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Author Topic: RAF T-6 Harvard's?  (Read 993 times)

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RAF T-6 Harvard's?
« on: June 12, 2023, 10:36:25 AM »

Hey all,

Firstly all friends and pilots it's nice to be back after a long period... granted reasons of a personal nature but believe me it's all positive.

The title of this request speaks of itself... the T-6 Harvard with the new 3D has gotten many skins from foreign nations but I'm surprised and saddened that no RAF ones have been made.. as we were one of the main users of the type in the 30's to the early 50's as the primary advanced trainer.

Anyway I hope everyone is well and flying happy!
BlackAce (Eric)
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Re: RAF T-6 Harvard's?
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2023, 02:33:45 AM »

Hi Eric,


3 Skins for Rhodesian Air Training Group, sorta Commonwhealt Air Scheme thing.
Will be a Pack of ~10 Skins later. But my sources are Rhodesia only.
From WW2 until ending up as piles sold to heck knows.
Was a matching 3-D and rich research. Harvard II's only at my side, no Mk.I.

When I have time I'll do these 4 missing here, prominent and depicted Kites

British and Harvards is not a pleasing research field, I dunno if it's lack of sentiment for the Kite,
but the number of pictures is not very helping putting up a Skinpack. Blurry stuff, missing everything.
At Rhodesia it's different, at the ass of the world, they had time to beat and just few Spitfires that stole attention.
I guess, hence a richer documentatation of stuff.

I love Spitfires, don't get me wrong  ;D
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Re: RAF T-6 Harvard's?
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2023, 03:36:39 AM »

Hey Tobi,

I do agree with the lack of research material coming at a cost comparing to other nations that used the Harvard... Your mega skin pack does the type justice incredibly with the amount of work you put into it. Dusting off my Photoshop is a little tedious at the moment as I got so far with my new Spitfire megapack which will be released in the future but again like yourself careful research is the one to play by. Also RL commitments are taking over such as my family, girlfriend and social life but I'm finding the balance to slot IL-2/Skin work into place.

At least with something suitable to find on hand like the 1/72 box which you've found is a good start. The only reason I made the request was due to us at the Kent Battle of Britain Museum actually having a Harvard Mk.I in our exhibition but you can't photograph it due to security reasons and protections of the artefacts in the collection. But hey ho... at least you're aware of the issues mate.

Anyway I hope you're well and not overstressing and making yourself ill...

All the best buddy!

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Re: RAF T-6 Harvard's?
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2023, 05:00:49 AM »

The RAF part is on my list, 3 Skins is a lousy show up, I know.  :P

Yeah, photograph protection for security.
Still, no Bugger, let's do your Kent Museum Harvard. Why not?

The left side you can scratch, due to the cramped up space, no way to access.
So will be guessing game.

I visited their Site, it is at least visible, right hand side of the frame
just need some Info,
Serial (rounded or squared type?, where exactly
Any info on Markings B-Type or C-Type,
Fin Flash
Aircraft Markings next to Serial any?
Underwing Serials? Split up or each on it's Wing?
The basic scheme we can recreate

If you like

Greetings and best wishes

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Re: RAF T-6 Harvard's?
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2023, 06:05:02 AM »

A quick draw, from the stuff I can trace there, left upperside Wing I have no clue,
hence a guess, as well as stabilizers, but the rest seems to be a RAF-ed Pattern,
and stuff that I trace can be linked up.
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Re: RAF T-6 Harvard's?
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2023, 10:29:50 AM »

Yep, as I said Tobi you can just see it tucked in the corner where no cameras can get at her! :))

I'm liking the skin colours already mate, it should give the girl the RAF treatment but I'm just sorry I can't get any pictures of our Harvard for the serial number as well as marking placings.  :-X
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Re: RAF T-6 Harvard's?
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2023, 10:31:07 AM »

On Sunday I can go up and write down the serial and I might get shot for it but I'll sneak a few pictures... so who's to know being a trusted volunteer? ;)
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Re: RAF T-6 Harvard's?
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2023, 02:19:32 PM »

Serial and Aircraft code, left side how and right hand side.
More isn't necessary, as really hard to trace from Visitors position.

Ahh no, don't get caught.

I browsed their Facebook Fotos, Roundels I have,

Roundelsare B type (underwing), Finflash is broad all along the static Rudder. check.
Fuselage Roundel seems B type with yellow ring. check.
Aircraft code Markings I can't decipher. Could need help on colour Sky or Grey?
Both Wing leading edges I have, my overall guess seemed right.

Must rest a bit, or I'm getting arthritis

Nice Museum cat they have, Scramble, nice cat
Sent Mum a pic, now I have to send her all Pics from Scramble.
Best wishes
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Re: RAF T-6 Harvard's?
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2023, 03:15:41 PM »

You like our Scramble eh? Yep she's a little shit at times lol :))

You rest Tobi, you do enough as it is and your work and support for projects is always 110% brother!  ;D

Have a good night and speak in the morning!

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Re: RAF T-6 Harvard's?
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2023, 03:28:26 PM »

Yupp, Thanks Eric,
Have a rest to.
See ya Morning, Ciao

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Re: RAF T-6 Harvard's?
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2023, 07:20:08 AM »

I personally don't get why the RAF Harvard's aren't documented as well compared to the USAAF and other European nations...? :-|
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Re: RAF T-6 Harvard's?
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2023, 12:16:43 PM »

A basic Skin, first setup, paintscheme could need a bit time.
It's crude. There's plenty stuff to do, correct.

The Wings are split, hence it slows at such two tone finishes.


Reworked Wingroots, utterly fiddling stuff...


I preferr v2, as it bypasses the Wingroot mapping issues.
That's a 1 pixel issue, some of our "so called Top-Notch Quality Mods" can't reach that level.
So it's a matter of taste and really complaining on a higher level.

The more I work myself on them, the better I can improve the Template.
Today I did a Flaps Mech Layer, Masking Layer and Paint Layer.
And I must dive into the "Linear Burn, the Layer that is used for 3-D enabling. It needs corrections.
A few I could snatch off, others are still terribly awkward. But that's an issue at such DDS stuff,
where usually the Game Engine does most of the FX. Basicly we need to re-convert this for our Game Engine.
That'll be updated to the public Template as soon as I can.

Best wishes
Wiseman : "Did you speak the exact words?" Ash : "Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah."
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