UPDATE #2, Mar 5, 2023 If you use my just-released v1.6 Effects pack, this mod is included. Therefore if this mod is installed, you should delete it when adding my v1.6 Effects pack.
==================== END OF UPDATE #2=====================UPDATE #1, Mar 2, 2023 I discovered that I had applied the increase to projectile live time too thoroughly! There are 18 guns of the anti-aircraft type whose projectiles have a timed terminal burst. I discovered this when there were no more of the flurries of small flak bursts at the usual distance from the vessels. And so I have restored the live times for these weapons to their former values.
==================== END OF UPDATE #1=====================Note that this work will be included in my upcoming v1.6 effects pack.
For 4.12 (and works with B.A.T.; only difference is gun sounds):
https://www.mediafire.com/file/5d6kafgo79ysjii/%2521%2521%2521_WxTech_Guncam_Tracers__for_4.12_%2528and_BAT%2529.7z/fileFor B.A.T. (includes gun sounds as made available through the BAT Sound Matrix Unlocker):
https://www.mediafire.com/file/i9rflkjacpkmple/%2521%2521%2521_WxTech_Guncam_Tracers__for_BAT.7z/fileIn a nutshell:
- Improves the Guncam tracer appearance.
- Better harmonizes the color/intensity between the 3D tracer mesh and the 2D simple lines.
- Quadruples the cyclic rate for the texel animation, as it alternates between straight and squiggly lines.
- Now makes effective use of the difference between small and large calibres for green, yellow and red tracers (new implementation).
- Slower projectiles use a 6m long tracer, and faster ones use a 10m long tracer.
- Where formerly of shorter duration, live times for small calibres (7.7mm, .303, etc.) are now 4 seconds, and bigger stuff is 6 seconds.