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Author Topic: Can't Control Jets  (Read 373 times)

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Wing Walker

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Can't Control Jets
« on: July 30, 2023, 02:21:11 PM »

Seems no matter what I do I can't get good control of jets.  Not really a problem at all in WAW.

Its mostly with aileron control.

Jets like the F-14 or F-16 will just "float around" past where I am moving the stick.

If I try to do a turn left, roll 90 degrees and turn, the plane will just keep rolling past where I stopped the stick. Depending how fast I roll it will even spin full circle with me being upright again.

I have to stick left then back right to stop the roll, so it is hard to go the exact direction I intend to go and and bobbing all around.

Very hard to line up a gun attack on an aircraft. 

I've tried adjusting everything under controls, accept mouse speed, and its either too much movement or too little.

Elevators are a little jerky, but work like I'm used to in WAW. 

Not sure if this is all just me missing something or how the jets actually work in BAT.


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Re: Can't Control Jets
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2023, 02:24:25 AM »

The idea is to counter the turn by pulling the stick opposite to stop the roll or turn, I had this issue when first flying the F-14? I crashed numerous times trying to get the balance but it actually adds to how heavy she is as the F-16 is also.

It's a case of practice and adapting yourself to the FM of the mod. I'd been flying IL-2 for decades since it came out but only really started modding in 2014 and it hit me like a tonne of bricks too. Again it's how you adapt your flying characteristics and learning to be more gentle with certain aircraft..

As you said it's how the modern jets work in BAT, others have similar or same FM's as WAW.. you fly jets like the Hunter and Attacker and they feel like the He-162 and Me-262 but altered slightly to how they should feel.

All the best mate,
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Re: Can't Control Jets
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2023, 04:11:32 AM »

I remember when back in the days I created a simple "fly by wire" implementation for the F-18 in IL-2.
The simple idea was to somewhat "stabilize" the jet on certain inputs (or the lack thereof), i.e. make sure the jet keeps flying straight towards the current direction if you leave the stick untouched, and make sure it just rolls and does not pitch or yaw when you just give aileron input only.
Same with the throttle where there was a 50% +/- 5% "detent" which essentially meant "keep IAS".
All of that worked pretty well.
Unfortunately, it got developed "further" and carried over to other jets, and the next time I looked at it, everything was one big mess.
That's when I decided not to follow any further developments of this part of code anymore.

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Re: Can't Control Jets
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2023, 01:20:06 PM »

Interesting observations.
I just recently started to fly "modern" (past 1950s) jets in BAT on a regular basis.
Didn't have many issues with the F-16 so far - at subsonic speeds and without tight turns. No dogfighting, just shooting AGM munitions.
Su-24 is cool (alas, the cockpit is "borrowed"...). Su-25 does what she has to, hugging the ground and blasting armoured columns. MiG-27 is OK for a straight flight, the landing is a challenge for me.
My main problem with those jets is to remember what key I designated for the brake chute - just before the touchdown.  o_O
Joystick is T.Flight Hotas X. Input controls settings are default...probably, I didn't touch them for years.

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