Alternative Ordinance List (AOL) - WIP
Alternative Ordinance List (AOL) - WIP
Hello everyone!
I am working on a second, rather massive project that requires A LOT of time re-naming and re-organizing. I always wanted to create an alternative version of weapon.prosperities like I am doing with Alternative Aircraft List (AAL) project.
There are times when I get stuck because I could not tell what specific ordinance is, which lead me into researching and asking questions.
For now, I am sharing the progress and screenshots. What surprised me is how many ordinance list also includes the various variants of certain aircraft.
For example, for BF 109 series, there are added variants and sub variants included in the ordinance lists. This lead me into doing additional works on AAL by adding [Variants] tags, so anyone can tell which aircraft have extra variants from the ordinance list.
What AOL do:
- Rename and re-organize the names in the ordinance list
- It only make the changes on the right column of the list
What AOL does NOT do:
- Add or remove ordinances to weapon.properities
AOL have short codename that tells the role of each bombs, if the information are available. For example, SC series bombs of Germany are General Purpose High Explosive, hence will have ‘GPHE’ next to it.
I am planning on adding the document that explains each code names and that is where you can convert them into any languages if it helps.
When the first version of AOL is released, I am hoping that I would get the feedback so I can correct any errors or inaccurate information on the ordinance list, so I will happily correct them like I do with AAL projects.
I want to express big gratitude to the SAS people who are very involved with AOL projects.
Thank you DreamK, Knochenlutscher, Epervier, SAS~Storebror, and SAS community for the information, data, hotfixes (patches) for issues with aircraft loadout, and big supports!
I would like to take the next steps by re-sorting the ordinance list in the order, if it does not cause the conflicts with DGEN and DCG for Il-2 1946 BAT v4.2.2 HOTFIX 4.
Note about "Default" loadout; It contains information about the fixed firing machine guns / cannons ONLY. There are some aircraft that have information about the turret only if they are used offensively besides being used for self defense. However, for DOF Module, that is a different story. in DOF, there are both fixed and turret for each aircraft.
There are two methods of installing mods. You wil see two folders: Manual Installation and JSGME Installation
1) There are two folders AOL (Default version) and AOL (Hotfix version). ONLY PICK ONE!
2) Drop the folder (#DOF3, #TGA3, #JTW3, and/or #WAW3) into main il-2 1946 folder and overwrite.
NOTE: IF you installed (Hotfix version, delete the following folders from #WAW3 folder
Fix MotobombaFFF_BAT422
To restore the files, there is is a folder _ORG FILES (BAT v4.2.2 + HOTFIX 4). Copy and paste in IL-2 1946 folder and overwrite.
NOTE: If you have older version of AOL with the folders #BAT_AOL_WAW and #BAT_AOL_WAW_HOTFIX, DELETE IT! AOL no longer use these folders.
1) Extract a zipped file and you will see a folder "#BAT_AOL_DOF-TGA-WAW" and "#BAT_AOL_DOF-TGA-WAW_HOTFIX"
2) Drop both folders into BATMODS folder in IL-2 1946 main folder
3) Use JSGME to enable EITHER ONE of the mods. DO NOT enable two mods aat the same time.
The difference between #BAT_AOL_DOF-TGA-WAW and #BAT_AOL_DOF-TGA-WAW_HOTFIX:
#BAT_AOL_DOF-TGA-WAW = Overhaul version of original BAT (Fully working for both offline and online)
#BAT_AOL_DOF-TGA-WAW_HOTFIX = Overhaul version of BAT with hotfixes that fixes the issues with certain aircraft cod (Loadout).
NOTE: This may cause null eerror in the mission.
Delete "#BAT_AOL_DOF-TGA-WAW" and "#BAT_AOL_DOF-TGA-WAW_HOTFIX" folder from JSGME folder
Change logs
v0.1 BETA - The first version of AOL
v0.2 BETA - Completed the next several nation's aircraft as shown in the list below.
v0.4 BETA - Completed the next several nation's aircraraft loadout.
v0.5 BETA - Completed the rest of nations, including added Paulus Dragonfly Series and OTHER nations.
v0.6 - Competed DOF, TGA, TGA (SCW), and WAW module (Loadout new format)
AOL v0.7 (BAT v4.2.2 HOTFIX 4) - DOF - TGA -TGA (SCW) - WAW:
The feedback are always appreciated and they help me improving the mods.
Thank you for enjoying the mods!