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Author Topic: WxTech's Effects Pack v1.6 for B.A.T and 4.12  (Read 23134 times)

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Re: WxTech's Effects Pack v1.6 for B.A.T and 4.12
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2023, 04:52:24 AM »

Good morning Community Peoples.
After the newer update was installed the game is now loading ok.
However I've got missing gun sounds, after trying out a random test of various aircraft, this seems to be only affecting the wing machine guns, the cannons sound ok.
I have GUN Classes BAT-BSMU only activated (have "-" the other GUN classes ALL games folder).
I also have the BSMU_GUNS Mod active via JSME.
If I deactivate GUN Classes BAT-BSMU, and swap over to just GUN classes ALL games instead, the machine gun sounds are back.
Cannot find any obvious conflict in classcheck.exe.
Using BAT 4.1.2 of course.



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Re: WxTech's Effects Pack v1.6 for B.A.T and 4.12
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2023, 05:36:57 AM »

As a potential workaround I could make up a folder replicating my setup in my BAT 4 game. "Stand back and stand by"  ;)  while I cook something up...
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Re: WxTech's Effects Pack v1.6 for B.A.T and 4.12
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2023, 05:51:48 AM »

thanks..will loiter until further orders. MK


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Re: WxTech's Effects Pack v1.6 for B.A.T and 4.12
« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2023, 06:29:40 AM »

Hi Glenn,

I have to report that I cannot get the pack working in the latest BAT (4.2.2). Missions will not load, giving a 'null' return when trying to load the aircraft. First log showed building errors, so I disabled the house classfiles. However the game still would not run, with the log giving me basically the same errors as OLDAD reported in post #11.

I haven't tried removing the folders and adding them one by one, as to be honest I'm very happy with v1.5 of your effects, so I'll most likely stick with that. Just reporting the problem(s).




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Re: WxTech's Effects Pack v1.6 for B.A.T and 4.12
« Reply #28 on: March 06, 2023, 07:10:10 AM »

Here's an alternative approach to the gun classes:


From the included readme:

Hopefully this will resolve the issue of some weapon sounds not being heard by B.A.T. players. It is my own setup for my B.A.T. 4.0 game, where BOTH folders are used.

Note that I have no sound mod installed; I'm using only the sounds that are part of the base game. Furthermore, I'm assuming that all B.A.T. versions subsequent to mine contain the same sounds.

Remove whichever of the "GUN" class folders you currently have copied from my v1.6 mod pack, be it one or both.

The 'base' folder for "All-game-versions" is to be installed for ALL game installs, 4.12 and later.

For B.A.T. users who would like to hear the alternate sounds that come with B.A.T., install the "BAT-BSMU" (BAT Sound Matrix Unlocker) folder, which contains those classes for which an alternate sound is set, and which will override the same classes in 'base' folder.

In other words, 4.12 players will have ONLY the 'base' folder present. B.A.T. players will also have the 'base' folder present, and optionally the "BSMU" folder. These folders are named so that the "BSMU" folder sits higher in the mods listing, so that its classes are read before those common to the 'base' folder.

If this works successfully with the "BSMU" classes, one could write the "BSMU" classes to the 'base' folder, overwriting all duplicates, thereby reducing the mod folder count by one.

Or, if there is still some odd behaviour, it would cost nothing to do the just-mentioned 'merge' of the two folders anyway. The reason to try this as a last resort is that there seems to be some chance for classes to not be read in the expected order where two or more versions exist.
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Re: WxTech's Effects Pack v1.6 for B.A.T and 4.12
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2023, 07:14:39 AM »

Hi Glenn,

I have to report that I cannot get the pack working in the latest BAT (4.2.2). Missions will not load, giving a 'null' return when trying to load the aircraft. First log showed building errors, so I disabled the house classfiles. However the game still would not run, with the log giving me basically the same errors as OLDAD reported in post #11.

I haven't tried removing the folders and adding them one by one, as to be honest I'm very happy with v1.5 of your effects, so I'll most likely stick with that. Just reporting the problem(s).



The tracer error issue is addressed by the updated archive, where I properly integrated the guncam tracers.

The building errors might have been inconsequential advisories about the lack of collision boxes. Some number of objects are lacking these, but that's no problem.

Try not to throw in the towel too soon!  ;)
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: WxTech's Effects Pack v1.6 for B.A.T and 4.12
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2023, 07:39:42 AM »

One other (probably) silly question: Do I still need to use the BSMU Mod which is activated via JSME (The Gun sounds folder only in my case), or are these new sounds incorporated in the BAT_BSMU gun classes?
Just to make sure.
Your help was really appreciated,


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Re: WxTech's Effects Pack v1.6 for B.A.T and 4.12
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2023, 08:06:58 AM »

I've not incorporated the BSMU mod; I have merely copied the names of the sounds, as I was given to understand that the weapon sounds used therein are already in B.A.T. Which must be the case for my B.A.T. 4.0 game.

If you have the BSMU mod activated, you must at least have my gun classes folder listed above the BSMU mod if it's handling any of the same weapon classes.
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: WxTech's Effects Pack v1.6 for B.A.T and 4.12
« Reply #32 on: March 06, 2023, 08:07:56 AM »

It works fine with the updated archive, Glenn! Thanks so much for all your efforts.


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Re: WxTech's Effects Pack v1.6 for B.A.T and 4.12
« Reply #33 on: March 06, 2023, 09:13:10 AM »

Ah...I was under the impression that you had incorporated the sounds from the BSMU Soundmatrix Unlocker v1.2.4 mod into your BAT-BSMU Gun Classes.
I have VSM 7.3 with buttons installed, and also that BSMU v1.2.4 mod active via JSME.
All gun sounds are now working as far as I can tell..although the machine guns sounds seem much quieter when in the air.
But once again many thanks for your work.


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Re: WxTech's Effects Pack v1.6 for B.A.T and 4.12
« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2023, 09:23:56 AM »

The complexities that can result from the stupendous matrix of combinations and permutations of mods a player might use makes the implementation of a sizeable pack as this, which touches a fair number of important base classes, a hair-whitening experience. And trying to accommodate two or three game versions where these classes necessitate a separate treatment can lead to a state of gibbering incoherence.  😀
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: WxTech's Effects Pack v1.6 for B.A.T and 4.12
« Reply #35 on: March 06, 2023, 09:27:50 AM »

Hi Glenn, sorry, but I have found a bug with 1.6 and triggers. I don't know how familiar you are with them - but the 'startup' trigger does not work for ships - let me explain the situation.

If I'm flying a floatplane, I usually have the parent ship alongside my aircraft in the mission on a startup trigger so that it starts moving once I have taken off - looks good. However the trigger does not function with 1.6 installed - in the sense that the ship starts moving immediately instead of waiting for my aircraft to take off (works fine with 1.5). I tried a startup trigger with a land-based object (forklift) and that worked fine. The 'apparition' trigger works for ships, too (I assume that the 'message' trigger will also work).

Log shows lots of ship errors, too many to post here - please find it below:


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