... you can also mix, for example keep the brown leather helmet, but change the flying suit to the white one, or the contrary ... 
Dear MIck. It's not as easy as I thought.
I am now studying about this...

Maybe you didn't see the Mask fix just above ... ? 
I installed it and confirmed that it was normal...

Now I have MTO planes and 3D pilots, but I can't get one map from the MALTA mission to apply them. The old map name is this. ''mrz MALTA(high etc 4 ini)''
Of course, This is in BAT mod. But among the objects required for the MALTA mission, 'ShipArchie' is 70% CTD in BAT mod. in SAS mod...it's ok.
So I'm trying to run this mission on SAS mod, but now the link is dead for getting the map, so I can't get the map. All other objects have been set up.
If anyone has this map file, please share it.
Thank you.