This came from Aviaskins a long time ago, I think it's one of Dimons old mods.
Down load:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/c3zzxq8uic5hlm0/AG_164%2528AviaSkins%2529.rar/fileInstall & Notes
Drop the AG_164B folder into whatever Mod folder(Mods,SAS,DBW,etc.) that you are using.
Edit your air.ini
AG164 air.AG_164B 1 usa01 summer
1) Select Spray in the loadout box.
2) Uses stock key command(T) for 'Toggel Wingtip Smoke' for crop dusting/spraying.
3) The default skin is the basic grubby 'cropduster yellow' as depicted in the included pics.
The skin in the PaintSchemes/Skins folder(AGskin1.bmp) was made from the default skin .tgb file.
That's your void/template.
4) Because it's not an actual weapon the AI will not use the Spray(Wingtip Smoke)
loadout even with Gattack points set. Player only for crop spraying.
5) This mod has been tested and works in 4.09,4.10,DBW 1.71,ModAct 5.30(version 4.12.2m)
and VPmodpack.
Dimon?- AG_164 mod
Bwf.- cropduster spray effect mod(as depicted in the pic)
Beebop- 4.12 testing and feedback.
Good Luck,