Hello guys, this is a little side project from the Thorneycroft Coles crane build that lingered on the hard drive for
far too long but here it is for those who might be interested in using it in IL-2.

These vehicles were used primarily by the oil industry for hauling pipes in the Middle East but could also be found in a few
bespoke versions in civilian life using standard trailers for cargo and fluids. My version is just the RAF Amazon adapted with
a third wheel to represent each of the various tractor units that were made rather than try to make each different type of
They ship here in the same format that the earlier crane configuration did with summer, desert and winter folders that have
full lods, shadows and damage model as before. It uses an added mesh to represent the changes seen on one particular
Amazon to represent any and all types made and using what available photographic information allowed.
I have no information as to wheter or not the British militry used these tractor units or not, it might be possible some were
aquired from civilian service for the military during WWII but I have nothing to indicate whether or not that happened. There
is an image posted amongst other Thorneycroft types on the Internet that shows a scale model of one of these tractor units
towing a Scammel tank transporter trailer but it might just have been a what-if by the modeller.



W.I.P thread, all download links removed and added into the release thread for each version:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,62807.0.htmlI have broken the upload/download into sections so you can add what you wish without downloading everything in one:
Mediafire link for moving vehicle:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/pst0xjr1qwd4f6e/Thorneycroft+tractor+unit+for+IL_2+RC+30th+Nov.7z/fileJust the vehicles used as objects:
Mediafire link:
To allow the static objects in the Thorneycroft pack to show in your game you will need to use the files uploaded at SAS by Andrew
(Greif11), they allow an object to be assembled with many meshes using a hier.him, this is a work around to avoid using just a single
mesh up to 3000 Polygon.Link from Andrew (Greif11) for three class files to allow the use of a hier to assemble static objects:
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,57217.msg634919.html#msg634919Not necessary for just the moving vehicle as that is constructed as any other vehicle in the sim just with more parts.

Here again are all templates for the earlier version with the added mapping for the additions to this chassis:
Mediafire link:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/pglk103posbw5p2/Thorneycroft++tractor+unit++templates.7z/fileNew texture for the wheels provided by Rogerroger at SAS.
Driver, is not my 3d model and is from another mod release at SAS.
You should just be able to integrate the folders by copy/paste as I named them the same if you want all the vehicles and
objects together in one folder. Just add the necessary text entries in the readme files to each file necessary to make these
Follow path IL-2 Sturmovik 1946/#SAS/STD/com/maddox/il2/objects/

There is no trailer available at the moment so you will need to find something suitable to add from your own objects
packs until I find time to make something relevant to the information I have but at the moment the Bedford unit
and Queen Mary trailer take precedence, sorry.

Wishing you all the very best, Pete. November 2023.