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Author Topic: Thorneycroft Amazon Tractor unit.  (Read 2864 times)

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Thorneycroft Amazon Tractor unit.
« on: December 01, 2023, 10:57:08 AM »

Hello guys, this is a little side project from the Thorneycroft Coles crane build that lingered on the hard drive for
far too long but here it is for those who might be interested in using it in IL-2. ;)

These vehicles were used primarily by the oil industry for hauling pipes in the Middle East but could also be found in a few
bespoke versions in civilian life using standard trailers for cargo and fluids. My version is just the RAF Amazon adapted with
a third wheel to represent each of the various tractor units that were made rather than try to make each different type of
They ship here in the same format that the earlier crane configuration did with summer, desert and winter folders that have
full lods, shadows and damage model as before.  It uses an added mesh to represent the changes seen on one particular
Amazon to represent any and all types made and using what available photographic information allowed.
I have no information as to wheter or not the British militry used these tractor units or not, it might be possible some were
aquired from civilian service for the military during WWII but I have nothing to indicate whether or not that happened. There
is an image posted amongst other Thorneycroft types on the Internet that shows a scale model of one of these tractor units
towing a Scammel tank transporter trailer but it might just have been a what-if by the modeller.



W.I.P thread, all download links removed and added into the release thread for each version:


I have broken the upload/download into sections so you can add what you wish without downloading everything in one:

Mediafire link for moving vehicle:


Just the vehicles used as objects:

Mediafire link:


To allow the static objects in the Thorneycroft pack to show in your game you will need to use the files uploaded at SAS by Andrew
(Greif11), they allow an object to be assembled with many meshes using a hier.him, this is a work around to avoid using just a single
mesh up to 3000 Polygon.

Link from Andrew (Greif11) for three class files to allow the use of a hier to assemble static objects:


Not necessary for just the moving vehicle as that is constructed as any other vehicle in the sim just with more parts. :D

Here again are all templates for the earlier version with the added mapping for the additions to this chassis:

Mediafire link:


New texture for the wheels provided by Rogerroger at SAS.

Driver, is not my 3d model and is from another mod release at SAS.

You should just be able to integrate the folders by copy/paste as I named them the same if you want all the vehicles and
objects together in one folder. Just add the necessary text entries in the readme files to each file necessary to make these

Follow path IL-2 Sturmovik 1946/#SAS/STD/com/maddox/il2/objects/


There is no trailer available at the moment so you will need to find something suitable to add from your own objects
packs until I find time to make something relevant to the information I have but at the moment the Bedford unit
and Queen Mary trailer take precedence, sorry.  :(

Wishing you all the very best, Pete.  November 2023.



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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon Tractor unit.
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2023, 11:02:08 AM »

Thanks Mission Bug, I've been following your work on this for years. Looks amazing!
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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon Tractor unit.
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2023, 11:10:50 AM »

Yeah, cool, turned out they are Beauties.
Well done, Thanks for your work

Wishing you all the best
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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon Tractor unit.
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2023, 12:13:19 PM »

Glad you like it guys, it had been hanging around for ages and I just had to finish it, one of those itches you just need to scratch shall we say. so there it is. ;)

Maybe one day I will find the time to do a trailer for it but don't hold your breath waiting, that might have to be a project for someone else. :D

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon Tractor unit.
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2023, 03:02:26 PM »

Great work mate,

Really well put together, as a 3d guy I can see the time and effort you put into this one,
Many thanks,

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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon Tractor unit.
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2023, 03:56:41 PM »

 ;D   Here is an absolutely precious pearl!
Great work of perfectionism. A job capable of giving emotions and joy. An advance from Santa Claus.



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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon Tractor unit.
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2023, 07:31:32 AM »

Thank you very much for the kind words guys, really appreciated, glad you like the models. 8)

I did think of going down the rabbit hole of making a few different versions of this taking the photographs as inspiration but there would have been far too many different varieties of tyre fit and multiple fuel tank options not to mention cab alterations to make them, in the end I just opted for keeping things simple and settled for a small modification of what I had already built so far. The original intention was also to make a civil paint scheme and slot available for users of both this and the crane combination but that is still in the pending tray as first I want to get the Bedford and Queen Mary made.  ;)

The templates are there if any of you want to make some civil paint schemes, if so I can also make further slots to accomodate such work for those who might want to undertake it.

I have been trying out a Blender tutorial lately so out of idle curiosity experimented with putting the model in there and it seems it can be done, how to retexture it is another question, there must be a way to reapply the original textures but that is for another day. :D

This was opened up in Meshconverter from the hier and saved as an obj file, maybe it can be exported into something else other than IL-2. :D

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D



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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon Tractor unit.
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2023, 10:24:41 AM »

Thank you very much for your work, Pete 8), both Thorneycroft Amazon and Bedford OXC are examples of patience, accuracy and not giving up when something doesn't work out, we learned about it from your reports in the WIP section, so I admire your work and appreciate it very much.

Best Regards,


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon Tractor unit.
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2023, 12:17:54 PM »

Hello Piotrek1, I appreciate your comments and kind words, thank you very much. 8)

My hope of posting the ongoing work is/was to hopefully allow you all to see these models as they were built and hopefully gain something from anything I mess up so if you guys find them informative and interesting to follow then that makes me really happy. ;)

The Bedford OXC will I think be less detailed than the Thorneycroft as it is in effect a smaller and simpler vehicle when compared to its partner in this project and the more difficult areas of the chassis are now behind me so hopefully it might now progress a little quicker. Once I released the WIP of the Bedford I took the the opportunity to finish this side line project so now it is done I can hopefully focus on what remains of the original vehicle set.
I has taken me a week to actually upload these, that did give me a chance to correct a few things such as glare on the third wheel but it was a distraction I could have done without as I just wanted to get this released so I could focus on the rest, anyway, after submitting error reports and such I sorted the issue by using another browser, WTF. :o o_O :D

Anyway, they are out there now so all is good and onward I go. :angel:

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. ;D


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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon Tractor unit.
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2023, 03:37:10 PM »

Maybe one day Pete?

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Flying H

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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon Tractor unit.
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2023, 04:10:21 PM »

Great to see the truck in game, waiting for your QM trailer, when you get to work on it I will look at your work and try to help you out with details that might give you headaces. I really like to put my knowledge to use if I can.
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Re: Thorneycroft Amazon Tractor unit.
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2023, 04:32:28 PM »

Maybe one day Pete?

You never know genXgamer but it will have to go to the back of my queue.  :D

I think there is a chassis and cab in sim but not with the rear twin axle, it might be a good project for someone new to 3d in that they could combine existing parts with a new tanker load body in the same way I updated my model to add the tractor unit, who knows, maybe. ;)

Great to see the truck in game, waiting for your QM trailer, when you get to work on it I will look at your work and try to help you out with details that might give you headaces. I really like to put my knowledge to use if I can.

Thank you very much for that Flying H, really appreciated. 8)

When the Bedford cab is completed that itself could lead to many variants of that chassis, I used to have an Airfix model book years ago that showed many different types of conversion to the then Airfix vehicle range and in the same way this could/might happen here eventually, it is a shame I no longer have that book it had loads of technical views to help with those conversions and I even tackled some of them at the time and so here we are many years later essentially doing the same process in 3d instead of plastic. :o

I have actually moved back to the Bedford tonight and started to make the mirrors, I was going to use the Thorneycroft ones but eventually decided to build a new set more in keeping with the rounded shape:

Take care and be safe.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete.  ;D

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