... well, we have that French saying that goes :
"la nuit porte souvent conseil !" (
"night often is a good adviser !")
So this morning I tried replacing the ugly cartoonish stock B-24D tail gunner with ... the SM81B belly gunner ...!

Yes, Stany, I dared do it ...!

Everything went well, except the new Italian gunner was bending forward way too much ...

I was about to give up that silly idea, when my ass saviour, Epervier, came out of nowhere, and in less time it takes a French athlete to be eliminated from the Olympics, put the Italian gunner in the correct position ...!

Well guys, I am quite aware that the B-24D crew is more and more "international", since it now has USAF, RAF, and Regia Aeronautica pilots/gunners, but who gives a shit ...?

So if you don't care about the tail gunner being of Italian extraction, then here is the link ...

Everything you need is inside the link, you need to replace the previous folders (B24
and Textures) with this one ...
https://www.mediafire.com/file/pbx13x22lz1czjh/B24D+Tail+gunner+fix.7z/fileEDIT EDIT EDIT :
Many THX to Stany for pointing me to the lateral gunners, who were standing too low ...

Here is the fix :
Open the hier.him, and edit Pilot5 and Pilot6 Attaching values like that :
Mesh Pilot5_D0
Parent Turret4A_D0
Attaching 0.0227587 0.00394476 0.999733 -0.924261 -0.381094 0.0225442 0.381089 -0.924524 -0.00502723 -0.507352 0.203651 -0.0587486CollisionObject xpilot5a
CollisionObject xpilot5b
CollisionObject xhead5
Mesh HMask5_D0
Parent Pilot5_D0
Attaching 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0 -0.135 0.625
Mesh Pilot5_D1
Parent Tail1_D0
Attaching 0.498581 0.766802 -0.404268 -0.865763 0.417257 -0.276318 -0.0431976 0.487783 0.871896 -0.30424 -1.4801 -0.734673
Mesh Pilot6_D0
Parent Turret5A_D0
Attaching 0.0223709 0.0039448 0.999742 -0.92427 -0.381095 0.0221862 0.381092 -0.924524 -0.00487953 -0.70184 0.25435 -0.0787005CollisionObject xpilot6a
CollisionObject xpilot6b
CollisionObject xhead6
Mesh HMask6_D0
Parent Pilot6_D0
Attaching 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0 -0.135 0.625
Mesh Pilot6_D1
Parent Tail1_D0
Attaching -0.498581 -0.766802 -0.404268 0.865763 -0.417257 -0.276318 0.0431976 -0.487783 0.871896 0.31941 -0.7545 -0.78547
