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Author Topic: My static.ini as template for editing yours when using my effects pack  (Read 740 times)

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From the included readme file:

For anyone who uses my v1.6 effects pack (or v1.5, where the "Vehicle" Body type was not yet implemented), I offer here my own static.ini. It can be used as a template to edit your own static.ini, incorporating the following newly implemented Body types which assign the appropriate effects.

Vehicle (not applicable for my v1.5 effects pack)

I've also made many other new assignments; the total number of changes are in the many hundreds.

You can ignore this, of course. The only downside will be the continued use of very inappropriate effects for many objects when destroyed. For instance, many human and animal objects have had "FuelSmall" (!) assigned as the Body type. This will result in something as silly as a cow burning like a set of fuel barrels. The "Flesh" effects are far subtler and involve far fewer particles as well.

Here's a list of the number of objects by Body type assignment, as of a few months ago:

Flesh:  1,660
FuelBig:  33
FuelSmall:  246
RockBig:  1,155
RockHuge:  59
RockMiddle:  976
WoodMiddle:  494
WoodSmall:  195

I include the spreadsheet (.ods format of Open Office) from which this list derives, as well as another spreadsheet listing all the section titles.

Mar 10, 2023
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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The state of things as listed above was applicable before I had implemented the NEW Body type "Vehicle". Hence there is no tally for the number of objects given this new assignment.

For users of my effects pack, it will pay dividends to at least edit those objects to their new assignment of "Flesh." This will potentially greatly ease the resource hit if a good many of such objects are destroyed and generate lots of effects. In addition to the lesser particle count for the effects of Bosy type "Flesh", Explosions.class applies a smaller probability of effects being generated, thus further reducing the resource hit.

If a scenario has a crowd of troops that a bomb blast takes out, consider the difference in appearance between the former Body type "FuelSmall" and the new type of "Flesh." Formerly we would have a considerable number of dense, dark smoke columns and sizeable fires, whereas now there would be a smaller number of subtle, fewer-particle smoke columns and no fires.
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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To illustrate the massive difference in how I handle the assignment of effects to "House" objects (those contained in static.ini), I reproduce below the stock HouseExplode() method in Explosions.class, followed by my version. (You'll note the numerous comments I've peppered throughout, so that I can quickly catch up when revisiting at a later date.)

One notable thing I've done is to eliminate the consideration of a bounding box, as calculated from the object's mesh dimensions, to rescale certain effect particles, whiuch formerly resulted in the situation of a bunch of absurdly tiny fire or smoke particles for some exploding objects. And there's a LOT more variability and variety.

Code: [Select]
    public static void HouseExplode(int i, Loc loc, float af[])
        String s = "";
        byte byte0 = 0;
        float f = 1.0F;
        case 0: // '\0'
            f = 0.75F;
            // fall through

        case 1: // '\001'
            s = "Wood";
            byte0 = 4;

        case 2: // '\002'
            f = 0.75F;
            // fall through

        case 3: // '\003'
        case 4: // '\004'
            s = "Rock";
            byte0 = 3;

        case 5: // '\005'
            f = 0.75F;
            // fall through

        case 6: // '\006'
            s = "Fuel";
            byte0 = 5;

            System.out.println("WARNING: HouseExplode(): unknown type");
        String s1 = "effects/Explodes/Objects/House/" + s + "/Boiling.eff";
        String s2 = "effects/Explodes/Objects/House/" + s + "/Boiling2.eff";
        String s3 = "effects/Explodes/Objects/House/" + s + "/Pieces.eff";
        Eff3D.initSetBoundBox(af[0], af[1], af[2], af[3], af[4], af[5]);
        Eff3DActor.New(loc, 1.0F, s1, 3F);
        Eff3D.initSetBoundBox(af[0] + (af[3] - af[0]) * 0.25F, af[1] + (af[4] - af[1]) * 0.25F, af[2], af[3] - (af[3] - af[0]) * 0.25F, af[4] - (af[4] - af[1]) * 0.25F, af[2] + (af[5] - af[2]) * 0.5F);
        Eff3DActor.New(loc, 1.0F, s3, 3F);
        if(i != 0)
            String s4 = "effects/Explodes/Objects/House/" + s + "/Fire_Smoke.eff";
            RangeRandom rangerandom = World.rndPos(loc.getX(), loc.getY());
            float f2 = rangerandom.nextFloat();
            if((double)f2 > 0.5D)
                float f3 = rangerandom.nextFloat(300F, 600F);
                Eff3DActor.New(loc, f, s4, f3);
                Eff3DActor.New(loc, f, s2, f3);
            } else
                Eff3DActor.New(loc, f, s4, 5F);
                Eff3DActor.New(loc, f, s2, 5F);
        } else
            Eff3DActor.New(loc, f, s2, 3F);
        SfxExplosion.building(loc.getPoint(), byte0, af);

Code: [Select]
    public static void HouseExplode(int i, Loc loc, float fs[])  //called in House.class; i = prop.EXPL_TYPE (was 0 to 6, then 0 to 7, now 0 to 8)
if (Config.isUSE_RENDER())
Point3d point3d = new Point3d();
Point3d point3d1 = loc.getPoint();  //New by WxTech
o.set(0.0F, 90.0F, 0.0F);  //New by WxTech
l.set(point3d1, o);  //New by WxTech

String string = "";
boolean bool = false;  //becomes true if "FuelSmall" or "Fuel", i.e., the fuel type
boolean bool_2 = false;  //becomes true if "WoodMiddle", "RockBig", "RockHuge" or "FuelBig", i.e., the larger sizes of all types
float f = 1.0F;  //basic scale factor

scaleFire = MiscEffects.cvt(World.Sun().ToSun.z, -0.3F, -0.05F, 2.0F, 1.0F);  //for other than Fuel
scaleFireFuel = MiscEffects.cvt(World.Sun().ToSun.z, -0.3F, -0.05F, 1.7F, 1.0F);  //for FuelBig and FuelSmall; Not as aggressive
float scaleLight = MiscEffects.cvt(World.Sun().ToSun.z, -0.25F, 0.05F, 1.0F, 0.5F);

int i_18_;  //related to explosion sound (SfxExplosion.building)
switch (i)
// Allowed body types are: WoodSmall, WoodMiddle, RockMiddle, RockBig, RockHuge, FuelSmall, FuelBig, Flesh, Vehicle
case 0: //WOOD_SMALL (and FLESH, originally)
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 33)  //1/3 will not generate effects
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 33)
string = "Flesh";
string = "WoodSmall";
i_18_ = 4;
case 1: //WOOD_MIDDLE
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 33)
string = "WoodSmall";
string = "Wood";
bool_2 = true;  //is larger
i_18_ = 4;
case 2: //ROCK_MIDDLE
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 33)  //1/3 will not generate effects
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 33)
string = "Wood";
string = "RockMiddle";
i_18_ = 3;
case 3: //ROCK_BIG
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 33)
string = "Wood";
string = "RockBig";
i_18_ = 3;
case 4: //ROCK_HUGE
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 33)
string = "RockBig";
string = "Rock";
bool_2 = true;  //is larger
i_18_ = 3;
case 5: //FUEL_SMALL
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 33)  //1/3 will not generate effects
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 33)
string = "Vehicle";
string = "FuelSmall";
bool = true;
i_18_ = 5;
case 6: //FUEL_BIG
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 33)
string = "FuelSmall";
bool = true;  //is fuel
string = "Fuel";
bool = true;  //is fuel
bool_2 = true;  //is larger
i_18_ = 5;
case 7: //FLESH  -- NEW!!!
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 66)  //2/3 will not generate effects
string = "Flesh";
i_18_ = 4;
case 8: //VEHICLE  -- NEW!!!
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 33)  //1/3 will not generate effects
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 33)
string = "Flesh";
string = "Vehicle";
i_18_ = 4;  //had at 5 (like Fuel), but might cause to use FuelSmall effect!!! Therefore set to 4 like Flesh
System.out.println("WARNING: HouseExplode(): unknown type");

// Eff3D.initSetBoundBox(fs[0], fs[1], fs[2], fs[3], fs[4], fs[5]);  //this screws up the scaling of Boiling.eff !!!!!!! OMIT !!!!!!!
// Eff3D.initSetBoundBox(fs[0] + (fs[3] - fs[0]) * 0.25F, fs[1] + (fs[4] - fs[1]) * 0.25F, fs[2], fs[3] - (fs[3] - fs[0]) * 0.25F, fs[4] - (fs[4] - fs[1]) * 0.25F, fs[2] + (fs[5] - fs[2]) * 0.5F);

String string_19_ = "Effects/Explodes/Objects/House/" + string + "/Boiling.eff"; //exploded bits (flaming fuel drops for Fuel)
String string_20_ = "Effects/Explodes/Objects/House/" + string + "/Pieces.eff"; //ground-level blast smoke/dust
String string_21_ = "Effects/Explodes/Objects/House/" + string + "/Boiling2.eff"; //long-lasting fire
String string_22_ = "Effects/Explodes/Objects/House/" + string + "/Fire_Smoke_core.eff"; //NEW!!! core smoke for FUEL main smoke only (made invisible for FuelSmall)
String string_23_ = "Effects/Explodes/Objects/House/" + string + "/Fire_Smoke.eff"; //main long-lasting smoke
// Eff3DActor.New(l, f, string_19_, -1F);  //Boiling.eff; exploded bits; keep unity scale for all; had 10, make -1?
Eff3DActor.New(l, f, string_20_, -1F);     //Pieces.eff; ground-level blast smoke; keep unity scale for all; had 10 (longest LiveTime is 7s), make -1?
// if (i != 0)  //if not WoodSmall (or Flesh, originally)
if (i != 0 && i != 7)  //if not WoodSmall AND not Flesh --  NEW!!!!!!!
RangeRandom rangerandom = World.rndPos(l.getX(), l.getY());
if (bool_2)  //if of the larger sizes
float f_25_ = rangerandom.nextFloat(450.0F, 600.0F);  //originally 300 to 600 sec duration (5 to 10 min)
Eff3DActor.New(l, f, string_23_, f_25_); //Fire_Smoke.eff, 450-600 sec
if (bool)  //if "Fuel" (big, in this case)
Eff3DActor.New(l, f, string_22_, f_25_); //Fire_Smoke_core.eff, 450-600 sec; NEWLY ADDED HERE!
Eff3DActor.New(l, f, string_19_, -1F);  //flaming fuel drops
Eff3DActor eff3dactor = Eff3DActor.New(l, scaleFireFuel, string_21_, f_25_ * 0.85F);  //Boiling2.eff; fire; 450-600 sec * 0.85
if (World.Sun().ToSun.z < 0.05F)
// float scaleLight_1 = MiscEffects.cvt(World.Sun().ToSun.z, -0.25F, 0.05F, 1.0F, 0.5F);
LightPointActor lightpointactor = new LightPointActor(new LightPointWorld(), new Point3d(0.0D, 0.0D, 5.0D));
lightpointactor.light.setColor(1.0F, 0.5F, 0.0F);
lightpointactor.light.setEmit(1.0F * scaleLight, 200F * scaleLight);  //was 1, 150
eff3dactor.draw.lightMap().put("light", lightpointactor);
}else  //if not "Fuel"
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 70)
Eff3DActor.New(l, f, string_19_, -1F);  //exploded bits
Eff3DActor eff3dactor = Eff3DActor.New(l, scaleFire, string_21_, f_25_ * 0.85F);  //Boiling2.eff; fire
if (World.Sun().ToSun.z < 0.05F && TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 20)  //NEW! add light source to bigger house object fire; potentially unwise, as can hit limits !
LightPointActor lightpointactor = new LightPointActor(new LightPointWorld(), new Point3d(0.0D, 0.0D, 5.0D));
lightpointactor.light.setColor(1.0F, 0.5F, 0.0F);
lightpointactor.light.setEmit(1.0F * scaleLight, 175F * scaleLight);
eff3dactor.draw.lightMap().put("light", lightpointactor);
} else  //if of the small size
float f_251_ = rangerandom.nextFloat(280.0F, 450.0F);  //originally 100 to 200 sec duration
Eff3DActor.New(l, f, string_23_, f_251_); //Fire_Smoke.eff, was 5 sec
if (bool)  //if "Fuel" (small, in this case)
// Eff3DActor.New(l, f, string_22_, f_251_); //Fire_Smoke_core.eff; redundant, as effect made invisible for small fuel fire anyway
Eff3DActor.New(l, f, string_19_, -1F);  //flaming fuel drops
Eff3DActor eff3dactor = Eff3DActor.New(l, scaleFireFuel, string_21_, f_251_ * 0.85F);  //Boiling2.eff; fire; 280-450 sec * 0.85
if (World.Sun().ToSun.z < 0.05F)
// float scaleLight_2 = MiscEffects.cvt(World.Sun().ToSun.z, -0.25F, 0.05F, 1.0F, 0.5F);
LightPointActor lightpointactor = new LightPointActor(new LightPointWorld(), new Point3d(0.0D, 0.0D, 2.0D));
lightpointactor.light.setColor(1.0F, 0.5F, 0.0F);
lightpointactor.light.setEmit(1.0F * scaleLight, 100F * scaleLight);
eff3dactor.draw.lightMap().put("light", lightpointactor);
}else  //if not "Fuel"
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 70)
Eff3DActor.New(l, scaleFire, string_21_, f_251_ * 0.85F);  //Boiling2.eff; fire; 70% chance
Eff3DActor.New(l, f, string_19_, -1F);  //exploded bits; always
} else  //if i = 0 or 7, i.e., WoodSmall or Flesh
RangeRandom rangerandom = World.rndPos(l.getX(), l.getY());
float f_252_ = rangerandom.nextFloat(180.0F, 360.0F);  //3 - 6 min; originally 30 to 60 sec duration
if (i == 7)  //if Flesh
f_252_ *= 0.33F;   //make live time last 1/3 as long, or 1.5 - 3 min
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 33)  //make smoke effect occur in 1/3 of instances (in addition to the already 1/3 probability)
Eff3DActor.New(l, f, string_23_, f_252_); //Fire_Smoke.eff ONLY, no fire;  added NEW
} else  //if WoodSmall
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 70)
Eff3DActor.New(l, f, string_23_, f_252_); //Fire_Smoke.eff; smoke; 70% chance
if (TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 70)
Eff3DActor.New(l, scaleFire, string_21_, f_252_ * 0.85F);  //Boiling2.eff; fire; 50% chance; 180-360 sec * 0.85
Eff3DActor.New(l, f, string_19_, -1F);  //exploded bits; always
SfxExplosion.building(loc.getPoint(), i_18_, fs);
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)
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