Hello again guys, this is from a request thread me and Alex (Bison_M) answered, I have decided to move it here just so it is more noticable for those who might have missed the original request and follow up in the link below, I doubt I will do anything further but others might, so maybe this is the best place for it at this time.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,70188.0.htmlEssentially we removed the cockpit it was originally uploaded with and then took as much of the orginal models cockpit mesh work as possible and made it work with a lot of stuff borrowed and tinkered with from other aircraft, along with a touch of mesh altering and dubious painting here was the result.
I just copied an adjusted copy of my last response from that request thread to here to show what was done and include the last link I uploaded
into that thread:
MediaFire link:
Link removed by me on 23rd June 2023, the aircraft has now been moved to the aircraft release thread.https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,71042.0.htmlWe now feel we have gone as far as we can on this, there are still issues such as the steering columns moving away from the holes they are located in
sometimes on auto but also in some instances in manual depending on how you are flying, my java work is dubious at the best of times so hopefully those more proficient might be able to offer a solution later on.
Alex improved the overall look of the instrument panel in ways only he can and got as many of the dials working as he
could, the seatbelt was also removed although the deactivated mesh is still there if you prefer it:
The flaps are working again and just because he could Alex added the lever for them:
Not to be outdone I made and added a trim wheel that hopefully looks something like that in the 172:
And finally, a shot of the instruments working:
Alex informs me the damage model does not work but that is one rabbit hole I am not going down this time, sorry
guys, the aircraft therefore remains as it was and we only looked at doing what we could within the cockpit to try
and answer the request.
That is, it, we are done, thanks very much to Alex for his help it is always appreciated.
The aircraft is already included in my stationary planes mod I think but just for completeness you can find the SSP here in my thread:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,48542.0.htmlTake care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete and Alex.