Hallo Gents,
here them are the two Shiragiku K11W1 and K11W2 and the Nankai Q3W1.

About tecnical data i relay to previous post but i have to add some more details about the Nankai.
We know it was built just the prototype. About its armament data i have had some doubts.
They say :
the canopy was reduced from the Shiragiku one for just the pilot;
it should had a rear mgnun.
These two datas are incompatible.
So , according with CWAtson, we have tougth that the correct mgun position shoudl be on the rigth wingin.( as it is possible to see on a pic ).

The Nankai had not a defence weapon , but we have tougth that it had to operate along homeland coasts , so on safe skies.
About the armament, we have tried to install many typse , but is have been impossible for 2 reasons:
poor engine power;
some armament were imcompatible for java issues.
So, according with the Dreamk precious consulting, we have installled diferent types of bombs.

The K11W was a trainer and transport, so we have installed only 30 and 60 kg bombs and the rear mgun.
For the K11W2 and Q3W2, i have taken the "questionable" decision to instal the Leighligth antisub device . I like a lot this device and i hope the same will be for You.
About behavoiur on flyng, these were slow planes and to take off with loadout need to gain more then 120 kmh speed.
On Ai , i am having some issues and i have no idea how solve.
About the skin, i have realized a temporary one using the void attached inside folds. I hope some good fellow want to create good skins.
That is all. I would like to receive news about issues or some not pleasant mesh or other.
About credits:
CWatson has been essential with his precious advices and work...and patience.
To my mentor Zflyer48 all thanks for leighligth .
Have nice fligths with Nankai and Shiragiku
https://www.mediafire.com/file/o6evmuj06xcui37/Kyushu+K11W++WIPv3.1+jan+22.rar/filehttps://www.mediafire.com/file/3y5obneq3n2li01/Kyushu_Q3W1++WIP+Jan+22.rar/fileBuon volo,
Best regards