by ... DT, in 2016, with a very weird and never seen before bomber name, that doesn't respect IL2 convention for naming pilots/gunners/bombers, hence the bug ...  :-X

By the way, could you please guys check if you can see the bomber crew member in your game ...?

Because this is what drove me nuts, I could see the bomber in Mesh Viewer, and also in the QMB window, but NOT in game ...!!!  o_O

Here, after Epervier's fix :

... this one is especially destined to Stanislao, with the upper gunner now looking back ...  :P



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Re: Italian pilots
« Reply #121 on: October 08, 2022, 09:17:59 AM »


Та-Dam! Аnother mystery... why only one pilot appears. Not to mention the fact that I noticed two guys (bottom shooters), one stuck his head between the other's legs. His comrade was not going to fly to the war at all. He even decided to turn away from the machine gun. Yes, the yard is full of such mysteries. They really interfere with immersion in the game. Constant unnecessary things that take away nerves and time.

Yes, guys Bruce Willis sends his regards to everyone. Bruce Willis - goes to war. However, thanks for this update dear Haifisch, he made a very cool upgrade as usual.



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Re: Italian pilots
« Reply #122 on: October 08, 2022, 11:27:55 AM »


Та-Dam! Аnother mystery... why only one pilot appears. Not to mention the fact that I noticed two guys (bottom shooters), one stuck his head between the other's legs. His comrade was not going to fly to the war at all. He even decided to turn away from the machine gun. Yes, the yard is full of such mysteries. They really interfere with immersion in the game. Constant unnecessary things that take away nerves and time.

Yes, guys Bruce Willis sends his regards to everyone. Bruce Willis - goes to war. However, thanks for this update dear Haifisch, he made a very cool upgrade as usual.

Hi Roman
I think you have something in conflict, maybe Jeronimo's propeller mod that has his own hier.him, and that I already added his improvements to the SM-79. In my installation the two pilots come out and the gunners are further apart and look at the tail . Try disabling any mods you have on the plane or have mine load first.
Yes, I know that a gunner standing between the two machine guns is not very immersive, but Il2 1946 has its limitations, and we don't have animated pilots who go from one position to another... ;)




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Re: Italian pilots
« Reply #123 on: October 08, 2022, 12:10:43 PM »

... OK, here is the DL link for the Cant-506 with new Ranwers pilots ...  ;)

Once unzipped, rename it by deleting the words "New pilots" so that it bears exactly the same name as the Cant 506 already in your game ...  ;)

This folder only contains the 3D, but not Epervier's new java class files + new FM that allow the bomber to be displayed, at least in our 4.09 versions ...  ;)

It also contains a Textures folder, but if you put the Cant in Ranwers PILOTS Italy folder, you won't need the Textures folder as it is already in there ...

Bugs remain, such as the Masks, but well generally seaplanes flew under 3000m ...


Since nobody replied to my question, I am still wondering if the bomber is displayed, for ex in a 4.12 game version, or any other version ...  :-X

If nobody can see the bomber, then I'll post the link to the version with new java class files + new FM that Epervier made ...  ;)


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Re: Italian pilots
« Reply #124 on: October 08, 2022, 01:07:46 PM »

If nobody can see the bomber, then I'll post the link to the version with new java class files + new FM that Epervier made ...
Don't forget that the code I made for you is for "AI only"!  ;)
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Re: Italian pilots
« Reply #125 on: October 08, 2022, 02:04:23 PM »

... OK, so here is the link to the flyable version, fixed by Epervier :


Please beware that the 3D folder doesn't contain the new Ranwers pilots, but the original pilots/gunners ...

So if you want Ranwers pilots/gunners, just borrow the Pilots D0 files you'll find in my previous link ...  ;)

A big THX to Epervier for fixing the bomber bug ...!  8)


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Re: Italian pilots
« Reply #126 on: October 08, 2022, 04:05:32 PM »

 8)... many, many THX to Haifish for fixing all Masks for the Cant-506 pilot/gunners/bomber ...!  :P

You only need to replace the hier.him file with this one ...  ;)

Link :



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Re: Italian pilots
« Reply #127 on: October 09, 2022, 02:29:22 AM »


The space for crew no.4 & no.5 has been adjusted as far as possible, Although it's not perfect.

I recommend you try it.

Thank you.

Attaching -1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1 0.028600 -0.98896 -0.89711

Attaching 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 -0.01862 -0.90741 -0.40102

PS : 1) This plane doesn't drop bombs, it's only good to see... ::(
       2) But on the photos of Stanislao, I can see it well bombs to SM-79. His 1946 ver. is 'vpmod'... ::( ::(
       3) The problem of bombs is solved : So I thought it couldn't be impossible in my mod, so I studied about it. And it was discovered that the bomb window opened when a plane was in an automatic flight state only, then the bomb was dropped... ::( ::( ::(



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Re: Italian pilots
« Reply #128 on: October 09, 2022, 04:42:02 AM »

#NEW pilots CANT-506 + #Cantz z506B-hier.him = Perpect... ;D

to 4.12.2m SAS 5.30 & BAT 4.0.

Thank you...!!


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Re: Italian pilots
« Reply #129 on: October 09, 2022, 11:10:27 AM »

PS : 1) This plane doesn't drop bombs, it's only good to see... ::(
       2) But on the photos of Stanislao, I can see it well bombs to SM-79. His 1946 ver. is 'vpmod'... ::( ::(

... what you can see in Stanislao screenshots are not bombs but torpedoes ...  ;)


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Re: Italian pilots
« Reply #130 on: October 09, 2022, 06:48:36 PM »

... what you can see in Stanislao screenshots are not bombs but torpedoes ...  ;)

But it was a stimulus that I could do it... ;D



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Re: Italian pilots
« Reply #131 on: October 12, 2022, 02:21:10 AM »


Та-Dam! Аnother mystery... why only one pilot appears. Not to mention the fact that I noticed two guys (bottom shooters), one stuck his head between the other's legs. His comrade was not going to fly to the war at all. He even decided to turn away from the machine gun. Yes, the yard is full of such mysteries. They really interfere with immersion in the game. Constant unnecessary things that take away nerves and time.

Yes, guys Bruce Willis sends his regards to everyone. Bruce Willis - goes to war. However, thanks for this update dear Haifisch, he made a very cool upgrade as usual.

Hi Roman
I think you have something in conflict, maybe Jeronimo's propeller mod that has his own hier.him, and that I already added his improvements to the SM-79. In my installation the two pilots come out and the gunners are further apart and look at the tail . Try disabling any mods you have on the plane or have mine load first.
Yes, I know that a gunner standing between the two machine guns is not very immersive, but Il2 1946 has its limitations, and we don't have animated pilots who go from one position to another... ;)


Haifish, thanks for your reply. But I still can't figure out how to fix this problem. I don't have a separate folder even with planes (3do). Not to mention some 3d fixes. Or other "conflicts". It's very sad that I can't use the new pilots. And that they don't work. I have pure BAT Red core + Blue Edge. I can only guess where the key to my solution lies. I'm good at drawing skins) but I don't understand anything about these Hier him, and so on.
Here I read that a person has everything on version 4.2. And I also put this version. But still the problem remains. The pilots are not working, the aircraft is not displayed.
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