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Author Topic: Question about RP-3 vs HVAR in UK aircraft (BAT) weapon.properities / loadout  (Read 436 times)

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Hello everyonoe

I am very confused about HVAR and RP-3.  What I realize is that both 5" HVAR / FFAR and 3" RP-3 Rocketrs look different.

This is HVAR

And this is PR-3

here is Seafang F Mark 32 loadout
# Seafang F Mk32, 1946
SeafangFMk32.default                                                           Default
SeafangFMk32.1xSF-17DT                                                         1x 90gal droptank (late)
SeafangFMk32.1x90DT                                                            1x 90gal droptank
SeafangFMk32.2x250lb                                                           2x 250lb bombs
SeafangFMk32.1x500lb                                                           1x 500lb bomb
SeafangFMk32.8x60HVAR                                                          8x 60lb HVAR
SeafangFMk32.8x60HVAR+1xSF17-DT                                                8x 60lb HVAR, 1x 90gal droptank (late)
SeafangFMk32.2x250lb+1xSF-17DT                                                 2x 250lb, 1x 90gal droptank (late)
SeafangFMk32.8x60HVAR+1x500lb                                                  8x 60lb HVAR, 1x 500lb
SeafangFMk32.2x250lb+1x500lb                                                   2x 250lb, 1x 500lb
SeafangFMk32.8x60HVAR+1x90DT                                                   8x 60lb HVAR, 1x 90gal droptank
SeafangFMk32.2x250lb+1x90DT                                                    2x 250lb, 1x 90gal droptank
SeafangFMk32.none                                                              Empty

See this:
SeafangFMk32.8x60HVAR+1x90DT                                                   8x 60lb HVAR, 1x 90gal droptank

Why is it called HVAR when it's RP-3?

Other thing also confuse me is Fairey Firefly F Mk.I

FireflyMKImid.8xHVAR5                                                          8x HVAR 5 HE
FireflyMKImid.8xHVAR5AP                                                        8x HVAR 5 AP
FireflyMKImid.4xHVAR5AP+4xHVAR5                                                4x HVAR 5 AP + 4x HVAR 5
FireflyMKImid.8xRP3_Mk5_25                                                     8x RP3 Mk.5 25lbs AP
FireflyMKImid.8xRP3_Mk5_60                                                     8x RP3 Mk.5 60lbs SAP
FireflyMKImid.4xRP3_Mk5_25+4xRP3_Mk5_60                                        4x RP3 Mk.5 25lbs + 4x RP3 Mk.5 60lbs
FireflyMKImid.8xHVAR5BEAU                                                      8x RP3 Mk.5 60lbs short
FireflyMKImid.2x45gal_dpt                                                      2x 45 gallon (Mod.241) droptank
FireflyMKImid.2x90gal_dpt                                                      2x 90 gallon (Mod.329) droptank
FireflyMKImid.4xRP3_Mk5_60+1x45gal_dpt                                         4x RP3_Mk5_60 + 1x 45gal droptank
FireflyMKImid.4xRP3_Mk5_60+1x90gal_dpt                                         4x RP3_Mk5_60 + 1x 90gal droptank
FireflyMKImid.1x1000+4xRP3_Mk5_60                                              1x 1000 + 4x RP3_Mk5_60
FireflyMKImid.8xHVARAP-late                                                    8x HVARAP-late
FireflyMKImid.2x500lbGP_MkV+4xHVARAP-late                                      2x 500lbGP_MkV + 4x HVARAP-late
FireflyMKImid.2x500lbMC_MkX+4xHVARAP-late                                      2x 500lbMC_MkX + 4x HVARAP-late
FireflyMKImid.2x45gal_dpt+4xHVARAP-late                                        2x 45gal droptank + 4x HVARAP-late
FireflyMKImid.2x90gal_dpt+4xHVARAP-late                                        2x 90gal droptank + 4x HVARAP-late
FireflyMKImid.none                                                             Empty

When I select "8x HVARAP-late", the rocket actually look like RP-3.

For AOL (Alternative Ordinance List) Project, I am confused which is the accurate name for it? 60lb RP-3 Rocket or 5" HVAR rocket?

Advice on this will be great help.

Thank you everyone.



  • Flying Ass Clown #10
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AOL is your Project, so you decide what is right.

Code: [Select]
FireflyMKImid.8xHVARAP-late                                                    8x HVARAP-late
FireflyMKImid.2x500lbGP_MkV+4xHVARAP-late                                      2x 500lbGP_MkV + 4x HVARAP-late
FireflyMKImid.2x500lbMC_MkX+4xHVARAP-late                                      2x 500lbMC_MkX + 4x HVARAP-late
FireflyMKImid.2x45gal_dpt+4xHVARAP-late                                        2x 45gal droptank + 4x HVARAP-late
FireflyMKImid.2x90gal_dpt+4xHVARAP-late                                        2x 90gal droptank + 4x HVARAP-late

You see even myself is making fancy naming.
The late is there for reason, as these early/Mid production Fireflies got used up in Post war too.

2x 90gal droptank + 4x HVARAP-late


2x 90gal droptank + 4x RP-3-late

Is similar to the SeaFangs Ordonance which has regular and late.
The rest you can go bonkers.

That's all,
Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."


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AOL is your Project, so you decide what is right.

Code: [Select]
FireflyMKImid.8xHVARAP-late                                                    8x HVARAP-late
FireflyMKImid.2x500lbGP_MkV+4xHVARAP-late                                      2x 500lbGP_MkV + 4x HVARAP-late
FireflyMKImid.2x500lbMC_MkX+4xHVARAP-late                                      2x 500lbMC_MkX + 4x HVARAP-late
FireflyMKImid.2x45gal_dpt+4xHVARAP-late                                        2x 45gal droptank + 4x HVARAP-late
FireflyMKImid.2x90gal_dpt+4xHVARAP-late                                        2x 90gal droptank + 4x HVARAP-late

You see even myself is making fancy naming.
The late is there for reason, as these early/Mid production Fireflies got used up in Post war too.

2x 90gal droptank + 4x HVARAP-late


2x 90gal droptank + 4x RP-3-late

Is similar to the SeaFangs Ordonance which has regular and late.
The rest you can go bonkers.

That's all,

Thank you and you have inspired me to do this! I have an idea.  From now on, I will be naming the ordinance properly based on what is seen visually.  So if it is labelled as HVAR but I see 60lb RP-3 Rocket, then I'll name it as 60lb RP-3 Rocket.

I will constantly use aircraft loadout screen to see which rocket it actually is.

If you have free time, I would like to invite you to check and give me feedback on my AOL beta project.  I am going to release beta version of AOL by this weekend or next week featuring a few nation's aircraft.  As I get feedback, i will continue working on another nation's aircraft at the same time.



  • Flying Ass Clown #10
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You see it is not made to irritate people, but sometimes resides in
a Modding flow. Before actually using DreamKs Ordonance, I tended to
not think about such stuff. But since I adopt more upgraded stuff,
it makes sense to get it least straight.
But still mistakes occur, you see, not intention, it happens to every Modder.

And you're right, the visual is an important reference, another experience factor comes
later, when you know/learn about Ordonances, habbits in IL-2 1946 regarding naming.
I for myself have no trouble with whatsoever a Modder intends to give me there, I have other
things on my mind that are priority, this is secondary, or how I say least cosmetic, all this Weapons, planes stuff.
At Planes I do tend to give as exact figures as possible, in Final Marked projects.
During WIP it can happen that I forget stuff, just human.
So asking is never a crime.

Glad I could be of help, Best wishes
Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."
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