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Author Topic: Seaplane tutorial  (Read 677 times)

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Seaplane tutorial
« on: July 15, 2023, 10:58:06 PM »

Is there a tutorial or guide on how to take off and land from water with seaplanes in addition to taking off from a ship. I would like to try it.


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Re: Seaplane tutorial
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2023, 07:28:22 AM »

This is a very usefull idea.
With my last seaplane,  but also with my Shiun E15k, CWatson has tested that the Zuiun can land at sea on Sas 412 but not on BAT FP 4.2.1.
We have made a lot of test but the Sim hijacks  the plane on the earth.
The classes and fm are cloned from E13a Jake who lands at sea on BAT.
I have also tested the 3do of Zuiun with FM and classes of Jake and on this way it lands at sea.
So it is a mistery.
Mission bug has also made a lot of tests but no joy.
We need some seaplanes expert to solve the issue.

Best regards.



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Re: Seaplane tutorial
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2023, 07:42:22 AM »

there is always an interaction between the 3d model and FM parameters and classes so even if these are very similar you will always need some fine tuning like in real life.


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Re: Seaplane tutorial
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2023, 08:10:55 AM »

Well, I do fly seaplanes a lot, but I'm not sure that counts as being an 'expert'. But I do think that a short tutorial might be a good idea, as there are some obvious differences. I can do one, but it won't be quick - it probably needs each aircraft to be tested and listed.

I have just successfully landed the Paul twice in BAT, so it can be done, but there are some issues with the flight model:

Firstly, the aircraft sits with quite a pronounced angle of attack on the water - it needs to be adjusted to sit horizontal (c.f the Jake, which is fine).

Secondly, it also climbs a bit too steeply on takeoff (this is true of several of the floatplanes), but is not a big problem as this can be adjusted with elevator trim.

Thirdly, no rudder trim available?



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Re: Seaplane tutorial
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2023, 08:13:56 AM »

This has always been an issue since IL-2 was first released 500 years ago, if memory serves me right.

When I designed UQMG to handle seaplanes, it was a lot of trial and error when I was designing the mission scripts.

For AI, wide rivers/lakes and sea is always better, but the landing was always hard to predict.  In some versions and MOD packs the engines cut out and they glide to the water, but there is always the chance of the plane running into the coast and crashing in some form, or landing on the dirt/pavement.  There is no AI logic in the IL-2 engine to make the planes land on water (edit:  I mean, something that inherently makes the seaplane look for a body of water... it just lands wherever... that is why a landing point somewhere far enough from the coast is best.)

The only exception are landing strips incorporated in the maps which are pseudo runways in the water... those you can use to land the seaplanes in controlled order.  Another option is to have an invisible "carrier/landing strip" on the water.  Have not tried in a while but I believe it works.

Hope this helps.
Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)


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Re: Seaplane tutorial
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2023, 09:09:29 AM »

The issue on landing at sea that I am reporting about happens on AI mode .

Best regards.


Wing Walker

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Re: Seaplane tutorial
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2023, 11:52:11 AM »

Is there a tutorial or guide on how to take off and land from water with seaplanes in addition to taking off from a ship. I would like to try it.
I think you need to define what parts you are having trouble with.

If you are flying yourself, take off works pretty easy, just smooth acceleration until you can lift off, pointed in a direction with enough distance of water to get up to speed.

You can land anywhere, you just want a lot of water infront of you to totally slow down to a stop, you will still bobble up and down though, but it will count as a landing.

For AI, I've used the pre-placed sea plane bases or runway icons in the water with no problem having AI's land a Catalina, they did it better than me too.

If you are wanting to know how to take off from a Carrier, I can type out a check list, or you can hit auto Pilot and watch what the AI does and make a check list.


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Re: Seaplane tutorial
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2023, 12:23:40 PM »


Try this:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/q86r7vm6ft5ubqg/SeaplaneTakeoffLand.zip/file

I created this mission with the following scenarios (you can switch which one you fly in FMB):
* 4x Aichi E13A1B:  Taxi from Generic spawn point, assemble with patrol, attack carrier, land at random point in water.

* 4x Yokosuka E14Y:  Takeoff in line (pairs do not work for more than 2 planes) from water, assemble with patrol, attack carrier, land at random point in water.

* 4x Kawanishi E15K:  Normal takeoff from Map-based seabase (pairs do not work for single TO/LND point seabases); note that the takeoff direction in the map point is not too-well planned because they turn towards land almost hitting coast; probably placed there for controlled landing only.  Planes takeoff, assemble with patrol, attack carrier, land at seabase and park in default spawn points (map-based).

* 4x Kawanishi E7K2:  Default takeoff placed on water.  Placed an invisible runway nearby, but you can't takeoff from it (using target option).  Planes takeoff, assemble, attack carrier, and use invisible runway to land nearby (with target).  (Player Plane)

NOTE:  If there is a map seaplane base close by, seplanes will try to use it if there is no "target" (Carrier or user-made landing strip).
Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)


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Re: Seaplane tutorial
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2023, 02:21:55 PM »

If you read up old Posts about Seaplane creations there's always sth.
that may occure. As one forespeaker said 3-D, FM, but also collisionmesh
and sometimes the Game making mess.
There's no guarantee everythings OKayish.
Sometimes it even happens to reknown old Stock formerly AI converted to Player flyable aka
Catalina. Flown this thing many times, in many different ModPacks, some have a such
bitchy FM, maybe historical in flying state, but at takeoff being a glass Cessna riding the waves.
If it crosses (tiny) waves or catching up speed (not supersonic) it's Wing swimmers snap off. Cool effect, but retarded.
Dunno where that was recorded in Catalina Literature, it's new to me too, but really annoying.
Particularly if you read up under which conditions PBYs operated, rescued, landed and didn't had a scratch.
BTW. I never caught waterconditions under which PBYs actually aborted R/L as being too risky in our Game,

On contrary if you fly the Jap Zero or Shiden Float, it's too obvious they have a dedicated allover
3-D, Collisionbox, FM balanced out and acting like a R/L Catalina should be.
With fantasy they act as Catalina substitutes.
I can land them severly shot down, at higher Speeds, aoa's, where the Cats Swimmers snap off.
Funny isn't it.

That's how things work, first find the better Seaplanes, learn handling, it's easier
than going straight towards the bitchy Beasts. You may need a certain level of experience
handling Seaplanes at some of the Models. Just a guess.

Difference to Land, your rundown is longer, some things are different, Taxy etc.
But it's fairly no academic level of study. Go straight ahead.
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Re: Seaplane tutorial
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2023, 02:50:21 PM »

Just to mention, some flying boats are better to land with flaps retracted.
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