Hello genXgamer, I had a message from Dimon this morning indicating that stanislao had a crash at 70%, so a question, did stanislao send you the link and was it okay for you?
As for further tinkering, please ask Dimon, it is his project afterall.
For colour changes you should be able to set yourself up with the usual summer, desert and winter folders and something like Gimp should allow you to replace the existing colours of the TGA files, for the Thorneycroft I had just the original folder set in the java I think and just renamed the second and third folders as Desert and Winter then added extra details in the technics file as far as I remember, I do not recall writing anything in the java as the sim is already set to accept the usual summer, winter and desert folders, just check how I set up the Thorneycroft if you have it. For the Far East CBI works for the aircraft, not sure about the vehicles. Sorry to say I have too little time with my two existing projects at the moment due to the chronic pain I endure so I am not going down the rabbit hole with this, you guys will have to tinker yourselves.

Dimon mentioned something about renaming the driver textures or something to make them dissapear in the stationary models, I have not tried and left mine as they were, I also tried them in BAT #WAW3 with no issues using the same files and entries I sent to stanislao.

Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.