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Author Topic: P-47D Alt 50cal Ammo 50K and M2 Fire Different  (Read 2612 times)

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TTC Redfield

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Re: P-47D Alt 50cal Ammo 50K and M2 Fire Different
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2023, 04:04:55 PM »

Affectively Mike, titanium planes are not legion  ]cheers[
Impossible n'est pas français !


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Re: P-47D Alt 50cal Ammo 50K and M2 Fire Different
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2023, 10:06:30 PM »

As I delve deeper into adding new effects, I always find myself wishing that weapon classes had more properties that would allow to apply more differentiation.

For instance, the explosion types are but three; shrapnel, blast pressure and napalm. I wish we could have has at least incendiary and perhaps phosphorous; these two additions would make assignment of effects so easy compared to the current idiotic need to separate them out based on one or both of power and radius values for the explosive damage effect.

And our bullet hit flash effects also must be tied to the power value, which unfortunately involves other effects such as dust/water splash. A property that specifies hit flash intensity would offer so much more scope.
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)

Wing Walker

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Re: P-47D Alt 50cal Ammo 50K and M2 Fire Different
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2023, 04:05:09 PM »

Hey, thanks for the replies...

The "BrowningM2" ammo is just cheesy and not realistic.

I forgot to mention that the sound for the "Browning M2" is also messed up.  Totally different from the standard load out, actually sounds like some cheap sound effect from the 90's.

Looking at my B.A.T. 4.0 STOCK MGunBrowning50s.class (upon which many child classes are based), I see that a belting sequence of 4 rounds is defined.

That sounds like where the problem would be, what does it say for the "Browning M2" ammo/tracers?

In game shows all 8 tracers at once, and they are fat with low detail.  The impact is also all 8 rounds at once.  So it is actually functioning as if it fires all 8.

I think this Browning M2 ammo is only in the P-47D's loadouts.

Is there anyway to revert it back to the tracers, impact and sound of the standard loadout of "50K" ammo?  That one is realistic visually and functionally.

Perhaps this topic can provide you with some answers on ossilation

I'm aware of the P-47's wiggling problem when changed to the bubble top but with no tail fin, that is why I mentioned it.  The M2 ammo is firing all 8 barrels at the same time, all 8 barrels impact the water at the same time, though you still have the side to side wiggling as if the barrels are not firing at the same time.

Though I think the degree of wiggling is a bit extreme to of been tolerated through several models of P-47D's in real life.



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Re: P-47D Alt 50cal Ammo 50K and M2 Fire Different
« Reply #15 on: October 14, 2023, 01:11:37 AM »

As for the M2 tracers yep, someone didn't really think to the very end when creating the M2 class.
It's a Java fix that is needed here, pretty easy, but even the easy tasks need to be slotted for implementation and testing ;)

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Re: P-47D Alt 50cal Ammo 50K and M2 Fire Different
« Reply #16 on: October 14, 2023, 03:06:50 AM »

The random belt position start mod has been around a while, and it addresses the visual silliness of all guns popping out tracers in perfect unison.
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)

Wing Walker

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Re: P-47D Alt 50cal Ammo 50K and M2 Fire Different
« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2023, 01:39:57 PM »

I feel like there should be an ammo selection in the loadouts.

The P-47D's and the FM-2's are the only two that I've noticed that have them, though I think some German ones do also.

As far as I've seen the FM-2 is the only one that says "50APIT" or whatever it says, when you select it, but you have to take napalm with the loadout.

I know the P-47M was specifically modified to fight jets, and carried a special ammo designed to set jets on fire.

Though when I've played around with the different ammo's of the U.S. aircraft I didn't notice too much of a difference in lethality or damage.


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Re: P-47D Alt 50cal Ammo 50K and M2 Fire Different
« Reply #18 on: October 14, 2023, 03:00:01 PM »

I haven't looked very deep into the matter at all, but a cursory search doesn't reveal a specific means by which AP or API ammo is to be handled differently than ball ammo. Below is the code in MGunBrowning50APIT.class. The properties of any relevance are power, powerType, PowerRadius, speed (m/s) and massa (kg). (I think kalibr is used to calculate atmospheric drag, principally.)

Compared to the basic BrowningM2, the projectiles here are a little lighter, have a slightly faster muzzle velocity, share pretty much the same power values, share the same powerType of zero, and share the same powerRadius of zero, except here one round of the four has a value of 0.15m (along with the smallest power value, both of which are highlighted).

Code: [Select]
public class MGunBrowning50APIT extends MGunAircraftGeneric

    public MGunBrowning50APIT()

    public GunProperties createProperties()
        GunProperties gunproperties = super.createProperties();
        gunproperties.bCannon = false;
        gunproperties.bUseHookAsRel = true;
        gunproperties.fireMesh = "3DO/Effects/GunFire/12mm/mono.sim";
        gunproperties.fire = null;
        gunproperties.sprite = "3DO/Effects/GunFire/12mm/GunFlare.eff";
        gunproperties.smoke = "effects/smokes/MachineGun.eff";
        gunproperties.shells = "3DO/Effects/GunShells/GunShells.eff";
        gunproperties.sound = "weapon.MGunBrowning50s";
        gunproperties.emitColor = new Color3f(0.6F, 0.4F, 0.2F);
        gunproperties.emitI = 2.5F;
        gunproperties.emitR = 1.5F;
        gunproperties.emitTime = 0.03F;
        gunproperties.aimMinDist = 10F;
        gunproperties.aimMaxDist = 1000F;
        gunproperties.weaponType = -1;
        gunproperties.maxDeltaAngle = 0.229F;
        gunproperties.shotFreq = 12.5F;
        gunproperties.traceFreq = 1;
        gunproperties.bullets = 500;
        gunproperties.bulletsCluster = 1;
        gunproperties.bullet = (new BulletProperties[] {
            new BulletProperties(), new BulletProperties(), new BulletProperties(), new BulletProperties(), new BulletProperties()
        gunproperties.bullet[0].massa = 0.043F;
        gunproperties.bullet[0].kalibr = 0.0001209675F;
        gunproperties.bullet[0].speed = 890F;
        gunproperties.bullet[0].power = 0.002F;
        gunproperties.bullet[0].powerType = 0;
        gunproperties.bullet[0].powerRadius = 0.0F;
        gunproperties.bullet[0].traceMesh = "3do/effects/tracers/20mmRed/mono.sim";
        gunproperties.bullet[0].traceTrail = "Effects/Smokes/SmokeBlack_BuletteTrail.eff";
        gunproperties.bullet[0].traceColor = 0xf42b20ff;
        gunproperties.bullet[0].timeLife = 6.5F;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].massa = 0.043F;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].kalibr = 0.0001105062F;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].speed = 890F;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].power = 0.002F;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].powerType = 0;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].powerRadius = 0.0F;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].traceMesh = null;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].traceTrail = null;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].traceColor = 0;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].timeLife = 6.52F;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].massa = 0.043F;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].kalibr = 0.0001105062F;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].speed = 890F;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].power = 0.0009768F;  //--------------
        gunproperties.bullet[2].powerType = 0;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].powerRadius = 0.15F;  //--------------
        gunproperties.bullet[2].traceMesh = null;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].traceTrail = null;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].traceColor = 0;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].timeLife = 6.5F;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].massa = 0.043F;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].kalibr = 0.0001105062F;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].speed = 890F;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].power = 0.002F;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].powerType = 0;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].powerRadius = 0.0F;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].traceMesh = null;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].traceTrail = null;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].traceColor = 0;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].timeLife = 6.25F;
        return gunproperties;
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: P-47D Alt 50cal Ammo 50K and M2 Fire Different
« Reply #19 on: October 15, 2023, 12:36:22 AM »

Lots of guesswork, opinions, estimations and anecdotal stuff here gents, very little evidence, research or heuristical approaches I can spot to be honest.
Let me suggest to do your homework properly before you touch anything.
It simply doesn't make sense to try to fix something unless you know for sure how it should be for real.

Thanks for your attention.

Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.

Wing Walker

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Re: P-47D Alt 50cal Ammo 50K and M2 Fire Different
« Reply #20 on: October 15, 2023, 08:26:00 AM »

It simply doesn't make sense to try to fix something unless you know for sure how it should be for real.

You mean in real life statistics of the real life ammo, or changing the functions of the game?

Actually, I haven't seen anything say what exactly the "Browning M2" is supposed to be as far as an ammo type?  Does anyone know this?

The "Browning M2" load out is most defiantly messed up, visually, functionally, and audibly.  There really is no reason it should be any different from any other 50cal ammo in the game, other than how the damage works (depending on what it is supposed to be).




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Re: P-47D Alt 50cal Ammo 50K and M2 Fire Different
« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2023, 09:24:57 AM »


Code: [Select]
package com.maddox.il2.ai;

public class WeaponTypes

    public WeaponTypes()

    public static final int BULLET_LIGHT = 1;
    public static final int BULLET_HEAVY = 2;
    public static final int SHELL = 4;
    public static final int ROCKET = 8;
    public static final int BOMB = 16;
    public static final int NONE = 0;
    public static final int ALL = -1;
    public static final int ALL_EXCEPT_LIGHT = -2;

The Browning50 weapon classes set the weaponType property to -1, which according to the equivalents laid out above means "ALL". I wonder if this is a means of imparting more damage than just from the kinetic energy of impact? Am I even on the right track?  ;)

I note that among the gun classes there are some having the weaponType property set to 3. Examples include the MG151 20mm cannons. This value is not defined in WeaponTypes.class.
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: P-47D Alt 50cal Ammo 50K and M2 Fire Different
« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2023, 11:10:13 AM »

The Browning50 weapon classes set the weaponType property to -1
...and the game doesn't use that property ;)

I haven't seen anything say what exactly the "Browning M2" is supposed to be as far as an ammo type
Okay, so you don't know what an M2 is like in real life.
Which isn't a problem. It just means you should do some research first because if you think something is wrong and want it to get changed, the least a modder would expect you to be able to was to tell and give evidence how it should be for real.

The "Browning M2" load out is most defiantly messed up, visually, functionally, and audibly.
How come you think you could tell whether it's "messed up" or not if you don't know what it has to be like?

There really is no reason it should be any different from any other 50cal ammo in the game
...because of what?

other than how the damage works
Should it be different now or not?
Your statements are contradictory.
Why should the damage be different, how should it be different, why should other properties not be different, where's the evidence?

depending on what it is supposed to be
...which is what?
Mind you, investigation and research is your part of the deal when you complain about an alleged misbehaviour of the game.

Don't split your mentality without thinking twice.


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Re: P-47D Alt 50cal Ammo 50K and M2 Fire Different
« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2023, 11:23:21 AM »

In my assembly of mods I made the Browning-50 class like this:
Code: [Select]
package com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons;

import com.maddox.JGP.Color3f;
import com.maddox.il2.engine.BulletProperties;
import com.maddox.il2.engine.GunProperties;
import com.maddox.il2.engine.*;

// Referenced classes of package com.maddox.il2.objects.weapons:
//            MGunAircraftGeneric

public class MGunBrowning50APITs extends MGunAircraftGeneric

    public MGunBrowning50APITs()

    public GunProperties createProperties()
        GunProperties gunproperties = super.createProperties();
        gunproperties.bCannon = false;
        gunproperties.bUseHookAsRel = true;
        gunproperties.fireMesh = "3DO/Effects/GunFire/12mm/mono.sim";
        gunproperties.fire = null;
        gunproperties.sprite = "3DO/Effects/GunFire/12mm/GunFlare.eff";
        gunproperties.smoke = null;
        gunproperties.shells = "3DO/Effects/GunShells/GunShells.eff";
        gunproperties.sound = "weapon.MGunBrowning50s";
        gunproperties.emitColor = new Color3f(0.6F, 0.4F, 0.2F);
        gunproperties.emitI = 10F;
        gunproperties.emitR = 3F;
        gunproperties.emitTime = 0.03F;
        gunproperties.aimMinDist = 10F;
        gunproperties.aimMaxDist = 1000F;
        gunproperties.weaponType = -1;
        gunproperties.maxDeltaAngle = 0.229F;
        gunproperties.shotFreq = 10.83333F;
        gunproperties.traceFreq = 1;
        gunproperties.bullets = 400;
        gunproperties.bulletsCluster = 2;
        gunproperties.bullet = (new BulletProperties[] {
            new BulletProperties(), new BulletProperties(), new BulletProperties(), new BulletProperties()
        gunproperties.bullet[0].massa = 0.04206F;
        gunproperties.bullet[0].kalibr = 0.00013F;
        gunproperties.bullet[0].speed = 888F;
        gunproperties.bullet[0].power = 0.00323F;
        gunproperties.bullet[0].powerType = 2;
        gunproperties.bullet[0].powerRadius = 0.0F;
        gunproperties.bullet[0].traceMesh = "3do/effects/tracers/20mmRed/mono.sim";
        gunproperties.bullet[0].traceTrail = "Effects/Smokes/SmokeBlack_BuletteTrail.eff";
        gunproperties.bullet[0].traceColor = 0xf90000ff;
        gunproperties.bullet[0].timeLife = 3F;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].massa = 0.04653F;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].kalibr = 0.0001209675F;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].speed = 885F;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].power = 0.0035662F;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].powerType = 0;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].powerRadius = 0.0F;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].traceMesh = null;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].traceTrail = "Effects/Smokes/SmokeBlack_BuletteTrail.eff";
        gunproperties.bullet[1].traceColor = 0;
        gunproperties.bullet[1].timeLife = 3F;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].massa = 0.04679F;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].kalibr = 0.0001258062F;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].speed = 858F;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].power = 0.003477F;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].powerType = 0;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].powerRadius = 0.0F;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].traceMesh = null;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].traceTrail = "Effects/Smokes/SmokeBlack_BuletteTrail.eff";
        gunproperties.bullet[2].traceColor = 0;
        gunproperties.bullet[2].timeLife = 3F;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].massa = 0.04102F;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].kalibr = 0.0001209675F;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].speed = 901F;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].power = 0.0032F;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].powerType = 2;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].powerRadius = 0.0F;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].traceMesh = null;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].traceTrail = "Effects/Smokes/SmokeBlack_BuletteTrail.eff";
        gunproperties.bullet[3].traceColor = 0;
        gunproperties.bullet[3].timeLife = 3F;
        return gunproperties;
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